Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3279: One push two five six

"What happened here, how could it become like this?"

Simon Kuang looked at the area in front of him that had been covered by heavy snow, and only a few places could see where the dead bodies were piled up. He jumped up in shock.

At the same time as the loud shouts rang out, everyone who followed Qin Shaofeng's rush to kill were all frightened and suddenly changed.

They can cultivate to this level, naturally all of them are old gangs.

Don't say that the corpse in front of it was covered up and it wasn't too serious.

Even if it is really covered in snow.

People who follow the Four Elephant Sect alone will never approach that one.

Even when they had just followed Qin Shaofeng to rush over, they had seen some people from the Four Elephant Sects. They would rather hit them with a single sword, and decided not to retreat even half a step here to see the problem.

The people of the Four Elephant Sect, it is absolutely not for the sake of showing that there are many people, so that such a place is always vacant.

They have also used their spiritual sense to probe before, and they have not found the problem here either.

At this time, seeing the changes here with my own eyes, the level of horror was much better than the previous Four Elephant Sect.

"This place has been emptied out?"

"How many people have to die here in such a large area?"

"One thousand? No! One thousand is definitely not enough, at least two thousand, or even three thousand people?"

"The battle has only started in such a short time, who has killed this place?"

When several people looked at each other, many people also looked at Qin Shaofeng.

After Qin Shaofeng reunited with them, everything he showed brought them too much pressure.

If anyone can make such a change, they can only think of Qin Shaofeng alone.

There may also be such a powerful person in the Seven Star Gate.

However, the Four Elephant Sects always regarded them as tinea and scabies, and at most, they only sent Zhang Weicheng and others to stop them.

As the powerhouse of the Seven Star Gate went to battle, even a powerhouse of the Saint Star position never appeared again.

The two ninth-order Saint Star position powerhouses they discovered failed to rush over, let alone other people.

It seems that they can only do this and other things, right?

"You only made such a small movement?"

Qin Shaofeng naturally understood that some people would suspect that he was coming to him, and immediately frowned, and spoke very uncomfortably.

as predicted.

The exit of this sentence immediately made everyone shut their mouths.

Even the people of the Four Elephant Sect, many people **** up their ears, wanting to know what is going on here.

Even if it was shouting to kill, at this moment, it began to become a lot weaker.

"Do you know what happened here?" Ximen Kuang asked immediately.

"This kind of poison is a secret research project of the Seven Star Gate, and its importance is more powerful than the Seven Star Gate's Nether God Thunder. The strong can also be poisoned to death, and in the end, only such a small amount of damage is achieved, which is really a waste of so many precious resources!" Qin Shaofeng said unhappy.

Whether it was Simon Madness or the people behind him, they were all dumbfounded by what he said.

I really can't imagine how this can happen!

The Seven Star Gate, the first-class power, seems to be really not comparable to our Star Chasing Gate!

Randomly engage in a Divine Destruction Thunder, which is enough to shake the Four Elephant Sect and drive the Four Elephant Sect to kill it.

Even without anyone knowing, such a terrifying poison was produced.

In one fell swoop, one hundred thousand sacred stars were killed.

How horrible and poisonous it is?

Simon felt madly that his little heart was beating violently.

Fortunately, I used to think that I was also an old world.

As an eighth-order saint star powerhouse, he has seen so much and knows so much that he can definitely be regarded as being close to the top of the world.

The scene before him dispelled all his thoughts.

It is unimaginable that this world is so terrifying.

"Although that kind of poison has failed, it is not without effect. The death and injury of 3,000 people can be regarded as giving us hope of victory. Everyone obeys the order and kills!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted loudly, and immediately displayed the Ghost Three Slashing martial arts with all his strength.

With the assistance of the Sky Jade Star Force Jue, he immediately launched a new round of killing.

The killing effect he caused was indeed extremely terrifying.

But if compared with the surprise brought by Zhao Ziyu next to him, it is only a little insignificant.

In the previous battle, Zhao Ziyu's cultivation level had reached the top of the third-order sacred star position. After this round of killing, he broke directly to the fourth-order, not to mention, once again took a big step forward.

Although everyone around him didn't say anything, I believe there are many speculations.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't care much anymore.

Yan Tianming had just noticed the changes here, and it was a martial skill that was not part of the Xuanwu line of old ghost Chenxing.

I believe that it will not take too long, Yan Tianming will definitely order the retreat.

And the martial arts value he has accumulated now is only in the early four or five hundred.

If you don't hurry up and want to do it in the future, the trouble will be much greater.

When he charged with a few people again.

This war is actually just what he said.

It's just that their piercing back and forth here does not actually do much harm to the Four Elephant Sect.

The real loss was the result of his use of the Jade Dragon King and the battle situation at the Seven Star Gate.

As he resumed leading the charge to kill, the fiercest battle was naturally in front of Qixingmen Mountain.

The moment the old man Tianling brought people out to kill himself, a fierce war started.

It's a pity that the old man Tianling thought this battle was already easy to fight.

But before he came eagerly and happy, he was intercepted by three powerful eighth-order saint star positions.

The doormaster's wife Lingyu was also stopped by two powerful eighth-order saint stars.

Although the results of Ke Wuming's killing and cutting were extremely terrifying, he could only bring great casualties to the Four Elephant Sect, but he could not really highlight the victory or defeat of the war.

Qixingmen thousands of high-ranking venerable and above Wu Xiu shot.

The injuries caused to the Four Elephants are indeed terrifying, but the number of their own casualties is also a feeling of scalp tingling.

When the war was developing for a while, the old man Tianling looked at the casualty figure on his side, and his eyes began to turn red.

Is there really no problem with the arrangement of the master?

It seems that the hundreds of people who are chasing stars have not brought much help to the Four Elephant Sect, right?

While he was thinking about it, he saw the scene where he entered the Four Elephant Sect battle formation, every time his hands danced, the dark green poisonous fog would poison a person.

At that moment, the old man Tianling's fighting spirit doubled.

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