Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3269: Two-finger sword


Qin Shaofeng's roar sounded again.

At the same time, what sounded was the roar of the battle knife hitting the newly weakened basalt armor.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Very crisp sound.

It happened that this kind of noise was heard in Zhang Weicheng's ears, but it was three times like "pupupupu".

what's going on?

The old man's Xuanwu Armor easily blocked the boy's attack.

Why does this sound still appear?

Huh? How is it cold?

Zhang Weicheng suddenly felt that something happened to him.

But he knew better.

Qin Shaofeng's move was shocked by him, and it was the best time for him to take action.

Otherwise, whether it is Ximen Zhen's help or Chen Ai who has just released the counter shock, he will lose such a good opportunity.

The forbidden force that the kid displayed was actually comparable to the Forbidden Forest.

Saying nothing will let him live!

The treasure of forbidden weapons must belong to the old man!

"Little bastard, it's time for you to take the old man's sword!"

Zhang Weicheng did not dare to delay the slightest, so he hurriedly jumped up and raised the long sword in his hand.

After such a moment.

The treasure he wears against the forbidden force has already begun to play a role.

Even if the combat power he can display is not very high, killing Qin Shaofeng should be easy.

"My lord, be careful!"

"Qin Shaofeng, come back quickly!"

Both Chen Ai and Ximen Zhen jumped up in shock.

No one thought that Zhang Weicheng's counterattack would come so quickly.

Even if Ximen Zhen saw Qin Shaofeng's move, he might feel bad in his heart, and the speed at which he rushed forward was not faster than Zhang Weicheng's counterattack.

None of them can help Qin Shaofeng at all now.

If Qin Shaofeng couldn't stop this sword, he would definitely die!

Further away.

Ximen Li, who was watching the battle from a distance, suddenly turned pale.

He knew the great value of Qin Shaofeng.

But he knew even more that Qin Shaofeng's most powerful thing was his old-fashioned mind, the endless means of fighting, but not the strength of frontal fighting!

With the cultivation base of his ninth-ranked venerable heavenly position, how could it be possible to smash the powerhouse of the seventh-order peak sacred star frontally?

"Simon Mad!"

Simon Li's eyes were red.

He suddenly stared at the old man beside him viciously.

This old man is just the strongest he has brought, and he is also the existence of the pinnacle of the eighth-order sacred star.

Not long ago.

When something happened to Qin Shaofeng, he ordered the old man to come and help.

But this old man was just blindly indifferent.

He even took out the order issued by Qin Shaofeng, saying that you, the sect master, must listen to his orders. How dare the old man make his own claim?

It happened that the other extremely powerful eighth-rank sacred stars all nodded unanimously.

Are they really unable to see the value of Qin Shaofeng?

Not really!

They knew that Qin Shaofeng was extraordinary, but they were even more envious of Qin Shaofeng's position in Ximen Li's heart.

Why do we ask to practice martial arts of supernatural rank?

Why can that kid be able to practice martial arts of superb rank?

Why? Why?

Since you see him more important than us, then we are happy to watch that kid die.

The so-called most unhappy scholars.

It is not without reason at some point.

"Sect master, it seems to be the old man for this matter? The deputy sect master strictly ordered us to protect the sect master. If we go to help him, but what if the four elephant sect powerhouse assassinates the sect master?" Ximen looked back madly, but there was nothing in his eyes. Even the slightest color of fear.

At the exit of this sentence, Simon Li immediately spewed out a spit of blood.

Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect it!

With the cooperation of Qin Shaofeng, I had already removed the hidden stakes on the bright side of the Zongmen, but I never thought that there would be such an existence as Ximen Kuang.

And it's not just one or two.

Today's star chasers have entered the four elephant sect's revenge list, and they can even frame their fellow sects for their own interests.

Such a group of old guys, I have always regarded such a group of old guys as the hope for the future of the star chaser.

Now that the benefits are not on your side, you can choose to sit back and watch Qin Shaofeng die.

Will the benefits given by the Four Elephants be enough in the future, and you will be able to take my head over to receive it?

The more Ximenli thought about it, the more chilling he got.

"Qin Shaofeng, you can't have an accident!"

Simon Li felt her head messed up.

It's really a matter of life and death to see people's hearts!

If Qin Shaofeng really died here, he really didn't know what he should do.

Subconsciously looked into the distance.

What he saw suddenly made his eyes widened, and even almost stared out.

"Why... how could this be?"

When everyone heard the words, Qi Qi looked over there.

The ninth-ranked celestial ant, withstanding the long-prepared slaying attack of the seventh-ranked holy star, how could any accidents happen?

They had this idea before, so they didn't look there.

It wasn't until this moment that they saw a scene that made them feel incredible.

In the battlefield.

"Can you really cut it off with this sword?"

Qin Shaofeng faced Zhang Weicheng's all-out counter-kill, but the corner of his mouth still wore that iconic smile.

He didn't even take a step back.

The appearance of this sentence shocked Chen Ai and Simon who wanted to come to rescue.

What does it mean to be unable to cut it down?

There are only two low-level sacred stars around you!

Is there anything else that can make people jealous?

Or... You are so scared?

Probably not?

The two were shocked and shocked, but they were still rushing towards Qin Shaofeng.

Even if Qin Shaofeng cannot be kept, he still has to do as much as he can.

At this moment.

The sword in Zhang Weicheng's hand was cut down at Qin Shaofeng.

"Come on bastard, die for the old man!" Zhang Weicheng was about to slay Qin Shaofeng at the sight of a sword, a hideous color appeared on his face.

It's too late to say, then fast.

At this moment, that sword had already fallen to Qin Shaofeng's head.

Qin Shaofeng still didn't mean to dodge at all, even raised his left hand, and continued to smile: "My son said, you can't cut it off with this sword."

Before the words fell, the sword edge had already reached a distance of ten centimeters above his head.

But it was also at this moment that Qin Shaofeng picked up his left hand.

The index finger and **** were suddenly pinched.

"Boom, buzz..."

Zhang Weicheng's full-strength long sword blade was unexpectedly caught by Qin Shaofeng with such a terrifying sword.

The appearance of this scene, all people who saw this scene, petrified almost at the same time.

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