Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 325: Such assessment?

A few days later, three days before the entrance examination of the Qianshan Sect, Lianyang Academy asked Qin Shaofeng and other people who participated in this examination of the entrance of the Qianshan Sect to start to go to Qianshan Sect.

It was only then that Qin Shaofeng had seen some real geniuses in Lianyang Academy.

One hundred and thirty-six people!

Including himself, Yun'er and others, there were more than 130 people sent by Lianyang Academy to participate in the examination of Qianshan Sect entrance.

Even if it was the entrance examination of Qianshan Sect this time, the age had been somewhat reduced, but after all, it still had great demands.

And those who can meet such requirements and reach the legendary realm are really rare.

Of course, this is only for the area of ​​Black Point Mountain.

Qin Shaofeng believed that after entering the Thousand Mountain Sect, his group might be nothing at all.

This time, the person who led more than one hundred people was actually the grandfather Lian Yufeng, the strongest little princess in Lianyang Kingdom, and the old teacher of Lianyang Kingdom.

In addition, there are several legendary academy elders, and Gao Lianyang's father is one of them.

As for Gao Lianyang and Yun Qingrou, it seems that as early as the last time, Master Du Meng, Yun'er's big brother, took them away directly.

Qin Shaofeng knew why he hadn't seen those two people during this period of time.

The Qianshan Sect is far away from the Lianyang State. Fortunately, a legendary Nine-fold Academy elder who accompanied him this time had two giant eagle war beasts and drove everyone to Qianshan Sect.

But even so, it took two days and nights on this journey to reach the destination.

In the early morning of this day, when the scorching sun was slowly rising, Qin Shaofeng, who was sitting on a giant eagle, suddenly saw a group of mountains in the distance.

Yes, it is a group of mountains!

One after another, endless, as if there are hundreds of thousands of mountains.

One hundred thousand mountains is naturally impossible.

But the reason why Qianshanzong is called Qianshanzong is because there are really no more, no less than a thousand peaks and mountains.

Above this mountain, it is a treasure of cultivation, possessing this extremely rich aura, of course, the deeper the mountain, the stronger the aura naturally.

After seeing the mountain peak, Qin Shaofeng quickly discovered that other crowds appeared constantly at this moment.

Or, like my own side, flying here with a giant eagle. Or sitting on the ground, a powerful monster came.

There are various situations, and most of them are not clear.

The only thing in common is that the people brought by these monsters are all legendary geniuses.

And even the Yang Academy party finally saw him, a genius even better than himself.

With a legendary level of cultivation in his twenties, he is definitely the most outstanding genius and the top-ranking genius in Lianyang.

But now, Qin Shaofeng has discovered that among the people who came from a distance, there actually existed in the legendary realm of eleven or twelve years old, and there are even geniuses who have reached the seventh or eighth realm of the legendary realm at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

Qin Shaofeng saw it all, and everyone else saw it.

This made the students of Lianyang College really feel the pressure.

Seeing this, the old teacher smiled slightly and said: "Don't be nervous, maybe you can't compare to those extremely outstanding geniuses in terms of talent, but this time the entrance examination of Qianshan Sect is different from the past. There is no elimination. Only you work hard and completely. There is a chance to join the Qianshan Sect!"

Seeing what the old national teacher said, everyone was a little calmer.

As for the entrance examination of the Qianshan Sect this time, the old national teacher did not clearly say what it was like.

At this moment, the giant eagle flew down to a mountain peak and landed.

Although this mountain was a few hundred meters before it, Qin Shaofeng could feel it as soon as it approached, the rich aura that rushed toward him.

This aura is stronger than the Spirit Garden of Lianyang Academy.

The giant eagle fell in front of a gate, and before it fell, a cyan figure came over.

After stopping, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the other party was a person who seemed to be only about twenty years old.

But the other party's breath is not low.

With a gleam in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng's fiery golden eyes told him that the person in front of him was actually a master of the Sixth Layer of Xiaoyuan Pill.

The Yuan Dan realm is not a big realm. The Yuan Dan realm is divided into two realms, a small Yuan Dan and a big Yuan Dan, and each realm is divided into ten levels of ten levels.

And above the Yuan Dan realm is the Three Yuan realm, which has the three great realms of Earth Yuan Realm, Heaven Yuan Realm and Saint Yuan Realm, and above it is the so-called Holy Realm powerhouse.

However, Xiaoqiuqiu said, with the chance of a strong holy realm appearing in the place of Nine Cloud Continent, although it is not great, there are always a few.

But obviously, the chances of Qianshanzong appearing to be strong in the holy realm is not great in Xiaoqiuqiu's view.

This is far, but the seemingly random person in front of you is actually better than the old national teacher.

This shocked Qin Shaofeng, and he finally believed the words of the old national teacher. With his strength, it was really nothing in Qianshan Sect.

Because Qin Shaofeng also discovered that almost every group of people appeared, and there were people similar to this little Yuandan six-layer master.

Judging from this situation, let alone other things, Qianshan Sect definitely has hundreds of small Yuandan masters.

And looking at it this way, these people are afraid that their status in the Qianshan Sect is not high.

If it is really high, it will not appear here.

"Where is it from?" After the six-layer master of Xiao Yuan Dan came, his gaze swept away, and finally fell on the old national teacher and asked.

The old teacher hurriedly replied: "Heijiao Mountain in the West District is connected to the country!"

West End?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, and he quickly understood that Lian Yang was originally in the western area of ​​the Qianshan Sect's sphere of influence!

"Yeah!" The six-layer master of Xiao Yuandan nodded, and then lightly swiped the jade slip in his hand and recorded it.

"One hundred and thirty-six people from Heijiao Mountain in the West End!"

After recording, the six-tier master of Xiaoyuandan turned directly to Qin Shaofeng and the others, and whispered, "Okay, come on for me!"

This is the old teacher who also spoke.

"Go, follow this adult quickly, I hope you all will work hard!"

As he said, the old master's eyes fell on the little princess Lian Yufeng who was in the crowd, and his eyes were full of dismay.

It's a pity that no matter how reluctant to give up, he can only watch his great-granddaughter, under the leadership of the six masters of the Xiaoyuandan, enter the gate of the distant mountain.

On the way here, the old national teacher ordered that he must obey the orders of the people who came to lead them. Everyone naturally did not dare to say anything at this moment, and they all followed.

On the way, Du Meng, who was walking by Qin Shaofeng's side, suddenly whispered to Qin Shaofeng: "Boss, there is still plenty of aura here, and there seem to be many people who are stronger than me!"

Although Du Meng said only this, the expression on his face became a little bit ready to move.

Tang Qijian was almost the same in this regard, his face was slightly cold, but his eyes flashed with light.

Obviously the genius here has inspired the fighting spirit of these two people.

Qin Shaofeng was speechless, couldn't help but look at the rhyme who had been stroking the little dragon by his side, finally feeling a little relieved in his heart.

Well, my house is still quiet, and I don't want these two to be full of noisy masters.

The little dragon is naturally the little monster beast of unknown origin, suspected to be a magic dragon.

After this time of getting along, Zhao Yun'er gave the little guy the name Xiaolong very appropriately, and judging from the little guy's attitude, she seemed to have accepted it.

Ignoring the expressions of Du Meng and Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to the two directly, but the two of them didn't take it to heart. Instead, they became more and more inexplicably excited.

Following the six-tier master of Xiao Yuan Dan, Qin Shaofeng and the whole group of Lian Yangguo were led into the gate. After walking to a place, the master of Xiao Yuan Dan stopped.

Then, turning around to Qin Shaofeng and the others, he said, "Okay, the place is here. From now on, this mountain will be where you live in the Qianshan Sect. You are lucky. This time my Qianshan Sect entered the Qianshan Sect for some reason. Sect assessment is relatively easy. As long as you can break through and enter the realm of Xiaoyuandan within a year, you can become the outer disciples of Qianshan Sect!"

"Now you are not members of my Thousand Mountain Sect, but only examiners, so your scope of activity is only within the 100 outermost peaks, and you must not go beyond the peaks deep into the sect. If you don't, you will be arrogant. !"

After saying this, the six-layer master of Xiaoyuandan looked at everyone again, as if he had finally completed some task, and said the last sentence with some relief.

"Okay, the basic situation is like this, you should work hard and strive to be promoted to Xiaoyuan Dan as soon as possible and become my official disciple of the Qianshan Sect. Otherwise, after a year, you can only leave!"


As soon as he said this, the six-layer master of Xiaoyuandan unexpectedly flashed away, and then disappeared directly.

Is this over?

Seeing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded.

For such a situation, the students of the other Lianyang Academy were also directly confused.

At this moment, the little princess gave a wink at Lian Yuhu, who was next to him, and immediately after that, Lian Yuhu stood up and shouted: "Be quiet, all!"

Seeing Lian Yuhu's words, everyone kept quiet.

This made Lian Yuhu very proud, and then looked towards Lian Yufeng with a smile, and said with some credit: "Sister, now you can talk."

Lian Yufeng did not go to see Lian Yuhu, but directly spoke to everyone: "Everyone may still be wondering, this time the Qianshan Sect's entrance examination was carried out in what way!"

After a slight pause, Lian Yufeng's eyes showed satisfaction when everyone was looking towards him.

"Actually, just like what the senior brother said, the assessment this time is to assess your cultivation. In the year from now, as long as your cultivation reaches the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, you can officially join the Qianshan Sect. It's..."

Soon, Qin Shaofeng figured out the basic situation of the entrance examination this time from the words of the little princess.

After all, it is based on the proof of cultivation, as long as you reach the Xiaoyuan Dan, you can become an outer disciple of the Qianshan Sect.

And these people's current identities are just examiners, not even Qianshanzong outer disciples.

Therefore, they cannot enter the area behind the Thousand Mountain Sect, and can only move on the first 100 peaks.

And apart from not being able to enter the area behind the Qianshan Sect, people like them have no other restrictions. Even if you leave by yourself now, Qianshan Sect will not bother.

Seriously speaking, the Qianshan Sect never valued people like them at all.

Therefore, in addition to the 100 mountains in front of this, the welfare of the Qianshan Sect for other reasons, these people will not be able to enjoy it.

However, having said that, even if it is just a hundred mountains, it is very rare.

Because of these hundred peaks, all of them are full of aura, and they are not inferior to the aura of the Spirit Garden of Lianyang Academy.

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