Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3303: Patrol

At this moment, Chen Xing's hair was puffed up, staring at Qin Shaofeng in fear.

The eyes of the Seventh Elder Zuo Tianxing almost stared out.

This battle has just ended, okay?

Even if we add the tea time we are fighting here, it seems that the tea time is over, and we have to count the hundreds of people who have just died in our hands.

When did your subordinate clean the battlefield?

The most important thing is...

Although this guy is completely clothed in black and black, and he even lowers his head, condensing all his breath, but we can also see that he thinks the holy star is strong, right?

You even let a strong saint star to do this kind of battlefield cleaning thing?

Looks like there is nothing more luxurious than this, right?

"Let's go all the way and make arrangements!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at their shocked expressions, and at the same time he opened his mouth, he walked in the direction of the Seven Star Gate at an extremely fast speed.

It wasn't until Lu met Simon Li and others who were chasing the stars that he spoke again: "Elder Lu Tianxing, Luo Ying, and Lu Wenxin listen to orders."

"Subordinates are here!"

The three clasped their fists and bent over.

The change in this scene once again made Zuo Tianxing and others' eyes widened.

They have heard about Qin Shaofeng, but in their hearts, Qin Shaofeng only has some usefulness.

Right now, this is in front of Ximenli, the master of the star chasing door, OK?

Not to mention that Ximen Yaoyang, one of the ancestors of the Star Chasing Gate, is also here.

Why did you give the order directly?

And one of the orders seems to be Lu Tianxing, the current great elder of the star chasing gate!

"The three of you asked Fan Sacred Heart Star Master to arrange some manpower for you to clean the battlefield immediately, collect all the valuable things, pile up the four elephant sect's corpses, burn them, and we two people will be buried." Qin Shaofeng ordered Tao.


The three immediately looked towards Fan Shengxin.

Right now it was just when a hundred wastes were waiting to be raised, Fan Shengxin didn't see what his family master said, and immediately said to the two of them: "Come with me, let's go back to the sect first, and then I will arrange manpower for you immediately.

Everyone hurried back immediately.

They didn't see the tragedy of the Seven Star Gate clearly until they came to the mountain gate of the Seven Star Gate.

Although the previous battle killed too many Four Elephant Sect powerhouses.

But even on the side of the Star Chasing Gate, dozens of people were paid, let alone the side of the Star Chasing Gate that really suffered from the attacks of the Four Elephants.

After this battle, the number of thousands of people killed out at this moment turned out to be only about four hundred.

Most of them were seriously injured, and at least fifty or sixty people were injured by the forging of limbs. Even if the injuries were similar, it is believed that at least half of the damage would be lost in combat power.

Among the four hundred people, those with the more serious injuries have begun to spontaneously clean up the bones of the same family.

Since the arrival of the old ghost Chen Xing, Yan Tianming has been restrained.

Although this tragic situation was also expected by him, his eyes were very red when he saw it with his own eyes, and said: "Leaving a hundred people with the lightest injuries will take back the bones of the people in our door, and the others will immediately go back to the sect for healing. "


Four hundred people moved together.

Qin Shaofeng had no plans to wait.

After Mrs. Lingyu personally opened the mountain guard formation, he rushed towards the Seven Star Gate for the first time.

The cultivation base has reached the ninth-ranked venerable position, his speed can be described as extremely fast.

The first time he went up the mountain, he first went to the peak where the Tianshu line was located, and after a rough observation, he headed towards the peak where the Tianshu line was located.

After the war, the statistics will naturally be done by disciples.

But really wait for those disciples to finish these things, and maybe when they will go.

Qin Shaofeng has experienced too many things in his life, knowing that after this battle, the Seven Star Gate will definitely face big changes, and he needs to understand the general situation as soon as possible.

This turn is two full hours.

When he finally visited the main peak of the Seven Star Gate, a little red appeared in his eyes.

After observation, the solution he got was only one word: miserable!

It is too miserable.

After this battle, the seven-veined disciples of the Seven Star Gate had fallen at least by more than half, and even the core disciples had a number of casualties that could be described as terrifying.

Although he was the elder of the Seven Star Gate, most of the core disciples did not know him.

Seeing a young stranger suddenly arrived, many people had a look of caution in their eyes, and even some had already put their hands on the hilt.

They are cleaning the battlefield here, but there is also an old man who seems calm and relaxed.

This person is the ancestor Zuo Tianxing of Tianji.

Zuo Tianxing finally waited for Qin Shaofeng's arrival, and immediately stepped forward and said, "You kid is here, so come over for a meeting with the old man right away. Everyone is ready, so you will be left alone."

With a glance at Zuo Tianxing, the four constellations were suddenly shocked.

The core disciples who were still full of alertness just now naturally also learned the news that all the senior sect leaders had returned.

And except for this ancestor of Tianji, everyone else has already gone to the mountain where the master of the door lives.

Seeing those big men's faces with deep water, everyone knows that something big will happen.

On the contrary, Zuo Tianxing's stay left them all puzzled.

Due to the relationship of identity, and after this battle, even though this Tianji ancestor's face was plain, no one dared to ask about it.

It's just a guess in my heart, but it's impossible to stop.

They have guessed for various reasons.

But they couldn't imagine that the big guy's stay was just to wait for such a boy, who looked like he didn't even have a twenty-year-old.

And what did the ancestor Tian Ji just say?

Go to the meeting right away?

Everyone is ready, just leave you alone?

Foggy grass!

Maybe I was beaten up just now, so I haven't been sober, am I?

This Tianji ancestor will not say anything for now.

Anyone who is qualified to follow the master of the door to that mountain is at least a high-ranking figure, even the four ancestors and the master of the star chasing door.

So many big people are all waiting for such a little guy?

No way?

I must be a nightmare.

"You don't need to wait for me all, they must have discussed some of the little things that should be discussed, and I need to see the situation there again." Qin Shaofeng said.

"There is no need to go there. Although there were some accidents on their side, they were all eliminated from the bud in the first time. The total number of deaths and injuries was only more than forty people."

Zuo Tianxing naturally knew what he was doing.

In fact, if it hadn't been for Qin Shaofeng to take the first step, he might have been the one to see the general situation in person.

Some things must be understood roughly.

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