Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3258: Earth Dragon Stands Over

"Ghost Three Slash, kill!"

Qin Shaofeng's voice suddenly sounded.

This voice, coincidentally, appeared behind that person.

For an instant, the man was scared and sweated.

"How is it possible, shouldn't you be suppressed by the old man's forbidden martial arts ring?"

That third-order holy star powerhouse scared his old face into pig liver color.


Qin Shaofeng would not answer his question.

The Sky Jade Star Force Jue immediately used his full strength.

After Qin Shaofeng completed the cultivation of the Sky Jade Star Force Art, he was able to issue a forbidden force extremely close to the depths of Tianlian Mountain.

The horror of this forbidden force is not weaker than the ordinary forbidden forest.

I don't even know how much to be tyrannical.

The momentary suppression of the forbidden force suddenly caused the old man's body to sink.

But in the next moment, Qin Shaofeng felt from him the baby who resisted the force of forbidden force.

"Thunder Thousand Flashes!"

"Hundred flash, blitz!"

Qin Shaofeng will do his best in that moment.

The sword in his hand did not even have a momentary lag.

At the same time when the two great martial arts were combined, the sword in his hand had already reached the place less than a foot above the person's head.

The old man immediately raised his sword to resist, and at the same time grinned: "Hey! Boy, don't think that you have the treasure of forbidden weapons on your body, you can really deal with the old man, but the old man..."

"Ding! Huh!"

The voice was not over, but was interrupted by the sound of a slash.

What about the baby who can resist the forbidden force?

Qin Shaofeng's current cultivation base combat power, after performing Ghost Three Slashes, was already able to approach the pinnacle and celestial powerhouse.

Although this person's cultivation base is very strong, the power of qi and blood has also been suppressed by the Sky Jade Star Force Art.

After Qin Shaofeng used Thunder Thousand Flashes and increased his combat power by a hundredfold, he still didn't have the slightest power to fight back.

"There is so much nonsense."

While he snorted coldly, the saber in his hand had already slashed towards the other person.

Sky Jade Star Force Jue shrouded towards that person at the same time.

That person's complexion changed instantly.

But he didn't even have time to speak, and the Ghost Three Zhan Sabre in Qin Shaofeng's hand had already been cut down towards him.

"no no……"


It was slashed down again, and another human head rolled out.

"How could this be?"

"How could this be?"

"Li is old and upgraded to the rank of the third-tier Saint Star powerhouse, and he still uses the Forbidden Martial Art, and he has a treasure that can resist the Forbidden Martial Force. Why can't he even take one of that kid's tricks?"

"How could that kid be so strong?"

The people who were still full of confidence now all became extremely ugly.

Fear suddenly attacked their hearts.

Even the third-order holy star, Li, who is a baby, can't hold this kid with a knife, how can we resist it?

They only had fear in their hearts, but they didn't know that not far away, there was a person who was so terrified that he was almost scared to pee.

This person is really Ximen Zhen.

After Ximen Zhen fought with Qin Shaofeng, he had begun to change his mind.

Especially watching Qin Shaofeng cut melons and vegetables, easily and freely slaying enemies whose cultivation base is stronger than him, feels even more weird in his heart.

But how could he dare not imagine that Qin Shaofeng would be able to kill the powerhouse of the third-order saint star with a single blow.

If you hadn't seen this with your own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe it if you said it out?

"What are you doing stupidly there, do you still want this young man to single out everyone?" Qin Shaofeng immediately shouted angrily when he noticed Ximen Zhen's shocked reaction.

Is it easy for him to kill the third-order holy star?

It looks like this at first glance.

But the problem is that in the case of surprise, it is only by using all the cards to kill it.

The blow looked extremely beautiful, but the force of the counter shock made him somewhat unbearable.

If it wasn't that the old man was too careless and gave him such a good opportunity.

If that person goes all out with this move, he wants to kill him, but he has to use all his cards.

After all, the power of the saint star and the respect of the heaven are not of the same magnitude.

If he dignified and fought against a strong sacred star, the odds of winning would definitely not be high.

This battlefield was originally very chaotic.

The old man didn't realize that he was special, or he could not guess it.

But as he beheaded that person, the remaining powerful saint stars here would not give him that kind of opportunity.

Certain hole cards cannot be easily used now!

"Come on!"

Ximen Zhen suddenly woke up.

The cultivation base of the sixth-order sacred star position was fully displayed, and it rushed past the crowd in an instant, and the people in the first-order sacred star position were severely injured one by one.

He didn't suddenly come to his senses until all those few saint star powerhouses were put on the ground.

What's wrong?

If such a lineup is aimed at me, I am afraid that it will be normal for me to make heavy losses.

But now abolishing those first-order holy stars, how can they be so happy and relaxed?

What's wrong, what's wrong!

Is something wrong at all?

It was only when he looked towards everyone that he finally understood the reason.

Qin Shaofeng slashed and killed the third-order Saint Star powerhouse, and the blow to these people was so great that most of these people's energy now lies on Qin Shaofeng.

In addition, the strongest third-order sacred star among them died.

How can the little guy who only relies on the cultivation of the first-order saint star position to stop him, the big master of the sixth-order saint star position?

It is really not easy for a Saint Star powerhouse when the difference in cultivation level is not very large.

However, the difference between the first and sixth levels is totally different.

Under such circumstances, if he can no longer easily abolish those people, that would be extremely rare.

While he figured this out, Qin Shaofeng had already rushed over.

After the strong saint star had guarded him, it was very difficult to kill.

But the mere respect of the heavenly martial arts, that is joking.

In just a few short interest periods, more than 30 people have been booked.

At this time, the powerhouse of the star chaser finally arrived.

"Turn on the killing array!"

The commander shouted loudly.

Before the person in charge of the killing array had come to react quickly, there was a ray of light rising into the sky.

Fell suddenly.

The ground nearby began to tremble.

As the trembling became more and more intense, a loud bang suddenly erupted, causing all the ground they were stepping on to turn up.

It is like a ground dragon turning back, making the ground nearby seem to have just been plowed.

And the depth of the plow is at least a few meters deep.

The formations arranged by those people completely disappeared in this change.

"How could this be? The big formation we arranged was broken?!"

"Support, call someone to support!"

The voices of shouting sounded continuously in the crowd.

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