Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3278: What do we do?

"Chen! Star!"

"Unexpectedly, your Seven Star Gate actually only exists like this!"

"Before this constellation was still thinking of having a good life in the sky, I want to keep your seven-star pedigree, but this is your own ruin, so don't blame the old man!"

Yan Tianming suddenly took out an odd jade bottle from his arms.

Just by looking at it, you can feel the terrifying flame power contained in the jade bottle.

Old ghost Chen Xing's face suddenly changed.

"This is... the Suzaku divine fire of the line of Suzaku?!"

The things in that jade bottle could not tolerate the old ghost Chen Xing without fear.

Four signs and four veins.

The strongest defense is naturally the line of Xuanwu. The defense strength of its defense technique Xuanwu armor is stronger than any known defensive martial arts.


The Suzaku Divine Fire Art of the Suzaku line is the most powerful martial art attack.

The Azure Dragon is the fiercest in the long-range, and the White Tiger is the last.

With such four meridians, the only thing that can really make Old Ghost Chen Xing feel fear is the Suzaku Divine Fire.

But he never expected that Yan Tianming would carry a bottle of Suzaku Sacred Fire with him.

Able to be requested by Yan Tianming, without even thinking about it, it is possible to guess that this group of Suzaku Divine Fire is at least left by a strong person who has cultivated to the ninth-order sacred star position, or even the peak of the ninth-order sacred star position.

It's a terrifying thing!

"Old ghost Chenxing, since you want to find death yourself, then go and die!"

"Suzaku Shenhuo!"

Yan Tianming shouted and opened the cap of the jade bottle.

The terrifying purple-red flame suddenly blasted towards the old ghost of Chenxing.

"This group of Suzaku divine fire has been left for so long, and it can still possess such power. Is it really this group of Suzaku divine fire stored for you by a ninth-order peak powerhouse?" Old ghost Chenxing's face became more and more ugly.

Seeing the Suzaku sacred fire that was about to come down, he wanted to make use of his abilities, but sadly discovered that it seemed that only one thing could alleviate the current situation.

Seeing that the divine fire was approaching, he had no more time to think about it, and immediately took out a jade slip.

"Unexpectedly, I would really make that guy's words come true. I actually encountered an unstoppable crisis. It seems that no matter how much I don't want to make that guy proud, it won't work!"

The old ghost Chenxing sighed, and then crushed the jade slip into pieces.

In an instant, the purple-red Suzaku sacred fire had already fallen.

The terrifying flame burns, even if you don't feel it seriously, it is not difficult to imagine how terrifying its power is.

But under the defense that Yu Jian had made, he couldn't even feel any heat.

"It's worthy of being a one-time defensive treasure worth hundreds of millions of dollars. This thing is truly extraordinary. I didn't expect that the old man can buy something he must use to save his life in this life, hahaha!" Old ghost Chenxing laughed.

His laughter almost made Yan Tianming spit out blood.

This guy actually used that one hundred million times defensive treasure to resist my attack.

It's really...

Does this old guy know how much hundreds of millions are?

How could he be so wasteful?

One shot is hundreds of millions!

Foggy grass!

I am afraid that the Four Elephant Sects cannot support such a battle, right?

Further away.

The few people who were always hiding under the snow to watch the battle, the more they watched, the more they felt that they couldn't stand it anymore.

Especially when the old ghost Chenxing used that defensive baby.

Bai Lan couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath: "I didn't expect that kid's advance preparations really came in. It costs hundreds of millions of Yaoxing coins for a single confrontation. This kind of battle really makes me feel heartened when I wait and see. Tremble!"

"Bai Lan, don't say those useless words either, just think about what we should do now?" Golan Ye can't care so much.

"We are here to give Qin Shaofeng some help, but the appearance of the Four Elephant Sect is not their opponent at all!"

Zuo Ying nodded, but his face was weird and authentic: "Old Ge said that it was extremely timeless, but I didn't understand. Isn't it a good thing not to have us take action? The rivers and lakes are so big, don't we have any way of repaying our favor this time? ?"



Even if the two are too much older than Zuo Ying.

After hearing this sentence, but also full of speechless.

It seems to be so!

I was thinking about whether to retreat, and when I waited for other opportunities to repay my gratitude, I saw a sneaky figure touching this side.

"Yan Xie?!"

A surprise suddenly appeared in the eyes of the three.

"Qin Shaofeng seems to have ordered Chen Ai to take this guy down not long ago, but this guy is too slippery to make Chen Ai fruitless, if we..." Zuo Ying stared at the figure and said.

Before the voice fell, Bai Lan was interrupted mercilessly.

"you think too much."

Bai Lan said: "Let's not say that Yan Xina is the pinnacle powerhouse of the sixth-order holy star. Even if he is seriously injured now, with his baby, it is definitely not something we can deal with."

"This is true, but Zuo Ying's words have inspired the old man!"

Golanye suddenly laughed and said: "The people of the Four Elephant Sect are definitely going to lose, and I believe that time has passed. Although we have no chance to save Qin Shaofeng's life, if we take the people of the Four Elephant Sect Stop it most, or the lesser half?"

"How is this possible? Just rely on a few of us?" The two looked over in shock.

"If it is naturally impossible for us to sell, but you look at what this is?"

Golan Ye took out one hundred and eight small black and red flags from the storage bag, each of which had a dark green "Ling" written on the surface of the flag.

"Array flag?"

The two suddenly realized.

Golan Ye smiled lightly: "This set of formation flags was originally not a great thing. It can only produce a formation with a little psychedelic effect. However, because the range that can be used is too large, the old man will He filmed it at a high price, but never thought it would come in handy here."

When the two heard the words, their eyes appeared brilliant.

Can only have a little psychedelic effect.

Such formations are nothing extraordinary for those who respect the power.

On the other hand, it doesn't work at all.

But now it is different.

As long as the people of the Four Elephant Sect escaped, Qin Shaofeng would definitely choose to lead people to pursue and kill them at the first time, thereby further expanding the results of the battle.

Not to mention that they can bring some trouble to the people of the Four Elephant Sects, even if it is only a delay in time, it is of great effect!

"Then we don't wait any longer, and we start to set up the formation immediately, but everyone must be careful. This formation must not be noticed by anyone, otherwise a strong one can break our formation." Bai Lan While hurriedly speaking, he grabbed forty array flags and planned to go to a big fight.

But before she came to the rush, she was stopped by Golan Ye again.

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