Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3281: crisis

The two brothers Liu Shan and Liu Shui were once known as the ninth-order landscape because of their achievements.

The second character of rank nine is indeed a bit exaggerated.

But with the two brothers joining hands, there are really not many opponents under Tier Nine.

But because their minds were not flexible enough, if they really went to fight with Ke Wuming, 90% of them would die in the hands of Ke Wuming in a very short period of time, and in this battle, they would always be overkilled.

At this time, the two called them up, which can be regarded as a guarantee for the people of the Four Elephant Sect.

The two eighth-tier sacred star positions, most of the ninth-tier sacred star positions, if they can no longer take down the so-called deputy master of the star chasing gate, that would be a big joke.

And if the deputy sect master was really a powerful ninth-order saint star, he wouldn't have been chased by certain forces, so that he would not dare to appear in hiding for so many years.

"I'm coming."

"Shall we go and **** that top five villain?"

The two brothers are really naive and cute enough.

But when he mentioned that he wanted to kill a strong man, his eyes were full of expectations.

"Of course to kill the murderous madman."

Fan Shanhui laughed a few times, and immediately selected ten from the Seven Star Gate powerhouses, a full ten 7th-order Saint Star powerhouses, followed by more and more crowds, rushing towards the periphery of the battlefield.

Their movements are extremely fast, and it seems that they do not intend to give Qin Shaofeng and others time to reflect.

It's just that their plan is so.

Qin Shaofeng also completed this round of killing at the same time, leading people to kill again.

The periphery of the Four Elephant Sect are all eighth-rank and ninth-ranked superiors.

Seeing the horror of Qin Shaofeng and others, especially the existence of that eighth-order saint star position and a fifth-order saint star position powerhouse, they did not dare to pursue it.

Yes, after this round of battle, Zhao Ziyu's cultivation was once again promoted.

Today, he has become the powerhouse of the fifth-order holy star.

When he came back to the place where Ximen Li and others rested, the teams of the other three Saint Star Powers had just been integrated.

There are as many as 18 people in this reintegrated team.

Now it seems that I intend to continue the charge.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at them very uncomfortably, not intending to stop them.

The Four Elephants have a few heads.

After his poisonous killing, the number of people in the periphery is even more limited.

He doesn't need to worry too much about someone daring to take merits.

But at the moment when he and this team passed by, a strong warning emerged from his heart.

problem occurs!

There is a strong attack, be careful!

Since he first fought with the Jade Dragon King, he hadn't received such a warning from the Sky Void Insect King for a long time.

The people who came were obviously stronger than expected.

"You guys wait a minute!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't think much about it, and immediately blocked the formation of the three strong ranks of the eighth sacred star.

"My lord, is there anything else?"

One person looked back and looked upset.

When they were chasing the stars, they were all on the top.

After coming here, Qin Shaofeng successively suppressed and used them as ordinary warriors, which made them feel uncomfortable to the extreme.

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's voice again, the three of them were extremely upset.

"This seat calls you to stop you naturally, it is something, and it is a major event, everyone will return immediately, rest, heal, immediately! Right away!"

Qin Shaofeng spoke again, but his voice became too serious.

But he was not in a hurry to say anything, and immediately speeded up to Simon Li and the others. Then he turned around and shouted: "Ximen Kuang, what are you waiting for there, immediately give me healing!"

What he saw was Simon walking around without arrogance or rashness.

In a hurry, he immediately took out two pills and threw them to Simon Kuang.

"Vice-master, you are... Foggy grass! The best healing pill Tianxue Pill? This, this, this is the top recovery pill, Yi Nian Pill?" Ximen Kuang's eyes were red.

He has lived for so many years and has never used such a good medicine.

These two things, any one is also sky-high, okay?

The deputy master is so wealthy?

No wonder he would give such a terrifying number of rewards.

Seeing him in this situation, Qin Shaofeng became even more anxious, and immediately released Zhan Ying, and shouted: "Feed him the pills!"

At the same time he shouted, he took out eight bottles of pills again.

These are the top healing and energy-returning pills he obtained from his storage bag when he killed the Four Elephant Sect powerhouse in this battle.

Throw it to four people separately.

After the four opened the bottle cap and sniffed, they were shocked again.

Although these pills are not as good as the two pills Qin Shaofeng threw out just now, they are still only a ray of existence!

What the **** is our deputy sect master going to do?

Looking back, he saw that Qin Shaofeng was wearing a weird cloth on himself at the fastest speed.

Jiyue Lingyi!

"Everyone is listening, the enemy is coming. After the enemy comes, look for the opponent on your own. If the sect master and this seat are not dead after this battle, everyone will count a thousand people, and each person will be 100 million Yaoxing coins or equivalent. Good reward!"

"This reward is limited to this, but it is not capped. If anyone can kill the attacking enemy who is strong with the eighth-level sacred star, the reward will be tripled. If the ninth-level sacred star is strong, the reward will be doubled. Ten times, and so on, without a cap!" Qin Shaofeng finished his words as quickly as possible.

Although he said it in one go, everyone heard it in two paragraphs.

In the first paragraph, everyone's eyes were a little red.

As long as you don’t die, you have a reward of 100 million Yaoxing coins!

Almost everyone felt like they were going crazy.

But when Qin Shaofeng said this madness, his enthusiasm was completely dispelled.

What? Kill the eighth-order saint star? Ninth-order holy star?

Foggy grass!

Could it be that among the upcoming enemies, there is still a powerful ninth-level saint star?

They didn't know this, and Qin Shaofeng didn't know either.

But Qin Shaofeng understood a little bit.

Since the people of the Four Elephant Sect had made up their minds to start with themselves, it would never be easy.

Even if there is no ninth-order holy star among the incoming people, it is afraid that there will be no less than ninth-order existence, right?

After thinking about it, I saw that the fourteen figures had appeared more and more.

In the blink of an eye, the fourteen people had already arrived at Zakon.

Seeing the lineup of this line clearly, many people are surprised.

Four ranks eighth rank, ten ranks seven ranks.

This lineup is too scary, right?

Even if our four eighth-tier powerhouses stop their four-tier eighth, we can't deal with the remaining ten seventh-tier powerhouses!

Qin Shaofeng felt a loose heart.

The highest rank is only the eighth-order sacred star. Although such a lineup is troublesome, it can be worth a battle!

"The Ninth-order landscape! Does the Four Elephant Sect really want to kill us? How come you have sent the two of them?" The voice of an eighth-order expert sounded at the same time, and Qin Shaofeng's heart appeared in his heart. Hope suddenly disappeared.

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