Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3264: Shouting

Qin Shaofeng's record is really terrifying.

He really didn't dare to wait for Qin Shaofeng's support, so he would definitely not be able to resist.

It seems it's time to escape.

Only by keeping a useful body can we say revenge.

It happened that the moment this thought appeared in his mind, the sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand was cut down at the same time.

"Sky Jade Star Force Art!"

Qin Shaofeng immediately showed his full strength.

In an instant, Zhanying's Sky Shadow Sword had been cut down.

It was at the moment when this sword fell that the strongest force of the Heavenly Jade Star Force Art had also fallen on that person.

The terrifying force of forbidden martial arts shrouded him, making the thickness of the basalt armor on that person instantly halved.

At this moment, the Sky Shadow Sword had already been cut down.

Although Zhanying had only the third-order holy star, what he displayed was a pseudo-divine martial skill, and the horror of the combat power he could exert was far beyond the third-order holy star.

Even compared with the fourth-order Saint Star position powerhouse, it is no less than good.

Although that person's defense is also very strong.

But after Qin Shaofeng's weakening, the sword of the hard resistance war shadow instantly broke the basalt armor on his body, and even the two-view defensive treasure on his body was cut to pieces at the same time.

And the power of this sword is far from being here or over.

If Zhanying was allowed to slash this sword down, he could kill that person with this sword alone.

This is not in Qin Shaofeng's interests.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng's knife will be swung at the same time.

While Zhanying's sword shattered all its defenses, Qin Shaofeng's head cut off with a single knife.

That person fell instantly.

When the system's voice remembered, Zhanying's sword had already been chopped.

The battle is over.

The man's body was shattered into three pieces.

The first piece is naturally his head, and the other two pieces are his body.

"Damn! So bloody?"

Since Ximen Zhen had seen Qin Shaofeng's previous record, at this moment some of his attention was focused on Qin Shaofeng.

Perceiving such a horrible sight caused by Qin Shaofeng, even he couldn't help taking a breath.

Think about it now.

When Qin Shaofeng asked him to block this seventh-order saint star powerhouse, he seemed to have told him that he only needed 20 breaths to be enough.

But now it seems, where else is 20 breath needed?

Qin Shaofeng killed ten people, but he didn't even use ten breaths.

This this this...

What kind of terrorist killing method is Nima?

It seems that even the old man is ashamed, right?

"In the end, it should be this guy, right?"

The corners of Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, and while looking at Zhang Xin, Zhan Ying had already rushed out there.

War Shadow did not directly join the battle.

But his position blocked all Zhang Xin's escape.

This move comes down.

Zhang Xin needs to face the Ximen Zhen of the sixth-order holy star in the front, Zhanying on the left and Qin Shaofeng on the right.

He felt speechless for a while.

This constellation is a dignified seventh-order holy star, okay?

Even in the entire land of the shining star, the cultivation base of this constellation can be regarded as the second-line powerhouse.

Good cut? Good cut? Good cut?

Although there is a sixth-order holy star among you.

But what are you three of them?

A ninth-ranked celestial ant?

A Tier 2 Holy Star Assassin?

A third-order holy star puppet?

If you really add the three of you, do you really think you can take this seat?

Are you making international jokes?

When he was thinking about it with dissatisfaction, Qin Shaofeng had already approached him.

He glanced across the battle.

Qin Shaofeng subconsciously felt that this battle didn't seem to be easy to fight.

The tyrannical degree of the seventh-order sacred star is far beyond the category he can contend.

Even if he used the Heavenly Jade Star Force Art to its peak state, I am afraid that their cooperation may not really be able to kill this person.

One is not good. Several of them were dragged by this guy to the funeral.

"The seventh-order Saint Star is strong, really powerful!"

After Qin Shaofeng's eyes scanned Zhang Xin a few times, Extraordinary did not enter. Instead, he stepped back and shouted, "Chen Ai, come here!"

This is not the first time he has faced such a battlefield.

Knowing that the more we face this chaotic situation, the more we need to control the battle.

The killing just now looked like he was aggressively aggressive, but in fact his divine consciousness was always locked on his side.

And every time he advances, he will not pull the distance between himself and Chen Ai too far.

After all, he couldn't move when he encountered an absolutely powerful enemy!

"Chen Ai? You can command him?"

When Zhang Xin heard Qin Shaofeng's name, the calm color on his face disappeared instantly.

He originally dared to let Ximen Zhen delay, although he believed in the people he sent out, he was more confident in his cultivation strength.

But he had also known from Yan Xie a long time ago that Chen Ai at the Seven-Star Gate thought that the seventh-order Saint Star was strong.

Moreover, according to Yan Xie's description, it seems that Chen Ai is more aggressive than himself.

Suddenly seeing Qin Shaofeng greet Chen Ai for help, how could he not be surprised?

"There are too many things you don't know."

Qin Shaofeng sneered.

At the same time, there was a powerful wave of cultivation base not far away.

Just now, as an ordinary saint-star warrior, Chen Ai, who was steadily advancing and rushing with everyone, suddenly became a tiger out of the cage.

A cold front long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

The sword light flickered, as if turning into a blade of heaven.

The sword light swept away, killing more than a dozen Four Elephant Sect powerhouses in front of him with one move.

The martial art of the body technique was displayed, and in a breath, he rushed to Qin Shaofeng's body.

"What do you want me to do?"

Chen Ai asked, but his eyes were fixed on Zhang Xin.

"Go and get rid of that seventh-order saint star powerhouse." Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

"it is good."

Chen Ai did not say anything nonsense.

At the same time that he nodded, that kind of martial arts and martial arts were displayed again.

Although this body technique is not as erratic as Ghost Three Slash, it is not much weaker than it.

A few flashes, a sword pierced towards Zhang Xin.

"Seven swords of Tianshu! One sword Tianshu!"

When Chen Ai's voice sounded, Zhang Xin's face turned into pig liver color.

Special! Special!

This old guy is a powerhouse of the seventh-order sacred star, how could he obey the order of such a ninth-ranked ant who is less than twenty years old?

All this is for Mao?

No matter how much anger he had in his heart, he still couldn't break out at this time.

He runs twelve points of combat power for the first time.

Suddenly, Ximen Zhen was forced back with a sword, and his figure turned towards Chen Ai.

At the same time of the impact, a dark yellow light filled his body.

The four images of Xuanwu have a unique line, and Xuanwu Jia displays!

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