Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3265: Double cut

At the same time the battle started here.

The old man of the Four Elephant Sect who was always commanding the battle finally couldn't sit still.

Although Zhang Xin's combat power was tyrannical, but let him face a seventh-order saint star position, a sixth-order saint star position, and the unpredictable Qin Shaofeng, there is absolutely no chance of winning at all.

Immediately he shouted: "What does it mean to have so many people playing one? Chen Ai, Mr. Rong will meet you!"

In an instant, he rushed out like a falcon.

Its speed was so fast that even Qin Shaofeng's pupils shrank slightly.

Although this guy's cultivation base did not reach the eighth-order saint star position, it was already extremely close.

Never let him come.

Qin Shaofeng was determined in his heart and suddenly moved forward with a knife.

The advantage they have now is that they have formed an encirclement to Zhang Xin, and that is the old man of the seventh-order peak holy star, and there is at least three breaths away from here.

Three breaths, enough!

"Boy, you dare to come and die?!"

Zhang Xin alone resisted Qin Shaofeng and the other five, but he didn't dare to relax even the slightest amount. Naturally, his spiritual consciousness enveloped the entire surrounding space.

Qin Shaofeng's movements naturally couldn't escape Ran's investigation.

Because of this, the anger in his heart has gone to the extreme.

Although Ximen Zhen is a sixth-order holy star, he obviously has a treasure in his body, which makes him fight and restrain.

And this Chen Ai is a powerhouse of the seventh-order holy star, and his combat power is much stronger than mine.

I can bear it all.

But what kind of thing are you fucking?

The mere ninth-ranked celestial ant is more than a hundred times weaker than the old man. He even wants to make peace in such a battle, and he really lives to the extreme.

Is it tolerable or unbearable, uncle can bear it, aunt can not bear it either!

Burning with anger, he actually used his full strength forcibly, a sword suddenly slashed towards Chen Ai, trying to force him back with one move, first to kill the kid Qin Shaofeng.

Chen Ai was left with Qin Shaofeng, and naturally understood that the master's intention was to let him protect Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing the other party's full effort, he naturally won't keep even the slightest hand.

"Tianshu seven swords! One sword Tianshu!"

With a flick of the long sword in his hand, he directly displayed the strongest moves of the Tianshu Seven Swords.

At the same time, with a volley of his left hand, it turned into a fist shadow, blocking the direction Zhang Xin could go toward Qin Shaofeng.

This palm is amazingly Yuheng Kaitianquan!

"Seven Star Gate Tianshu has one line of Tianshu Seven Swords, Yuheng one line of Yuheng Kaitianquan, who are you, how can you have so many Seven Star Gate seven lines of unique knowledge?" Zhang Xin was really scared by Chen Ai's miscellaneous learning. Jumped.

The seven elders of the Seven Star Gate did not even know about Ximen Li before, let alone the Four Elephant Sect.

Chen Ai's tyrannical martial arts have made him feel unreality.

"It's more than the Tianshu Seven Swords and Yuheng Kaitian Quan. The martial arts of the old man's steps are the four wild steps of Tianquan." Chen Ai sneered, the sword in his hand was already the most powerful when he spoke. power.

"Fighting at this level, these two guys are still in the mood to chat, it really makes this young man choking silently!"

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Qin Shaofeng shook his head, and instantly displayed Gui Sanzhan.

At the same time, the power of thunder rose from within him.

"Thunder Thousand Flashes!"

"Hundred flash, blitz!"

"Sky Jade Star Force Art, suppress!"

Qin Shaofeng whispered silently in his heart, but he shouted loudly: "Ghost three cut! Two swords double cut!"

"Two swords and two cuts? What the hell?"

Zhang Xin didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to take the initiative.

He had naturally heard the name of Ghost Three Slash, which was a martial skill of superb rank, but he had never heard of two swords and double swords.

When he turned his head back in surprise, the suppression of the horrible forbidden force suddenly fell on him.

"Forbidden Martial Art!?"

Zhang Xin was suddenly scared into a cold sweat.

The sudden horror of the power of the Forbidden Force made him wear it. Even if he went to the depths of the Forbidden Forest, he could display a treasure of three and a half of the energy and blood, but he was suppressed and unable to play much role.

Full of calculations, he can now display two and a half of the combat power is also the peak.

If this suppression comes early, everything will be easy to say.

This is the case.

Seeing Chen Ai's sword and punch were about to come, his eyes were red.

"Qin Shaofeng! You bastard!"


When Zhang Xin scolded, Chen Ai's sword smashed his basalt armor to pieces.

It's just that Zhang Xin's identity is different after all, his defensive treasure is not comparable to those of the previous ones, and he barely managed to resist Chen Ai's sword.

One move was easy and easy, and Chen Ai could feel it. The moment before his sword hit, Zhang Xin's Xuanwu armor suddenly weakened by about three times.

He even scolded Qin Shaofeng.

Could it be that when he didn't know what method Qin Shaofeng used to almost **** this seventh-order Saint Star powerhouse?

When he was surprised, the palm fell on Zhang Xin's right arm.

Although he made a hit, he only used it to block and did not cause many injuries to Zhang Xin.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help cursing inwardly.

If Chen Ai's cultivation base was given to Ran Zun, he would have the confidence to kill Zhang Xin in seconds.

How could this old guy be stupefied at this time?

Although he was anxious, he had no chance of recovery with this knife.

Now that it has come, and when Zhang Xin is unable to fight back, he will naturally cut down all the power of the knife.

"Boom boom! Boom boom!"

The peak was slashed, and even Qin Shaofeng was stunned by the changes that had taken place.

Thousand Lightning Thunder is a martial skill that surpasses the gods, and it is normal to be able to perform multiple attacks.

He did not show it when he could hide it.

How come Ghost Sanzhan has similar powers?

What does two swords double cut mean?

However, he still has three-strike passive martial arts.

In normal times, the enemies he had to face were those who could hardly stop him under his various tricks.

The strength of Xin's defense was far beyond his imagination.

Especially those defenses, they actually resisted him four times.

When this resistance appeared, it also allowed him to successfully trigger a three-strike passive. Under the blessing of two swords and two swords, he turned into six swords with one blow, and fell on Zhang Xin's defense almost at the same time.

Zhang Xin's defense was indeed tyrannical, far beyond what Qin Shaofeng could break through.

It happened that Chen Ai had scrapped most of it just now, causing him to cut it off with only four knives, and the last knife instantly smashed Zhang Xin's body.

"System prompt: The real value of the martial arts has reached the full limit, please upgrade the martial arts as soon as possible."

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