Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3270: Silly

"Unexpectedly... actually caught it like this?!"

"What? What? How is it possible?"

"Isn't that old guy a strong at the pinnacle of the seventh-order Saint Star?"

"The difference between the cultivation bases of the two is so big, how can Qin Shaofeng easily catch the sword edge of that seventh-order Saint Star powerhouse?"

"The sword of the 7th-order holy star powerhouse should be able to split a huge stone in half without any effort?"

"Moreover, it was still used in the hands of the 7th-order holy star powerhouse, such a sword was actually caught with two fingers?"

"Am I dreaming? How could there be such a thing in the world?"

"What's the matter?"

Everyone in the Starchaser kept exclaiming.

The appearance of this scene before my eyes really shocked me, and it can even be said that it is impossible to happen!

It just happened that such a thing appeared in front of them, so how could they be able to bear it?

The edge of Qixingmen Mountain Gate.

Both the old man Tianling and Mrs. Lingyu were full of incredible colors.

Although they have never made anyone move, they have already summoned all the seven-star gate powerhouses long ago, and they only need an order, and the seven-star gate powerhouses will rush to kill them all at once.

However, the outer battle has not ended yet, and Chen Xing has not issued an order, so he can only wait patiently.

As the ancestor of the sect, he has always been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.

How can one fail to see the importance of Qin Shaofeng?

It happened that Qin Shaofeng had an accident, and there was no expert from the star chasing door to take action, which originally caused fear and worry in his heart.

But he never thought that the next scene would be like this.

Two fingers!

That's just two fingers!

With only two fingers, the cultivation base of the mere ninth-ranked venerable heavenly position can actually catch the sword that the dignified seventh-order sacred star has displayed with all his strength?

This this this...

It seems that even if it is him, he can't do it, right?

How did that kid do it?

how is this possible?

"Is that kid still a human? How could he be strong and tyrannical? Or some kind of treasure?" Madam Lingyu was also full of surprise.

According to common sense, Qin Shaofeng should have some treasures on him.

But when he caught that sword just now, he didn't display similar skills?

The words are divided into two ends.

Let alone the shock among the major forces.

The appearance of Qin Shaofeng's hand really shocked Chen Ai and Ximen Zhen to dementia on the spot.

They watched the scene in silence, but couldn't believe it anyway.

It was a long while.

A hint of surprise flashed in Chen Ai's eyes, and he exclaimed, "Jiyue Lingyi? Is it Jiyue Lingyi?!"

The situation just now was so fast that he had forgotten that Qin Shaofeng had such a treasure.

With Ji Yue's clothes on her body, even the powerhouse of the 9th-order Saint Star cannot kill him!

Ximen Li, Ximen Zhen and others had just arrived, so I didn't know, but I saw him bidding for this object, and in the end it didn't seem to be handed over to Lu Tianxing.

Why did you forget it?

Zhang Weicheng was shocked when he heard the sound, and asked anxiously: "Jiyue Lingyi? What is that? The treasure of defense?"

If Qin Shaofeng really had a treasure that could block him, then his battle would be really dangerous.

"Jiyue Yinyi is indeed the defensive treasure, and it can also withstand the attacks of the ninth-order Saint Star powerhouse." Qin Shaofeng nodded indifferently and admitted.

But when he saw Zhang Weicheng's expression change drastically, he continued to smile and said, "It's just that! Take down your trick of the dead, this son really doesn't need to use those treasures."

Qin Shaofeng laughed slowly, and Chen Ai and Ximen immediately looked over in shock.

They are all old worlds.

Although it is not as good as Zhang Weicheng's existence that has been alive for a hundred years, it can still be called.

At this moment, they all felt that the shock over so many years was not as shocking as the shock that Qin Shaofeng brought to them during this battle.

Zhang Weicheng is okay!

Although you caught the sword, but even the slightest injury did not appear on the person's body, how can you be so sure that the person is dead?

Is it just because you slashed it up?

Because that sword that even the defensive martial skills of others couldn't break?

What an international joke!

How is that possible?

"I am dead?"

Zhang Weicheng felt that he heard the funniest joke in the world.

Just about to laugh, I suddenly felt like my body lightened up, but the whole body was full of powerlessness, and it seemed that I could fly into the sky in the next moment.

Even when he said that sentence, there seemed to be saliva flowing out unconsciously.

what happened?

Is the old man poisoned?

Probably not. How could there be a poison that no old man can detect?

He hurriedly wiped the edge of his mouth, but he saw blood stained with scum from his lungs, which was flowing out from the corner of his mouth.

"What...what's going on...?"

Zhang Weicheng's eyes were unbelievable, but as he spoke, his consciousness began to blur.

At the same time the word ‘what’s going on’ was uttered, it was also the moment he fell.


Chen Ai jumped up abruptly, and looked at Qin Shaofeng with eyes full of inconceivability and amazement.

Ximen Zhen also jumped up at the same time, feeling that everything in his mind had become blank, and subconsciously asked: "It turned out to be really dead. You said he was dead by a word?!"

"Am I dead in one sentence?"

Qin Shaofeng, who just closed his hand and gently wiped a cold sweat on his forehead, was immediately stunned by the words of Ximen Zhen.

The forehead is already full of black lines.

"That old guy was clearly beheaded by my son, so why did I say it to his death?" Qin Shaofeng exclaimed, "If my son really has that kind of ability, he would even give it a blow. Isn’t it best to say they all die in one sentence?"

Qin Shaofeng tossed his sleeves and immediately collected all the storage bags and a bunch of treasures from Zhang Weicheng.

Then he looked at the front battlefield.

Their fighting here is far beyond the scope of other people's abilities, making other people afraid to approach here.

This is the case. Hundreds of people besieged more than 20 people, but because of the insufficient number of strong people, the more than 20 people who were chasing stars actually killed most of them.

People who are still trying to support most of them are reluctantly supporting while slowly backing away.

There are even so few people who are yelling for help.

"Unexpectedly, the heart of our star-chaser is really strong! Seeing that the life and death of this seat go to the front line, they can still watch the theater as stable as Mount Tai. It is amazing, really amazing!" Qin Shaofeng glanced over the anger. When Simon Li was almost burning to the sky, he couldn't help but speak.

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