Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 327: strength

Peak No. 7 is the peak where Qin Shaofeng and others are currently located.

The first 100 peaks of the Qianshan Sect, and the top ten peaks, provide a place for Qin Shaofeng and others to rest and practice.

Well, without rooms, it's just a big mountain.

However, there are countless caves in this mountain. These caves are all cultivation caves deliberately created by the Qianshan Sect to communicate the spiritual veins in the depths of the Qianshan Sect.

Under the thousand mountain peaks of Qianshan Sect, there is a super spiritual vein. It is precisely because of the existence of this spiritual vein that it provides the spiritual energy for the cultivation of countless disciples of Qianshan Sect.

Qin Shaofeng also asked Xiaoqiuqiu to check this spiritual vein.

The result was not what Qin Shaofeng expected, Xiaoqiuqiu just said disdainfully: "Cut, isn't it just a middle-class spirit vein? What's so great? Such spirit veins can be seen everywhere in Origin Continent, nothing rare! "

Qin Shaofeng:...

Sister, what a shit, you said, it's Origin Continent.

This is just the Nine Clouds Continent!

Spirit veins are veins formed by the gathering of spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

When it comes to veins such as spirit veins, you can't wait to say, that aura condenses to a certain extent, and the solid things that appear are spirit stones.

Lingshi, the spar formed by the richness of aura to the extreme, contains a large amount of pure aura. If used for cultivation, it can allow people to directly absorb the aura and improve their realm.

This is several times faster than simply absorbing the aura in the air, or even ten times faster.

Lingshi is divided into four levels: low-grade, medium-grade, top-grade, and top-grade.

A medium spirit vein is equivalent to the spirit vein that produces medium-grade spirit stones. Obviously this Qianshan Sect has a super huge medium spirit vein, which is a good asset.

For Qin Shaofeng, he didn't even have a middle-grade spirit stone, even a lower-grade spirit stone.

Now Qin Shaofeng wanted to get some spirit stones to see what the spirit stones actually looked like.

However, for Qin Shaofeng and others, the first thing they need is to find a place to live.

The No. 7 peak is very large. Although there are many caves on it, according to the map given by Master Yun'er, Qin Shaofeng knows that there are only 1,080 cultivation caves on each of these peaks.

One thousand and eighty cultivation caves, which seems to be extremely large, but compared to the number of people on the entire mountain, it is not enough.

This time the Qianshan Sect did not know why it recruited countless examiners. This has led to the fact that each of the top ten peaks is estimated to have thousands or even tens of thousands of people, and this is still so far, and there will definitely be More people joined.

The cave here can only provide up to five people for cultivation. If there are more, the aura provided in the cave will not be enough.

Because these caves communicate with the spiritual veins in the depths of the earth, they have extremely rich spiritual energy, which is definitely a multiplier for cultivation.

However, only these one thousand and eighty caves have such a function.

Others, even if someone made a cave, it would have no effect.

What's more, on these peaks, no one dares to create other caves, because the Qianshan Sect does not allow them, and offenders directly obliterate them.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng knew the urgent matter, and it would be better for a few people to find a cave first.

Although the higher the cave, the stronger the aura in it, but Qin Shaofeng obviously didn't take this seriously.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, staying on this No. 7 peak, that is, three to five days, and then they will continue to go deep into other peaks.

Because only those places have a large number of monsters, so that you can gain a lot of experience and upgrade your level.

During the search, the caves were full of people along the way.

Although the cave is very large, it can accommodate more than ten or twenty people at the same time, but after all, it can only provide the spiritual energy for five people to practice.

But Qin Shaofeng also knew that for some people, being able to occupy a cave was an excellent thing.

Qin Shaofeng didn't have the idea of ​​robbing others in the cave, so he took Yun'er and the others to continue walking up.

Finally, reaching a place above the mountainside of 300 meters, Qin Shaofeng and others found a good training cave.

"Well, it's here, and looking at this cave, it seems that aura is much more abundant than other caves." Qin Shaofeng nodded, and the three of them were about to enter the cave.

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from behind him.

"The people in front stop me!"


Qin Shaofeng frowned, turned around and looked back, only to find a five-person team approaching himself and others.

Du Meng was a little uncomfortable for the first time when others were so enthusiastic.

Had it not been for Qin Shaofeng's warning to him long ago and let him hold back his violent temper, I'm afraid he would have roared by now.

These five people are not easy!

His eyes flashed slightly, and Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

The five-member squad came, all of which were five people above the legendary triple level, and among them, the highest-level, seemingly headed was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy who was as old as Qin Shaofeng.

But this young man has a legendary five-fold cultivation base, which is twofold higher than Qin Shaofeng.

The person who spoke out at the moment was also a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy. He was the five-person existence with the lowest realm, but he also possessed the realm of the legendary triple initial stage.

I saw this young man proudly to Qin Shaofeng at the moment, saying: "This cave is our boss's fancy, you leave quickly!"

With that said, the young man waved his hand gently, as if it was driving away a few flies.

In fact, it is true in the eyes of this young man.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's few people, except for Qin Shaofeng and Yun'er's faint aura, Du Meng and Tang Qijian are only legendary dual auras, this young man naturally did not take Qin Shaofeng into his eyes.

But his actions made Du Meng unable to bear it.

Suddenly stepping forward, Du Meng said angrily: "Who are you! You say you are the only one who fancy it? Are you kidding me?"


When Du Meng said this, the young man who was about to turn his head back and appealed to his boss suddenly became angry.

"Oh, if you ask you to go, you just get out of the way. This is not a joke." The boy sneered.

"Why? We came to this place first!" Du Meng dissatisfied.

But as soon as he said this, without talking about the other party, Qin Shaofeng and the three of them were also speechless.

This fierce guy really has the potential to be a silly big guy!

The Thousand Mountain Sect does not stipulate any rules of first-come-first-arrival. This is a clear robbing!

"Haha! This is funny!" The five people on the opposite side burst out laughing, and the teenager who spoke looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, full of disdain.

"Boy, are you stupid or too stupid, brighten your eyes, why do you say we? Then I will tell you compassionately, we rely on strength!"

As he said, the young man took a step forward, and the breath of the legendary triple realm burst out, his face full of pride.

"I see, because we are stronger than you, so we let you leave, and you will leave me honestly. If not..."


The boy stomped his right foot suddenly, and a footprint was severely stamped out on the ground, and several cracks were cracked in the ground around the footprint.

With just a light stomping, you can leave such a trace on the peak of the Thousand Mountain Sect. Obviously, the strength of the young man in front of him is extremely consistent with his realm. Compared with the geniuses of Lianyang Kingdom, it is more powerful. too much.

And looking at him like this, it seems that the five opponents are still at the bottom. It is conceivable that although the opponent is only five, the strength he possesses is not bad!

Facing such obvious disdain and humiliation, Dumont suddenly became angry.

But when he was about to erupt, Qin Shaofeng took a step forward and stopped his eruption, and then smiled at Du Meng slightly: "Mengzi, don't be impulsive, what people said is correct. He speaks with strength in this place. !"

When Qin Shaofeng said this, the boy opposite suddenly laughed.

"That is to say! This is still a wise person, so you all hurry up..."

You all get rid of me!

This was what the young man said next, but before he could speak, he was abruptly interrupted by a loud noise.


After Qin Shaofeng finished speaking to Du Meng, under the disdainful tone of the young man opposite, his whole body shook suddenly, and then a giant sword appeared in his right hand.

Holding the profound iron heavy sword in his hand, Qin Shaofeng slammed into the ground fiercely, and the cloud pill inside his body revolved, and his breath suddenly burst out.

Under the suppression of the Yi Jinjing, Qin Shaofeng’s aura on the surface at this moment is still the first level of legend, but the aura that burst out of the five cloud pills in his dantian is strong and scary, and it is not the aura that a legend can have at the first level. .

Under this breath, the boy who had originally disdain to chuckle was instantly suppressed by what he was about to say. Not only that, but Qin Shaofeng deliberately took a few steps back.

It wasn't until the boss of the few people changed his face slightly and held him back, which made the young man stop his retreat.

But even so, under Qin Shaofeng's violent aura, the young man's face was pale at the moment, and he looked very panicked, as if he had suffered a great shock.

Obviously Qin Shaofeng's breath had already cast enough shadow on him.

This situation caused the young boss's face to sink slightly, and the cold light continued to look at Qin Shaofeng's gaze.

But at the same time he was very surprised.

I missed my eyes, I didn't expect it, I just thought that among the four people in the first and second levels of the legend, such a powerful role was hidden.

Feeling the other party's breath realm, although it is only legendary, but the violent breath is not lost to him, and the young boss is very upset.

Although he does not think that the other party is his opponent.

But when I thought, the main purpose of my few people was to officially join the Qianshan Sect, not to argue with others.

Also, apart from this cave in front of me, there are still many caves without people.

There is no need to have general knowledge with these people!

Otherwise, once you start a fight, you will suffer a counterattack from the opponent, although you will not lose, but if your future is affected by the injury, it will not be worth it.

In an instant, the young boss made a decision in his mind.

With a light smile, the young boss looked at Qin Shaofeng and whispered: "Heh, I didn't expect that there is another master! In that case, for your good strength, this cave will be given to you!"

Even if he gave up, the young boss still refused to admit defeat, as if he had given the cave alms to Qin Shaofeng.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took his four subordinates, gave a soft drink, and then turned and left.

"let's go!"

When the other four saw this, they could only quickly follow up.

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