Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3284: poison

Qin Shaofeng's shot was really abrupt.

With such a slight stubbornness, he actually intends to kill two powerhouses at the peak of the eighth-order saint star, but you are sure you are joking?

Because of this common-sense recognition, no one thinks about it here.

But how could he think that Qin Shaofeng would really do such a thing?

The combined force of those two people, but the existence that can compete with the powerhouse of the ninth-order holy star.

Although a little silly, it's not as simple as you can kill it, right?

Fan Shanhui's heart was still full of incomprehension and inconceivability, but he couldn't help but shout out immediately.

His reminding voice was very quick.

But Qin Shaofeng's sneak attack has already reached Liu Shan's neck, where is the existence he reminded to change?

Liu Shan Liu Shui's mind is indeed slower, but he is not really stupid.

When they looked back, they were also always on guard against sneak attacks.

Even if he didn't expect that the person who attacked would be Qin Shaofeng, he had already shot it out in the first time.

What if our brother recognizes you?

Since you dare to attack us, then you are a bad guy, go and die!

have to say.

The idea of ​​the brothers is indeed very simple.

But it is these simple thoughts that make their actions worse than many smart people.

Qin Shaofeng had indeed put Jiyue's clothes on him early.

But he really didn't want to leave a defensive opportunity in this must-kill situation.

Now it seems that it is no longer necessary.

"go with!"

His sudden shout burst.

The Jade Dragon King suddenly rushed out half of his wrist, abruptly just before Liu Shan's palm bombarded him, because he rushed out of this half and hit Liu Shan's neck accurately.

A ray of greenish color began to appear in front of Liu Shan's neck at the same time.

When the Jade Dragon King returned, Qin Shaofeng saw the light of several defensive treasures appearing outside Liu Shan.

Accompanied by the sound of ‘Ka Ka’, all those rays of light shattered and disappeared.

The last one to show up was on Liu Shan's neck.

There actually appeared something like a defensive armor, but it also shattered and disappeared as it appeared.

Everything is said quickly, but in fact it happened between the electric light and flint.

If Qin Shaofeng shot with his own attack, he would definitely not be able to quickly pass the speed at which the defense appeared on Liu Shan.

But before, he really underestimated the speed of the Jade Dragon King.

The sudden appearance, its speed unexpectedly passed the two defenses at the same time, that's why it has returned, and Liu Shan's defenses really appeared.

Such an attack made Qin Shaofeng feel a tingling scalp.

Fortunately, it was in the depths of Tianlian Mountain.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Void Insect King had the ability to restrain the Emerald Dragon King, otherwise it would be impossible for him to survive that battle.

It is not possible, but absolute.

While Qin Shaofeng was astonished, he felt his body fly in response to the loud noise of "Boom!"

Get back to mind quickly.

Only then did he confirm the situation in front of him.

Liu Shan and Liu Shui couldn't even think of Qin Shaofeng's sudden action, and even less imagined that he could have the means of smashing Liu Shan's defenses with one blow, and poisoning Liu Shan with one move.

And when Liu Shan waited for an attack, he was resisted by Qin Shaofeng with Jiyue's clothes, and at the same time he let Qin Shaofeng fly out.

This made Liu Shui want to further kill Qin Shaofeng, but it was too late.


Liu Shan barely made a sound.

It's just that the poison of the Emerald Dragon King in his body, and the dangerous place like his neck, made Liu Shan's voice hoarse and hollow.

It hummed as if the peaks were blowing.

And when I just uttered a word of "you", because of the poisonous effect, I couldn't help making screams.

"What am I? You kill this son with a lineup of fourteen powerhouses above the seventh-order sacred star rank. Isn't it possible for this seat to use poison?"

Qin Shaofeng knew that Fan Shanhui and others could not believe that he was the deputy master of the Seven Star Gate.

Just follow their ideas.

Being able to hide this identity is also a great thing for him.

"Boy, hand in the antidote immediately, otherwise, don't blame us for killing you immediately and slaughtering your star-chaser door!" Fan Shanhui made a response immediately.

With his eyesight, he could clearly see how quickly the poisonous poison spread around Liu Shan's neck.

Three breaths at most.

If the three-breath time cannot find an antidote, Liu Shan will undoubtedly die.

According to his thoughts, naturally, it should be rushing forward and take Qin Shaofeng.

However, he clearly saw the power of Jiyue Yinyi.

Moreover, after Yan Xie arrived, he also told Qin Shaofeng's auction proceeds in detail. He was near Yan Tianming and naturally heard these things.

Since the Jiyue Yinyi on Qin Shaofeng's body can still attack several times, if he makes a move now, he will definitely not be able to hold it within three breaths.

Therefore, he shouted out loudly, threatening at the same time, but hurriedly shouted: "If you can hand over the antidote, the old man promises to only look for the deputy master of the star chasing door, and absolutely no one except him. It’s troublesome, and even if we stand at the end, I can mention our Four Elephant Sect assures that we will never hurt your lives today?"

Although what Fan Shanhui said was nice, he was only used to deceive.

As long as you can get the antidote, such a very insidious, cunning, and a little guy who slays a powerful person like yourself, you can't keep it!

"How? No, I have no cure."

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said with a smile: "You always say that you are a person who has lived for no less than a hundred years? Have you ever heard of the poison of the Green Dragon King, when is there an antidote?"

"What? Emerald Dragon King, is that Emerald Dragon King in your hand?"

"No! This is absolutely impossible!"

Fan Shanhui was only shocked, and he shook his head and muttered to himself: "Even the juvenile Emerald Dragon King is comparable to the existence of a half-step god. How could there be a tamed green dragon king?"

"Qin Shaofeng! Bring the antidote here!"

Seeing the appearance of Big Brother, Liu Shui didn't know how to look at the situation and immediately rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

He just wanted to take Qin Shaofeng and export the antidote.


Their brothers come out together, but they are unbeatable.

But in the single-handed battle, the strength of any one of them was about to drop by more than 70%. Even with the bonus of anger, Qin Shaofeng did not see it in his eyes.


Qin Shaofeng didn't worry at all, and spoke calmly.

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