Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3257: Stop him

"Ran Zun?"

"Is that the strong man hidden behind the deputy master?"

"His means of action are extremely high, and he is always hidden, but looking at the appearance of his action, it seems that he should be a powerhouse of Saint Star, right?"

"It's just... why have I never heard of such a strong man?"

Ximen Zhen was really surprised by Qin Shaofeng's everything.

When he reacted, Qin Shaofeng had already begun to give orders.

"Ximen Zhen, this young man doesn't need you to do too much, but all those who are strong in the position of saint star who come within five steps of this young man will give me a palm and half death, and then send it to me."

Qin Shaofeng's command was extremely simple, but Ximen Zhen's expression changed abruptly.

Only need?

Do you know how old you are, what cultivation bases are the enemies you are talking about?

Are those who are strong in the position of holy star easy to kill?

We really don't have that kind of strength!

"This is not the time to talk more nonsense. The longer we delay here, the more serious the consumption of our star chasing gate. We are not the seven star gate and can't afford it." Qin Shaofeng's anxious voice sounded again.

What he said is indeed no problem.

But he did not say one thing.

Most of the people here are respected powerhouses.

According to the situation I just investigated, they all seem to produce martial arts value.

There are only 10,000 people here. If more people are killed, wouldn't I be able to upgrade the martial arts?

That's absolutely impossible!

For the 10,000 young people here, the young master has to kill at least half of them.

There are not many opportunities to quickly obtain martial arts value like this!

The more Qin Shaofeng thought, the more anxious.

Now that there is a sixth-order saint star powerhouse to help, he naturally becomes more unscrupulous.

Holding the Ghost Three Slashing Sword, the speed suddenly increased.

Almost blinking time.

Two more venerable powerhouses died tragically in his hands.

"Fogcao! As expected of the deputy master, really...too awesome!"

Ximen Zhen's eyes flushed.

His temperament also determines his personality in certain aspects.

Qin Shaofeng saw that there was naturally no fake.

He may be mediocre in other aspects, but in terms of feud and battle, he can definitely be said to be a titan.

Originally, he could have similar powers when fighting.

But it is absolutely impossible to do the same as Qin Shaofeng, who can kill two high-ranking celestial powers in the blink of an eye.

For a moment, he quickly followed Qin Shaofeng and rushed to kill.

Although Qin Shaofeng was always robbing his martial arts value, he was constantly observing the Ximen Zhen behind him.

After confirming that Ximen Zhen's general combat power was as strong as before, his courage gradually increased.

In the previous battle, there was only one second-order saint star powerhouse Ran Zun around him.

However, Ran Zun was unable to help him with some resistance and other battles, which made him want to save more back players, and he did not dare to rush in many places.

Those worries are now gone.

With a dance of the sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand, the speed of his whole person increased sharply again.

The direction of the charge this time is where there are two strong sacred stars.

"Stop him! Zhang Xin, immediately stop that kid for this seat!"

The senior members of the Four Elephant Sect who were in charge of this battle were immediately taken aback by the killing scene caused by Qin Shaofeng and the two.

There were only twenty-nine people from the outside.

It happened that Qin Shaofeng, who was the least in his eyes, was killing even more terrifying than the remaining 27 people.

As for the Ximen Zhen of the sixth-order saint star's cultivation base, he ignored it.

I have to ignore it!

Although this guy's cultivation is extremely strong, he always follows Qin Shaofeng's side.

Because Qin Shaofeng's shot was so fast, he could easily kill his opponent with every shot, making him almost only responsible for protecting Qin Shaofeng, helping Qin Shaofeng break, and guarding the two wings.

After the battle for the little tea time, only thirty people died in his hands.

But looking at the corpses at Qin Shaofeng's feet, there are more than a hundred?

Three hundred are there wood?

"Haha, happy, go, there is still a group of people gathered over there, let's go and kill all the people over there!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed again and again.

The loss of Ran Zun's divine assistance, plus the intention to snatch.

He has also displayed the Three Ghosts Slash.

Even if it converges as much as possible, its power will not be reduced much.

At the same time the sound of wild laughter was uttered, he had already rushed towards the group of thirty people.

"Ghost Three Slash, kill!"

Qin Shaofeng screamed in his heart, but the knife he shot still looked mediocre.

"The little **** with the fifth-order celestial cultivation base really thought that there is a sixth-order holy star guardian, really no one can take care of you?"

"It's just a fifth-level respect."

"The lord passes the order, kills others, can get the holy order broken mirror pill, kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"


Among the more than 30 people, some people sent the news back and immediately made all of these people's eyes red.

An ant with a fifth-order celestial position only needs to be careful to guard against the sixth-order holy star who is responsible for protection behind him.

There is a lot to do to kill it!

"My lord, be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Ximen Zhen was suddenly startled.

Among these thirty-odd people, not all of them are the ninth-ranked venerable people, but there are also three strong sacred stars, and one of them has a cultivation base that reaches the third-tier sacred star.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands.

Even if he was really besieged and killed by more than 30 people with such high fighting spirits, it would be difficult for him to do anything.

Not to mention Qin Shaofeng's true strength, in fact, there is only a fifth-order respected heaven!

Compared to his worries, Qin Shaofeng laughed loudly: "It's so cool to come here by myself, hahaha!"

The Ghost Three Slashing martial arts were thoroughly displayed.

Suddenly, he seemed to have turned into a terrible ghost fog.

In the gloomy mist, almost all his shadows.

The Sky Jade Star Force Secret Art suddenly displayed.

This time, the shrouded area was surrounded by more than 30 people.

"what is this?"

"My energy and blood can't be used smoothly."

"Baby of the Forbidden Force, he has the Forbidden Force in his hand!"

"It's just a treasure of forbidden weapons like a mere waste, look at the old man's forbidden ring!"

The third-order saint star powerhouse gave a cold snort, and immediately took out one, which seemed to him to be a very powerful treasure.

Although it is also shrouded in this area, but the people of the Four Elephant Sect are isolated.

In the past, he used the Forbidden Martial Ring as his hole card, and he could really play a terrifying effect.

It is precisely because he often uses this method that Qin Shaofeng is too big.

What about superb martial arts?

Your kid is nothing more than an ant with the fifth-order celestial position cultivation base.

With the old man's forbidden martial arts ring in hand, this is a treasure that can display 40% of the forbidden martial power of the Forbidden Martial Forest!

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