Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3283: opportunity

"Unless Simon Li is crazy!"

Fan Shanhui said this sentence in the hearts of too many people.

Even more people seem to think that even if Simon Li is crazy in front of him, it is impossible for such a yellow-haired child to be our deputy master of the star chasing gate, right?

Haven't you heard of it?

Our deputy sect master of the Star Chasing Gate is the top five super wicked person on the evil list!

"Simon Li is crazy?"

Brother Liu Shan and Liu Shui believed it was true once, and suddenly looked up at Simon Li.

Look left and look right.

In the end, he couldn't help scratching his head, and said in unison: "No! He doesn't look like he is crazy. Are you bluffing us?"

Fan Shanhui slipped and almost fell straight down.

But Pei Zihao couldn't help laughing, and hurriedly took the conversation, saying: "Lao Fan didn't mean that Ximen Li was crazy, but that it was impossible for him to let such a yellow-haired child be the deputy of the star chaser. the Lord."

"Oh? Is that so?"

Liu Shan scratched his head, puzzled in his eyes.

But Liu Shui couldn't help asking: "But the kid himself admitted that he is the deputy master of the star chasing gate, and the token on his waist is clearly the token of the gate master of the former Ximen Li, not for star chasing. Does the deputy master of the door only recognize tokens but not people? He has tokens, isn't that him?"

Pei Zihao was also severely choked, feeling speechless for a while.

After Qin Shaofeng listened to what they said, his thoughts moved again, saying: "The two senior Liu are really insightful, and the powerhouses of our star chasers have never doubted our identity. The two of them did not believe us. I, I... I feel so bitter in my heart!"

"Yeah! Yeah! My heart is so bitter too!"

"We are so bitter in our hearts!"

Liu Shan and Liu Shui complained to Qin Shaofeng together.

Such a scene appeared in the world, almost made Pei Zihao and the seventh-order Saint Star powerhouse stare out.

No way?

Wouldn't the ninth-tier landscape be run by that kid with a few words?

But Simon Kuang and others were full of ecstasy.


My deputy master!

You always fudge, it's best to fudge the two of them to kill all the others in the Four Elephant Sect.

Everyone's attention was on the three of them, but none of them noticed, but in the eyes of the master Simon Li, there was not even the slightest joy.

Flickering the landscape of the ninth order?

If the Ninth-order landscape is really so good to be fooled, it has been fooled away decades ago!

How can you get Qin Shaofeng?

the other side.

Pei Zihao was also full of anxiety, and hurriedly said: "Old Fan, if you don't do anything, I am afraid that our most powerful assistance here will become the assistance of the star chase gate."

"Don't worry, that kid doesn't have that ability yet."

Fan Shanhui's face was full of smiles, but he didn't even feel worried.

The attention of others is on Qin Shaofeng's three people.

Qin Shaofeng's already unfolded divine consciousness was always paying attention to everyone.

This place is also very quiet, and Fan Shanhui's words naturally fell into his ears verbatim.

Is there any heresy in the Liu brothers?

Otherwise, how could he be so sure?

"Don’t mess around. Brothers Liu were adopted by the Four Elephant Sects since they were young. After determining their talents, they brainwashed them since childhood. If you dare to say a word that is bad for the Four Elephant Sects, they will immediately If you are crazy, you will be hunted down." A voice suddenly came into Qin Shaofeng's ears.

Qin Shaofeng, who just wanted to say the words of Huyou, suddenly felt a shock in his heart.

He naturally heard what Simon Li said to himself.

However, Ximen Li's cultivation base is too low, if he dares to transmit his voice at this time, he will definitely be caught by Liu Shan and Liu Shui, and that will only allow the two of them to shoot directly.

Simon Li is also a wise man, so naturally he will not transmit his voice at this time.


Qin Shaofeng immediately found the person who transmitted the sound.

Although this voice is a little weird, it is obviously the voice of Chenxing, but after an unknown reason, the tone has changed.

Liu Shan Liu Shui can't be subdued!

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a pain in the egg.

Immediately, he was cruel.

Since it can't be recovered, just kill it directly!

He never thought of trying.

After all, his cultivation is too weak, if he really starts a war, he is definitely not the enemy of the two.

"Two seniors, in fact, I am really the deputy head of the star chasing gate, you have to believe me." Qin Shaofeng said pitifully.

"We trust you." The two answered in unison.

The seventh-order saint star powerhouses of the Four Elephant Sect, their whole bodies trembled again.

It seems that the distance between the two being fooled is closer.

Qin Shaofeng said again: "But they don't believe it!"

"Yes, yes!" Liu Shan nodded.

"That **** Fan Shanhui doesn't believe you, but he doesn't even believe the two of us. It's just a bastard!" Liu Shui scolded.

"The two seniors actually don't need to be too angry. Since that old **** doesn't believe it, we just show evidence to convince him."

Qin Shaofeng nodded his head with approval, and said: "But the younger generations are light-hearted, I am afraid that only two seniors can come to the trip to prove it."

"The evidence is actually in my token, please look at the two seniors..."

While he was speaking, he approached the two of them, and grabbed the jade pendant around his waist, as if he was telling them a secret.

The two suddenly became interested.

When Qin Shaofeng walked over, even the sword was held back in the palm of his right hand, so he felt more relieved.

But while they were relieved, Fan Shanhui's heart was tightened.

something wrong!

That kid must have a problem!

Generally speaking, since he gained the trust of the two, he should start to fool around. How could he make such a useless act?

"Two, be careful of fraud!"

Fan Shanhui couldn't think of the reason, but couldn't help but reminded it loudly.

"Old bastard, shut up quickly!"

"You really old bastard, you don't want to see the truth, you don't even want us to see the truth, and then tell you the truth, you are guilty, you, you, you bastard!"

Both of them were angry, and suddenly turned around and yelled at Fan Shanhui.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already arrived three steps away from the two.

How could Qin Shaofeng give up such a good opportunity?

Thunder Thousand Flash has already been operating.

When the two turned their heads, his left hand suddenly stretched out between the two throats.

Under the rapid blessing of Thunder Thousand Flashes, it was almost instantly passed to the throats of the two.

"Be careful!"

Fan Shanhui was shocked when he saw this.

He hadn't thought about this possibility before, but he didn't believe that the small ninth-ranked celestial ant could actually hurt the strongest of the eighth-ranked peak sacred star.

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