Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 326: The mighty Thousand Mountain Sect

When I heard that the Qianshan Sect could not obtain the cultivation resources, but it was necessary to cultivate to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm within a year, many people's expressions changed.

At this time, Lian Yufeng smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, everyone, although you can't get the resources of the Qianshan Sect, don't forget, there are people in our Lianyang Kingdom who are disciples of the Qianshan Sect!"

When the little princess had finished speaking, everyone thought of this.


In our Lianyang Kingdom, there are people who have entered the Qianshan Sect a long time ago. In this case, even without the resources of the Qianshan Sect, if the help of the seniors is obtained, it is still very likely to be promoted to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm in a year. !

At this moment, the crowd suddenly heard a loud shout.

"Yeah! How did I forget about this! I remember that His Royal Highness had joined the Qianshan Sect long ago, and it seems that he is already an inner disciple, and his status is higher than that of an outer disciple. Less!"

When these words came out, everyone was in a trance, and many were pleasantly surprised.

"Haha, yes! We still have His Royal Highness!"

"Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness is actually an inner disciple, and he really deserves to be His Royal Highness!"

"Great, with the help of His Royal Highness, we definitely have a chance to be promoted to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm!"


The crowd quickly became excited, and it was in sharp contrast with the demoralized look before.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng was completely aware of it.

Isn't this just pulling people?

That Lian Yufeng just wanted to take this opportunity to help her prince elder brother conquer a group of people.

This group of people in front of them, but Lian Yang's true pride of heaven, I am afraid that all of them were proud and arrogant in the past.

But now that I came to this Thousand Mountain Sect, I had suffered a great blow, and then I realized that I was such a proud son of heaven, and the Thousand Mountain Sect was not in the eyes.

This makes their hearts full of confusion, especially since the one-year deadline has been added, many people panic.

And the little princess Lian Yufeng was fancying this, saying these words seemed to give everyone a reassurance, and she was determined to follow in the footsteps of the little princess.

Because following the little princess is equivalent to following their prince, and following the prince means that you can get a lot of training resources.

Someone saw the little princess Lian Yufeng's intentions, but under such circumstances, they had to bow their heads.

However, there are also people who lower their heads.

After understanding the little princess's intentions, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and turned to leave.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng left, Tang Qijian and Du Meng naturally followed.

As for Zhao Yun'er, it is even more needless to say, it is the attitude of Qin Shaofeng where she goes.

After Qin Shaofeng and the others left, Lian Yufeng noticed it for the first time and frowned involuntarily.

Qin Shaofeng would leave, which actually even Yufeng had already guessed.

As for Zhao Yuner and Du Meng, even Yufeng didn't expect to recruit them both.

But for Tang Qijian, a genius of swordsmanship, even Yufeng was a bit pity.

Tang Qijian's ability to reach the legendary realm obviously exceeded her expectations. If she had known this long ago, she wouldn't have counted Tang Qijian's place in the Five Elements Qi Luck Formation.

Now Lian Yufeng obviously thinks that Tang Qijian hates this, and then he left with Qin Shaofeng.

However, she didn't care anymore.

Because she believed that Tang Qijian and even Qin Shaofeng would come back to look for her before long.

Zhao Yun'er's elder brother is indeed in this Thousand Mountain Sect, and even the cultivation base is better than her elder brother.

But the difference is that his eldest brother is the prince of Lianyang Kingdom, even in this Qianshan Sect, he has some strength to some extent, unlike Zhao Yuner's big brother who is alone and weak.

Lian Yufeng knew that some time ago, Gao Lianyang and Yun Qingrou had been received by Zhao Yun'er's senior brother in advance of this Qianshan Sect.

Lian Yufeng didn’t believe how capable Zhao Yun’er’s elder brother was. After providing the training resources for Gao Lianyang and Yun Qingrou, now there are two more, Zhao Yun’er and Du Meng. He can still take care of Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian. Outsider.

Therefore, Lian Yufeng believed that after hitting the wall for a while, the arrogant Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian would definitely come back to find themselves.

Unless they don't want to really join the Qianshan Sect.

Lian Yufeng didn't believe that without external help, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian could cultivate to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm within a year.

But what even Yufeng didn't know was that she was wrong, from start to finish wrong.

"What? You say it again."

On the other part of the mountain, Qin Shaofeng stared at Du Meng as if he didn't believe what he heard.

Du Meng's face was a little bit embarrassed, but in the end he said in a low voice, "Really, my master gave me a map and a booklet, and then he told me to bring Qianshanzong. Let me be self-reliant!"

Qin Shaofeng's egg hurts!

He originally planned to rely on Yun'er's big brother, that is, Du Meng's master, with a good resource, so that his few people can have a good start in this Qianshan Sect.

It's a pity that I don't think about the resources given by the other party, just a map and a booklet.

Is there such a master?

Is there such a big brother?

Qin Shaofeng was angry.

But at this moment, Zhao Yun'er seemed to think of something. She glanced at Qin Shaofeng embarrassedly, and then said hesitantly: "Shaofeng, this seems to be what my father meant. He said that we should be self-reliant. Having said that, I prepared some good things for me, but my father opposed it!"

I wiped it, it turned out that the problem was here!

Qin Shaofeng's face turned dark, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Uncle Zhao!

Uncle Zhao!

At the beginning, you always said that if you have a problem, you will find your big disciple, but now you have done this again. Are you intentional?

This situation is much worse than Lian Yufeng expected.

Not only Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian did not have any resources, even Zhao Yuner and Du Meng did not have any.

However, Qin Shaofeng naturally wouldn't think about it, turning around to take refuge in Lian Yufeng.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even think about this idea.


He sighed heavily and looked at Yun'er with a little embarrassment. Qin Shaofeng's heart suddenly became proud and slapped his chest, and said to Yun'er confidently: "You can be self-reliant, Yun'er, don't worry. Well, with me here, let alone one year, at most three months, I will promote you to the realm of Xiaoyuandan!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't speak big words, Zhao Yun'er was now his family member, but he was able to increase his level with the experience fruits produced by the experience tree. This is the same for Du Meng and Tang Qijian.

In fact, on the way to the Qianshan Sect, Qin Shaofeng secretly gave Du Meng and Tang Qijian some experience fruits, and the two are now in the dual realm of legend.

Qin Shaofeng's current idea is very simple. It is to kill monsters and gain experience, so that not only can he level up, but also the experience fruits produced by the experience tree can allow the three of Yun'er to increase their level.

Although Qin Shaofeng's current title prevented him from gaining experience bonuses for killing monsters in the Qianshan Sect, the crystallization of luck that he had waited before made up for this.

Function 1: Allows players to gain five times the kill experience in Lianyang country, and triple the experience abroad.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that the first effect of his luck crystal was to enable him to take effect on the Nine Clouds Continent, gaining the bonus of killing experience.

Isn't it just killing monsters and upgrading? I'm good at this!

Moreover, the maps and pamphlets in Du Meng's hands were not completely useless.

That map is a map of all the top 100 peaks of Qianshanzong, that is, Qin Shaofeng's current range of activities.

And this map is very detailed!

Although it is the first 100 peaks, in fact, among the 100 peaks, there are more than a dozen places that can really live, and the remaining peaks all have this large number. What about monsters.

The Thousand Mountain Sect is like this. Although there are thousands of peaks and mountains, there are many places where this monster exists in these mountains.

Just under deliberate control, these mountains with monsters are fixed.

Like Qin Shaofeng, the mountain where they are currently located, but there are no monsters.

In the first 100 mountains, the strongest monsters appeared, at most legendary tenth, no monsters of the Yuan Dan realm would appear.

These maps obtained by Qin Shaofeng contained extremely detailed records of what kind of monster beasts in that mountain, what the strongest monster beast was, and how strong it was.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand that it was not that Big Brother Yun'er didn't take care of himself and others. With this detailed map, how could it be considered not to take care of him?

As for that pamphlet, it records some basic information of Qianshan School.

After Qin Shaofeng read the pamphlet, he finally had a general understanding of Qianshan Sect.

The Thousand Mountain Sect really has a thousand peaks and mountains, the first 100 can be said to be for people like them.

These mountains do not have names, but are listed with serial numbers ranging from one to one hundred in order.

Starting from the one-hundred and one-hundred peaks and continuing to the 400-hundred peaks, 300 of these peaks are called Waifeng, which means the place where disciples of the Qianshan Sect’s outer sect stay.

The next three hundred are the inner peaks of the inner sect disciples of the Qianshan Sect.

If you want to become an outer disciple of Qianshan Sect, you must have the cultivation base of the small yuan pill realm, and the inner disciple is the great yuan pill.

The subsequent 701 to 800 peaks were the peaks where the elite disciples of the Earth Element Realm stayed.

These one hundred peaks are called Diyuan Peak.

The next 100 are the Tianyuan Peak where the core disciples of the Tianyuan Realm can live.

The last 100 are naturally the Saint Yuan Peak of the Saint Yuan Realm.

From this point, it can be seen that this Qianshan Sect is a Chi Guoguo, a place where one's identity and status are determined by cultivation.

However, what surprised Qin Shaofeng most was that on the last 100 Saint Yuan peaks, it is said that each Saint Yuan peak had a Saint Yuan realm peak master.

This made Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but wonder whether this Thousand Mountain Sect would have hundreds of experts in the Saint Yuan Realm?

However, about this point, the booklet did not say clearly.

Even the specific situation, that is, some introductions about the inner peaks are mentioned. The detailed focus is only on the three hundred outer peaks, and the top one hundred peaks for assessment.

After reading this pamphlet, Qin Shaofeng finally had a bottom in his heart.

And Qin Shaofeng also knew how to quickly upgrade his level.

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