Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3259: Ninth order

After Qin Shaofeng and others converged with the hundreds of people brought by Ximen Li, there were only more than 120 people in total.

The number of people dispatched by the Four Elephant Sects has exceeded five hundred.

There are also many strong players.

Especially the number of strong saint stars is close to the number of fifty.

With this amount of combat power, it stands to reason that it would be a breeze to destroy Qin Shaofeng and others.

But with Qin Shaofeng's strong shot, everyone's thinking has changed.

We are weak!

We are not strong enough!

We must have reinforcements, at least one thousand more.

Do not! At least three thousand people are required, otherwise we won't be able to fight!

Ideas like this keep appearing.

But they have forgotten that they are now only a mere thirty.

And among these thirty, the last one was just Ran Zun who made up the number.

After Qin Shaofeng summoned him back, he was now playing against hundreds of them with twenty-nine people.

But it was Qin Shaofeng's reason that made these hundreds of people have that kind of thought.

What about more people?

That kid who seems to have only the fifth-order respected celestial status cultivation base is simply a pervert!

Even the powerhouse of the third-order saint star can be killed with one blow.

How should we fight this?

If that kid doesn't die, or if there is no strong support, we can't beat him at all!

"Why support!"

The fearful screams of those people sounded at the same time.

Another scream sounded, this sound came out very far away, and it seemed to sound from the hearts of everyone, and immediately suppressed the panic in their hearts.

The visitor was Zhang Xin. He saw everyone being suppressed, and he immediately shouted: "It's just the little ants of the fifth-order exalted heaven. Let's see this seat personally lead people to kill them!"

"The cultivation base of the seventh-order sacred star, that person is a strong seventh-order sacred star!"

Ximen Zhen only listened to that person, and he leaned towards Qin Shaofeng, and said anxiously, "My lord, I can only block his tea time at most, but I can't help the people he brought."

"Level seven?"

Qin Shaofeng naturally felt Zhang Xin's difficulty.

But his eyes are more on other people.

Zhang Xin brought ten people in total.

The ten people are all strong in the sacred star position, and even the weakest one has the second-order sacred star position.

The most powerful person is the tyrannical existence at the pinnacle of the fifth-order holy star.

They are all powerhouses cultivated by the Four Elephant Sects, and the martial arts possessed by them are at least the sacred martial skills, and even the sacred high-level, the sacred peak.

It seems it's time to use more hole cards.

"This is the forbidden martial arts ring that the old man used just now. Go and entangle that guy. Within twenty breaths, this young man will kill that person." Qin Shaofeng was relieved and ordered arrogantly. .

"Within twenty breaths?!"

Ximen Zhen was shocked again.

Originally according to his estimation, even if there was no existence of Zhang Xin, the powerhouse of the seventh-order saint star, if the two of them wanted to kill the other ten people, it would take at least 30 breaths.

Even they will suffer a certain amount of backlash.

Why did it become so relaxed when Qin Shaofeng spoke?

Where did he come from so much confidence?

"No need to think about it, go!"

Qin Shaofeng waved his hand, and walked towards the ten people in strides.

"It seems that your master really intends to intercept this young man here?"

"Don't you deserve to die?" One person answered.

"It's a pity, just relying on you people, you don't have that level of strength."

Qin Shaofeng gently hooked his mouth, and with every step he took, his cultivation base aura would suddenly increase by a step.

Sixth order!

Seventh order!

Eighth order!

Tier Nine!

System voices are also constantly echoing in my mind.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current sixth-order venerable position consumes 60 million real value."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current seventh-order venerable position consumes 70 million real value."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current eighth-ranked celestial position consumes 80 million real value."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading. The current Ninth-ranked Heavenly Position consumes 90 million real value."

Just a few silent chants in his heart, Qin Shaofeng, who saw the true value of the character interface crazily lowering, felt pain in his heart.

The consumption of martial arts upgrades is really terrifying.

I only raised my cultivation base by such a few levels, and yet again consumed a huge amount of true value of 300 million.

Especially after the end of the holy order.

Seeing the next increase, the number soared from tens of millions to a number of one billion, he suddenly had the urge to scold his mother.

With his seventh-tier martial arts, he can only accumulate a total of one billion true values.

This level of improvement actually needs a billion?

If calculated in this way, wouldn't it be necessary to raise the cultivation base to the peak of the holy rank, at least a few tens of billions of true values?

At least increase the martial arts by two or three levels?

This is still not counting the practice of martial arts.

It's really...

Lao Tzu is speechless for such consumption!

"Ninth-ranked respected heaven?!"

"You kid had hidden before?"

"How is it possible, the old man can clearly be sure that your cultivation base is only the fifth-order respected heavenly position, how can you be the ninth-order respected heavenly position?"

"Is there any hidden treasure in this kid?"

All of them looked at each other for a while.

If Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything, they probably would never know where Qin Shaofeng had hidden his cultivation base, but just wanted to keep the recovery brought when he upgraded.

But the arrival of these people also showed that he could not hide.

Even if they can really kill these people, the next group of stronger people will come to intercept him. Instead of relying on those, it is better to directly raise the cultivation base and leave the enemy with a stronger strength.

When he is not improving, he just knows that increasing his cultivation level will bring him great convenience.

It wasn't until he really raised his cultivation base that he suddenly cursed.

I used to have nothing to do and always keep the real value for improvement?

The promotion from 5th to 6th immediately doubled his cultivation base, from 6th to 7th, it was tripled, from 7th to 8th, doubled, and from 8th to 9th was tripled. .

Calculate like this...

Qin Shaofeng felt that he had no idea about his calculations.

Of course, he does not need to calculate.

Just from the feeling, he was able to be sure that with his current combat power, with a random punch, it would be close to the time when he used the Thunder Thousand Flashes before.

This gap is really too big!

"Ten sacred star powerhouses, hehe, do you really think that you can take this young man down?" Qin Shaofeng stared at these people and said with a smile.

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