Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3280: Popular

After the killing of a cup of tea.

Although the old man of Tianling was still in the process of being entangled, he also brought a lot of injuries to those eighth-order holy stars.

Accompanied by the ninth-tier sacred star powerhouses of both sides have joined the battle.

The old man Tianling had seen with his own eyes that the four elephant sect battlefield had been completely damaged by the Star Chasing Gate, and although they had paid half the price of the strong, they were about to pierce this side.

Finally felt that victory seemed to have come before my eyes.

"All the strong saint stars, at any cost, kill the old man!"

"Respect the heavenly powerhouse, don't worry about the consumption of the gods, our Seven Star Gate is about to win, the next thing to do is to leave all the people of the Four Elephant Sect and kill me!"

There was originally the roar of Yan Tianming not long ago, but now it is the command of the old man Tianling.

Everyone originally saw that Ji Fang could use Divine Thunder and other means, although they could exchange nearly two for each other, but due to the difference in the number of people, they still didn't feel much hope of victory.

But after these two voices, he couldn't help but subconsciously glanced into the distance.

This glance stunned almost everyone.

"Want to... win?"

"Fogweed! Those guys at the Star Chaser are also tough, right?"

"How long has it taken to kill more than 70% of the people behind the Four Elephant Sects, I, I, I... I simply admire them to death!"

"How did the people of the star chaser do it? Even if there are no strong sacred stars over there, they are also a group of high-ranking celestial powers, how can they be so vulnerable?"

"Could it be that the mysterious deputy master of the Star Chasing Gate made the shot?"

"Huh? What deputy master?"

"I heard that the Star Chaser recently added a deputy sect master, who seems to be the top five evil guys on the list of villains. Apart from that person, I really can’t think of any kind of horrible killing embryos that can bring out the kind of heaven in front of me. A sad sight."

"It doesn't matter who he shots, Lao Tzu is convinced of those guys anyway."

"Brothers, kill! After all, after defeating the Four Elephant Sects, I will never dare to insult our Seven Star Gate, kill!"

When things like morale really work, they often have a big effect.

The sound of their discussion naturally caused most of the Four Elephant Sects to look back.

At a glance, everyone's hearts trembled.

Has the top five killers on the villain list shot?

Just thinking about it in their hearts made everyone fearful.

Looking at the hell-like scene in the back, how can they not feel fear in their hearts?

Before they came here, although they also had concerns, under the crowd, they didn't have much concern.

However, nearly 10,000 talents have dropped by more than half after such a short period of time.

Are there four thousand people still alive?

Such a thought, combined with the scene in front of me, is truly terrifying.

Their combat power began to weaken unconsciously.

On the other hand, almost everyone at the Seven-Star Gate showed twelve percent combat power.

The scales of victory seem to have begun to tilt.

In just a few dozen breaths, the trend of defeat in the army has truly taken shape.

Even some of the strong men of the Four Elephant Sects are still holding on, but because of the steadily retreating of the people behind them, they have begun to weaken slightly.

"What are you all returning?!"

An eighth-order sacred star powerhouse suddenly roared.

This person is the great elder of the Xuanwu family, and his status, even his seniority, is much higher than Yan Xie.

Under his roar, he really shocked everyone.

"What if we have some accidents later?"

The great elder roared angrily: "Don't forget, all of you who are left behind by us to block the star chase gate are the weakest group."

"Don't say that they were killed or injured, even if they were all dead, would our four elephants be defeated?"

"Don't open your eyes and see, although there are many deaths and injuries among our Four Elephant Sects, there are more than 500 saint star powers, but how many of them add up?"

"The total number of people in the Seven Star Gate is less than 500 people, and the Star Chasing Gate is even more unbearable."

"It is clear that these advantages are in hand, do you still need to worry about a fart?!"

"Everyone listens to the orders, and breaks through the defenses of the Seven Star Gate for the old man, slams into the Seven Star Gate, slaughters the Seven Star Gate, and avenges the deaths and injuries of so many brothers in the Four Elephant Sect!

The prestige of the great elder is extremely high, even when compared with the deputy master Yan Tianming.

Especially after a little analysis, it really stabilizes people's hearts.

But no matter how nice it sounds.

He also knew that he had already lost on his side.

Even if he was able to take down the Seven Star Gate, he would definitely be punished severely after he returned.

Not to mention that the Seven Star Gate can really be won?

The rest of the situation is unknown.

It is simply that what they are facing is two strong ninth-star sacred stars, four strong eighth-rank sacred stars!

"Yan Fanzhen, you don't have to say those nice things. If you really think you have the ability to enter our Seven Star Gate, you can give it a try."

"The old man wants to see if you are the first to enter our Seven-Star Gate, or the one who is chasing the Star Gate first kills all your people, and finally comes to surround you with the old man and others, hahaha..."

The old man Tianling laughed out loud again.

Finally, the morale of the Four Elephant Sect was suppressed. Seeing that the masters on his side had already begun to work hard, how could he make the Four Elephant Sect come back again?

Sure enough, the Four Elephant Sects are not fools.

Regardless of what the great elder Yan Fanzhen said seems to be true, but it may not be that they can win.

They couldn't do anything about the guarding formation of the Seven Star Gate until now.

And to what extent can the killer of the star chasing gate kill?

"Fan Shanhui! Pei Zihao!"


The two eighth-order sacred stars immediately left their battlefield.

"You two lead two eighth-tier sacred star positions, and ten seventh-tier sacred star positions are strong, and directly take back the first-level old man of the deputy master of the star chasing gate!" Yan Fanzhen ordered.

"Yes, Great Elder!"

Both of them are direct descendants of the Great Elder.

Even if their cultivation base is not stronger than the many eighth-order Saint Star position powerhouses present, they still have absolute command power.

The two glanced in the crowd, and immediately shouted: "Brother Liu Shan and Liu Shui, follow us to get back the head of the deputy master of the Star Chasing Gate!"

"it is good!"

The two looks almost exactly the same, but the men with some silly looks on their faces immediately ran back out of the battle.

The brothers' minds are not too high.

But their cultivation strength is second to none among the eighth-order saint star powerhouses.

It used to work together to force a ninth-order Saint Star powerhouse for half an hour.

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