Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3302: Clean the battlefield

The fighting continued, and the killing continued.

But this time is very short.

Although there are only four strong ninth-star sacred stars coming from the Four Elephant Sect, there are as many as thirty strong eighth-rank sacred stars.

Rao had died in the hands of Qin Shaofeng and Ke Wuming a lot before, but now there are still many left.

Even though Qin Shaofeng was red eyes because of his martial value, he didn't dare to take it too seriously. After reluctantly beheading more than sixty people, he had to choose to retreat with the old ghost and others.

At this point, the war has come to an end.

The real duration of battles and killings that amounted to more than 10,000 people actually only took about an hour.

If this kind of thing is said, I am afraid that few people will believe it.

The strong who respect the heaven and the holy star are really too powerful.

Although there is a lot of difference between the two, but also because of their tyranny, in the real life and death fight, an ordinary holy star powerhouse, it takes a lot of time to kill a pinnacle celestial martial artist. .

Not to mention the battle between the strongest stars.

If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's Heavenly Jade Star Force Art, which could be called an anti-sky method, and then used two great martial arts skills, even if the Seven Star Gate peak martial artist is very powerful, the Seven Star Gate would be very difficult to defeat.

Even the deaths of middle and high-level officials are not impossible.

But this battle really ended like this.

Following Yan Tianming's departure with the last crowd, many of the people who followed Qin Shaofeng to kill had their legs weakened and sat on the ground together.

After a long time, an old man staggered over and said: "The Four Elephant Sect is too cruel, so many people were dispatched at once. Fortunately, the sect master, you guys are ruthless in the rear, otherwise we Seven Star Gate. I'm afraid it will be over."

"The credit for this is not my old man."

The old ghost of Chenxing has always been watching this battle. Although he is very confused about Qin Shaofeng’s record, he also knows the general situation. He smiled and said: "Shaofeng, let me introduce to you. This is our Qixingmen Tianquan. The ancestor of the enemy family, Qiu Renzhi, is also the sixth person of our eight elders."

"I have seen Elder Qiu."

Qin Shaofeng is not here now.

At this point, he was still calculating the gains of this battle, although he opened his fists, but there was not much expression on his face, making Qiu Renzhi startled.

Strength value: 4762.

There is still two hundred and thirty-eight from the martial arts upgrade.

It seems that after the things here are settled, we have to find a way to get some dense walks away, like...

Thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng looked at Chen Xing with a strange expression.

No hurry, no hurry.

"Sect Master, who is this little brother?"

Qiu Renzhi is a character who has lived for more than a hundred years, but in this life, it is also the first time he has seen a junior like Qin Shaofeng.

Even when facing himself, he can be so indifferent.

His voice also awakened Qin Shaofeng from his thoughts.


He subconsciously made a sound before looking at Qiu Renzhi.

Old ghost Chenxing knows that Qin Shaofeng is not that kind of cold person. With this voice, he was obviously out of the soul, and smiled: "He? He is the eighth elder of our Seven Star Gate, Tianxuan. The little guy is also the only disciple of the nine prisons, Qin Shaofeng."

"Qin Shaofeng? So it was him?"

Qiu Renzhi looked at Qin Shaofeng suspiciously, his eyes full of scrutiny and unclear expressions.

He was also a man with a sharp vision, but he couldn't see anything except Qin Shaofeng's cultivation.

"Come on, Shao Feng, I will introduce to you."

The old ghost Chenxing seemed to be in a good mood because he had repelled the Four Elephant Sect, and said, "This is the old man of Tianling, one of our ancestors of the Seven Star Gate. This is my wife Lingyu. Elder Zhao Ziyu, you are already familiar with it. , There is no need for the old man to introduce anything, and the other two elders, Kunjiu Prison, do not need to introduce him."

"This is our third elder Ke Wuming, the ninth-order sacred star is strong, the fourth elder Fan Shengxin is still there, not to mention, you are also familiar with the fifth elder Chen Ai, and the last one is the elder of Tianji. Zuo Tianxing, the seventh elder."

He introduced them one by one.

Qin Shaofeng would also meet each time with his fist.

When the old ghost Chenxing finished his introduction, he said, "Sect Master, it seems that this is not the time when we talk about these things. Let's go back to the Zongmen to see if the situation is serious. I believe we are facing the Four Elephant Sect as enemies this time. It will cause a lot of unimaginable troubles, and it is best to solve them as soon as possible."

"Shao Feng is right."

Old Ghost Chen Xing nodded his head with conviction, and said, "Lao Zuo, please work hard for a while and pack up the storage bags and other things left by these guys."

"There are at least five thousand people who died outside our Seven Star Gate in this battle of the Four Elephant Sect. Even if the value of each item in their storage bag is not high, it is still a fortune. Make others cheaper."

"Just tell some disciples to do this."

Qin Shaofeng just wanted to ask Ran Zun, but was interrupted by the introduction of Old Ghost Chen Xing.

At this time, hearing the instructions of the old ghost Chenxing, he knew that the current situation was not allowed, but could not help but suffocate a little.

Do you only think of the storage bag now?

Do you know that, as early as when Ximen Zhen was following me, I had already ordered Ran Zun to start converging the storage bag.

I promise those guys at least 2 billion Yaoxing coins. If you really wait for you to collect the storage bags, wouldn't it be possible for this son to take advantage?

"Let the disciples collect it?" Old Ghost Chen Xing suddenly widened his eyes.

Zuo Tianxing, who had just accepted the order, even widened his eyes and coughed a few words: "Shao Feng, you may not know a lot about some things. Although most of the hidden stakes of other forces in our Seven Star Gate have been eliminated, they are definitely There are many more, at least many people in the same line have problems."

"Even if we don't talk about their problems, it's just this batch of storage bags, which is sky-high wealth. If someone really hides some of them, isn't it a huge trouble?"

Zuo Tianxing had a sense of speechlessness in his eyes.

Obviously he thinks that Qin Shaofeng is young and ambitious, and there must be considerable problems in his vision.


Before he finished speaking, Ran Zun's voice had already remembered.

"My son, the death toll of the Four Elephant Sect in this battle was 5,337."

"Except you gave Pei Zihao's storage bag to Simon Kuang, and the star chaser collected more than 130 storage bags, the remaining 5,203 storage bags have been collected."

"In addition, there are also all kinds of offensive and defensive treasures that have not been damaged by those people, a total of 17,300 pieces, all of which have been confiscated. Please take an inventory."

As Ran Zun spoke in a voice, he brought a storage bag over.

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