Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3239: crazy?

"You old guy is really anxious."

Shen Wang laughed a lot, and threw a storage bag over.

Inside are some of the lots that Qin Shaofeng and Old Ghost Chen Xing took but couldn't afford to pay.

Old Ghost Chen Xing took out the three necessary medicinal materials for alchemy before handing them the storage bag to Qin Shaofeng.

"Qin Shaofeng, although these things of yours were photographed in the name of the Star Chasing Gate, when the account is repaid, our Seven Star Gate will also help you repay one billion." Chen Xing offered Qin Shaofeng's debts.

They are all smart people.

Qin Shaofeng did participate in the auction in the name of Starchaser.

But he couldn't really sit and watch, otherwise, if Qin Shaofeng speaks, it won't be just a billion.

"For the sake of your bidding for those three lots, one billion is one billion."

Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes uncomfortably, rummaged in his storage bag, and threw the jade slip that had the ability to resist the peak powerhouse of a holy star to the old ghost.

"What do you mean by giving this thing to the old man?" Chen Xing asked in astonishment.

Both Shen Wang and Shen Lian's eyes widened.

They all knew Chen Xing's true cultivation base.

Although it is not the kind of invincible in the world, it is also a top-notch master in the land of shining stars.

Even when they sent things out, they never thought that it might be taken away by the old ghost Chenxing.

This move immediately made them stunned.

"Your cultivation base is high enough, and when it is time to save your life, you also need to save your life.

Qin Shaofeng was still looking for something, and said without even turning his head: "Don't tell me that you have the same defensive thing on your body. If you leave me behind, although it can play a big role, it's better. It is better for you to save your life when necessary."

After saying this, he had already transferred all the things that he had photographed specifically for himself into the space ring.

Immediately, he threw the storage bag with other things to Lu Tianxing.

"Anyway, the powerhouse of our star chasing gate will go to the star chasing gate. Although only a few of us know about the things I gave you, there is no guarantee that no one will fight for it. After leaving the Tianji Building, you will go directly with me. Make a trip to the Seven-Star Gate, and when you meet the sect master, hand in these things and let the sect master look at the arrangement." Qin Shaofeng ordered.

"these things?"

But Lu Tianxing personally participated in the auction.

Although because of Qin Shaofeng's strong shot, he didn't bid for anything at the auction.

But he was very clear about what Qin Shaofeng had bid for.

Except for those treasures of heaven and earth that have improved their physical level, they are all top offensive and defensive treasures.

Anything, the price will not be less than 200 million Yaoxing coins.

In his opinion, Qin Shaofeng's ability to give one or two items is already a great relief.

But didn't think he would poke a sentence of these.

These ones?

Is it a lot of things?

Subconsciously glanced at the six treasures in it, almost making him stare out.

So many?

"These seem to be everything except Quebaiguiyexingtu and Jiyue Yinyi?" Lu Tianxing asked doubtfully.

"Hyakki Yexingtu and Jiyue Yinyi are still useful to me. When the time comes, the master will keep most of these things, and the remaining useless things will be divided."

Qin Shaofeng gave an order, but then shook his head and waved his hand: "You just need to remember. When I meet the master again, I will naturally tell him specifically. Maybe after returning to the Seven Star Gate, I will meet directly."

Lu Tianxing smiled faintly, thinking about it, it seems the same.

The sect master has always been stuck on the edge of breakthrough over the years. Knowing that the retreat is invalid, he has already begun to do everything by himself, trying to find breakthrough opportunities in life and adventure.

This time the Qixingmen chaos, the chances that he will come in person will be extremely great.

"Senior Shen, after our affairs in the Seven Star Gate are over, I will ask the Master Chenxing and the Lord Ximen to send someone to bring the money." Qin Shaofeng said with a fist.

His words are equivalent to saying goodbye.

Shen Wang smiled and nodded immediately, and said, "Don’t worry, don’t worry, you two great forces have already offended the Four Elephant Sects. If necessary, just let someone pass a word. The old man will let people get the money, even if The old man sent out was only a person with no cultivation base, and the people of the Four Elephant Sect did not dare to move lightly."

"So, I would like to thank Senior Shen."

Qin Shaofeng bowed again, but he was too late to say goodbye, and continued: "If there can be treasures such as forging in this branch of the senior, I hope that the senior can stay here. As much as you can, the more is better. "

"How many medicinal materials do you need?"

The first time Shen Wang saw him, he had already seen how strong Qin Shaofeng's physical body had reached.

Although Qin Shaofeng possessed Luo Tian's hidden cultivation base.

But he can also roughly understand that Qin Shaofeng's martial arts cultivation base should not exceed the fifth-order respect.

Looking at the things he specially bid for from the auction, he was already very puzzled.

Now that Qin Shaofeng made such a request again, his eyes suddenly widened.

"I don't know exactly how much I need. The more is better, especially the highest level of heaven and earth treasures. Naturally, it is even more necessary. For the time being, I will improve my body cultivation to the peak of the holy star position." Qin Shaofeng calmly. Smile.

These words made Shen Zuo roll his eyes fiercely.

It should be noted that in the cultivation of general martial artists, the body level will also increase with the improvement of the cultivation level and the cultivation process.

Unless it is some people who use pill to quickly improve their cultivation.

But that kind of situation will only happen to some young people who are new to martial arts.

At most, it will only stop when the cultivation base is promoted to the first-order respected heaven cultivation base.

There are even many, if the cultivation base is not respected to the heaven, it is no longer possible to continue to forcibly improve.

Since then, there has not been a stable state for several years, and it is absolutely impossible to continue to improve.

But what happened to Qin Shaofeng?

He is not yet twenty years old, and he has raised his cultivation to such a level, which is enough to make people feel shocked, but his physical level has reached the peak of the heavenly position.

Coupled with the three medicinal materials that Chenxing bid for, it is obvious that he wants to refine drugs that break through the physical limits of his body.

Those drugs might also be able to help Simon, but it was definitely because of Qin Shaofeng.

Has already reached this level, is he still not enough?

The pinnacle of the holy star?

Such a requirement is not that a few heavenly materials and earth treasures can be cultivated, is it possible that he still wants to use a very short time to raise his cultivation base to the position of Dao Sacred Star?

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