Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3293: confidence

"Let's do our best to kill this old turtle!"

Lei Rukang was urged by Simon Kuang for the second time, and at the same time he was puzzled, he also had a real killing intent on Fan Shanhui.

After all, Simon Kuang had already killed Pei Zihao.

Even if he was willing to let Fan Shanhui go, as long as he didn't do something obvious, Fan Shanhui would definitely not know about this situation.

On the contrary, as long as something is done, it must be turned.

He already knew what to do now.

With a vigorous wave of the saber in his hand, he suddenly burst out with all his strength.

"That's right! Starchaser!"

"Sky Strike!"

All of them were forced by Qin Shaofeng to have no choice.

Even if it is clear in his heart, there are endless troubles after killing Fan Shanhui, but at this time there is no time to think about it.

Otherwise, if Yan Tianming arrives, everything will stop!

Fan Shanhui was also shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly shouted: "Are you guys really determined? You know, as long as the old man dies here today, the deputy head of my house will definitely treat you as a great enemy. There is no room for change."

The Xuanwu Armored Martial Skill was also fully urged by him.

After all, the most peak defensive power was displayed by him.

The deputy suzerain is coming soon.

But can I really continue to resist it?

Especially when I look at Qin Shaofeng, who is always standing not far away, and seems to be ready to cheat himself at any time, that is a hate in his heart!

When he first arrived, why didn't he directly kill him?

Anyway, what about killing that kid?

Why did you show up suddenly?

This is good.

The boy's real combat power is nothing but rubbish, but the ghosts are almost infinite, but he is now besieged by three people, but he is not even qualified to fight back.

He knew clearly that he could easily be killed by just rushing out.

However, Ximen Li's position and attack were all so innocent, just to block all the positions he could have.

"Old man, what do you look at over there, do you think you still have the ability to kill my son?" Qin Shaofeng kept watching.

He also naturally saw Fan Shanhui's look.

The unhappiness in his heart suddenly reached its peak.

This old guy's combat power is broad, but this defense method is really powerful, even facing the three people's joint attack, he can still look at his side.

Even if you use your feet to think, you can think of what the old thing is thinking.

Looking at the battle that was less than ten miles away, Qin Shaofeng immediately put away the anxiety in his heart.

It seems that it is really impossible not to make a move.

Thunder Thousand Flashes cannot be exposed, and the Jade Dragon King should not be exposed either.

Then see if the old Simon Li can seize this opportunity.

Qin Shaofeng was fierce in his heart, and immediately rushed towards that side.

Jiyue Lingyi was also urged by him.

Even if he knew that Jiyue Lingyi would defend itself, he was also worried that when Fan Shanhui was dying, Jiyue Lingyi would not be able to release all his defenses.

In an instant, he rushed up.

However, after his move, immediately after blocking the attack of the three of them, there was a sense of change. As long as Qin Shaofeng was to be taken down, Fan Shanhui, who was able to delay the arrival of the deputy sect master, almost sprayed out old blood.

"Jiyue Lingyi!?"

"Wucao, why did the old man forget, that kid is still wearing this kind of defensive treasure?"

"Does that kid need to show off to the old man like this?"

"Asshole! It's just an asshole!"

Fan Shanhui felt the blow once again and couldn't help but yelled.

Qin Shaofeng just appeared on the battlefield on Pei Zihao's side and immediately caused Pei Zihao's fall. How could he not see it?

Under such tremendous pressure, the pressure in his heart has gone to the extreme when facing Qin Shaofeng's movements.

"Ximen mad, give me a killer output!"

"Luo Tian Chanying, get up!"

The instant Qin Shaofeng approached, he raised his left hand and shouted.

However, it was not Luo Tian Chanying that really used it, but his martial arts Heavenly Jade Star Power Art.

Shots are 70% of the forbidden force.

"Luo Tian Chan Ying!"

Fan Shanhui's heart was shocked, and he called out subconsciously.

It's no wonder that every time this kid uses an insidious trick, the battlefield will change drastically. The affection kid always uses this treasure.


This baby may be easy to use on others, but Pei Zihao's defense of the forbidden force seems good, right?

Can Pei Zihao really make such a big change with only about half of the Forbidden Martial Forest?

The thoughts in his heart were not over yet, and he suddenly felt a wave of forbidden force that could be called terrifying.

Rao is that several defensive treasures on his body are working at the same time, but it also makes him feel the power of blood in his body. At this moment, it is suppressed again by about 50%.

It should be noted that Ximen Kuang also has a forbidden martial arts treasure.

The power of Forbidden Force was present, and while being resisted by his defensive treasure, it also suppressed part of it.

Originally, he thought that even if the force of forbidden force appeared, he would only be able to suppress himself by 30 to 40% at most.

But he didn't expect that the horror of the Forbidden Martial Power displayed by Qin Shaofeng had reached a level comparable to ordinary Forbidden Martial Forest.

No way?

How is this possible?

Couldn't Luo Tian Chanying only exert half the power of the Forbidden Martial Forest?

The doubt in his heart has not yet appeared.

Ximen Kuang's sword, which can be called the pinnacle of power, has already slashed and fallen on his Xuanwu armor.

The power of qi and blood was suddenly more than half emptied.

Even if Fan Shanhui's cultivation on the Xuanwu Armor was close to reaching its peak, he could no longer resist this sword.

With a slash, the Xuanwu armor shattered.

The gap between Fan Shanhui and Pei Zihao was immediately revealed.

Three defensive rays radiated from him in an instant.

But the power of Simon Kuang's sword remained undiminished. After another force, he smashed his defense with one sword, and cut the second defense in half before it ended.

It's too late to say, then fast.

Almost all three of them attacked at the same time.

As soon as the power of Ximen Li's knife passed, the sword in Lei Rukuang's hand was also cut down.

‘Boom! ’

Two more noises sounded.

When looking at the defensive mask on Fan Shanhui's body, there was only a very thin layer left.

Liu Shui's attack has also arrived.

"This is the end?"

Qin Shaofeng looked at the scene in front of him, but he always felt something was wrong.

Isn't Fan Shanhui a senior member of the Xuanwu line of the Four Elephant Sect?

Why is he so easy to kill?

Or did I think of this guy too simple from the beginning?

Liu Shui’s speed of a stick is not slow at all. At this time, he has already reached Fan Shanhui’s postponement, shouting: "Fan Shanhui, go to death!"

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