Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3294: Demon Scale

"Huh! Liu Shui, do you really think that you can really kill me with an optimus stick in your hand?" Fan Shanhui saw this situation, and endless hatred appeared in his eyes.

His words like this suddenly changed the expressions of Qin Shaofeng and the three of them who were taking action.

Even other people who heard this sentence became difficult to look.

After Liu Shui lost his brother's help, his combat strength did fall suddenly, but he was also a strongman with the eighth-order peak sacred star.

And this stick was shot after Ximen Kuang and Lei Ru Kuang successively crushed Fan Shanhui's defenses. No matter how you look at it, they can definitely kill it with one move.

But in such a desperate situation, how could Fan Shanhui say such a thing?

Even the expression on Fan Shanhui's face was extremely resentful.

But no matter how you look at it, he can't hide it, okay?


Is there any defensive treasure on him?

It's too late to say, then fast.

The Optimus Rod in Liu Shui's hand is so fast that it is definitely faster than the blink of an ordinary person.

Such power and speed.

Fan Shanhui didn't even look at it, but laughed so proudly: "Liu Shui, I have already said that, with your strength, you are not qualified to kill me."

The voice was not over yet, Liu Shui's attack had already come down.

Hit for a moment.


A deafening sound suddenly resounded.

The moment when Liu Shui must kill a stick and hit Fan Shanhui's neck, it seemed like a weird armor, and something like scales, slowly appeared on him.

This defense is extremely weird.

In the instant that he appeared, the strange defensive thing unexpectedly enveloped him completely.

At this moment, he seemed to have become a humanoid monster in clothes.

"Demon scale armor!?"

Liu Shui was also a member of the Four Elephant Sect.

Even if his mind is not good enough, he is also very powerful and knows a lot of high-level things. The moment the attack is resisted, he recognizes this thing.

"Demon scale armor? What is that?"

Qin Shaofeng, Ximen Kuang and the others all looked at Liu Shui in amazement.

In fact, there are more than them, and even far away from here, the two Ximenli, who are the master and ancestor of the star chasing gate, were also startled by Fan Shanhui who suddenly turned into a monster.

If it weren't for Liu Shui to exclaim, they would even have to wonder, could it be that Fan Shanhui was actually a foreign race that had been expelled to the edge of Yaoxing Land by them thousands of years ago.

Although it is clear now, they are also full of doubts.

Demon scale armor?

What is that?

Even if it is the most powerful existence of the alien race, it seems that there is no defensive thing that can withstand the high-level Saint Star powerhouse, right?

"I don't know."

Liu Shui immediately shook his head to answer when Qin Shaofeng asked.

do not know?

Qin Shaofeng almost spurted blood from these words.

What did you say before is the ninth-order landscape of the Four Elephant Sect, and you know this thing, you don't even know what it is?

"However, we have heard that the defensive ability of the demon scale armor is very powerful, but it still can't withstand the joint attack of our brothers." Liu Shui had already put away the super stick in his hand as he spoke. Just scratching his head confused.

"Can't you resist your brother?"

The corners of Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, and he moved back several tens of meters.

Ignoring Fan Shanhui’s provocative eyes, he looked at Simon Li behind him: "Senior Simon, I originally planned to kill this guy with the power of a few of us, but now I’m looking at it. It seems that I have to ask seniors to drive."

What he was referring to was naturally the old man who had just arrived.

This old man Qin Shaofeng didn't know him.

Looking at his appearance, he already had seven or eight guesses.

One of the three ancestors of Starchaser.

The first ancestor is naturally the father of Ximen Li. It is said that his name is Ximen Tian, ​​and then Ximen Yaoyang and Ximen Xinyue.

He had seen Simon Crescent once.

At that time, Ximen Crescent gave him the feeling that he had only a level 5 or 6 sacred star.

But now it seems that even Ximen Kuang and other guys can become the powerhouse of the eighth-order saint star, but they are extremely far away from the identity of the ancestor.

Anyone who would like to be called the three great ancestors of the Star Chaser is also a powerful ninth-order Saint Star.

He also faintly heard that Ximenli called this man the second uncle, and believed that he was the second ancestor of the star chaser, Ximen Yaoyang.

"You are a slippery kid."

Ximen Yaoyang smiled faintly and took a step forward.

His steps seem to be very light.

But with this step, he has already come to Qin Shaofeng's front.

The mystery in this step actually surprised Qin Shaofeng.

What is this ancestor of Ximen Yaoyang?

The step just now seemed to be very simple, but how could it be such a simple step, as if it had crossed the space, and came to him in one step?

In this step, he seems to just want to move a place to speak.

When he came to Qin Shaofeng, he didn't rush to speak, he raised his head and glanced at the far side of the battlefield, and smiled indifferently: "I didn't expect that the old man Chenxing had not seen him for so few years. It really shocked the old man inexplicably."

"Senior, can't you clean up that guy who is talking?"

Qin Shaofeng didn't understand Ximen Yaoyang's plan, but after seeing Ximen Yaoyang's uneasy appearance, he couldn't help rolling his eyes and asking.

"No hurry, no hurry."

Ximen Yaoyang still had that faint smile on his face.

His behavior made Qin Shaofeng take a half step back subconsciously. Isn't this old guy also having any problems?

Qin Shaofeng knew that there was a big problem with the star chasing door.

Compared to the four Simon Kuangs who knew that as long as a huge amount of wealth could direct them, he didn't believe in people like Simon Yaoyang.

There are a few people who really have problems like Simon Kuang and others.

Isn't that telling your own senior management on purpose that I have a problem, come and doubt me!

On the contrary, the most unexpected are the people most likely to have problems.

"What a cunning kid, it seems that you are even suspicious of the old man!"

Ximen Yaoyang was startled by his actions for a while, and then he understood, he couldn't help laughing: "You don't need to be so wary of the old man. Even though the star chasing door has a thousand years of age, it can treat us three times. As far as brothers are concerned, the star-chasing gate is actually all of the three of us, and the old man will not make self-destructive actions."

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