Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3304: Waiting for you

"Then go!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and immediately followed Zuo Tianxing to the mountain where Chenxing lived.

This mountain seems to be because Chenxing is the only one inhabited on weekdays. Compared to the sea of ​​blood on other mountain peaks, the places of destruction are everywhere, but it still looks like a paradise.

When he arrived halfway up the mountain, he had already seen Simon Kuang and others waiting here.

After the previous battle, their injuries were not light.

After Qin Shaofeng glanced around, he threw out a bunch of healing pills and said, "You recover as soon as possible, and then everyone is stationed here. As long as there are special people who want to go up the mountain, Ximen Zhen and Ximen Kuang will bring them together. Others must give this seat a guarantee and keep others under your nose at all times."

Everyone looked at each other for a while.

At this time, it is the time to discuss the most secret matters, so naturally people cannot be allowed in.

But what happened to the last sentence?

Everyone can't leave their companions under the nose?

Ximen Jie's face suddenly changed, and he asked in a deep voice, "My lord, are you suspecting that we people have problems?"

As soon as he said this, Zuo Tianxing was shocked.

There are as many as four eighth-order Saint Star Powers here.

Even if your kid really doubted them, you shouldn't have said so clearly, right?

Isn't this to force people to trouble you?

"Qin Shaofeng, this matter..."

"I can handle the star chase door."

Qin Shaofeng raised his hand to interrupt Zuo Tianxing's words, looked at Ximen Jie with a gloomy expression, and said sharply, "Are you people okay? Or do you think Ximen Jie has no problem?"

"How could I have a problem?"

Ximen Jie jumped up abruptly, seeming to be about to attack at any time, really shocking Zuo Tianxing.

Although Zuo Tianxing was very old, his cultivation base was at the same level as Ximen Jie.

Right now the master and others are not here, Qin Shaofeng suddenly offended so many people, if these people really have a problem, kill us and escape, even if we die, we will die in vain!


Simon Kuang suddenly jumped up at this moment, slammed Simon Jie down, and said angrily: "Ximeng Jie, how do you talk to the lord? Do what the lord asks you to do honestly for me, where? Have you talked?"


Ximen Jie almost died of anger.

But his words were only uttered, and he was suppressed by Simon Kuang again, and shouted angrily: "You, you, you, go and treat me honestly."

Ximen Jie felt that he was about to vomit blood.

We all know that you have done the most.

But no matter how you look at it, this kid seems to want to force us against us, so as to erase the rewards that should be given?

Why do you really protect the Lord like his loyal dog?

Ximen Kuang suppressed Ximen Jie, immediately leaned forward, and said with a smile: "My lord, Ximen Jie is young and vigorous, don't be familiar with him."

Zuo Tianxing felt like he was struck by lightning.

Who can tell the old man, what happened to this old guy?

He is a dignified eighth-order saint, okay?

Even if Qin Shaofeng's identity is much higher than him, he doesn't seem to be qualified to make him, a magnificent Rank 8 Saint Star powerhouse, behave like this, right?

It should be understood that this kind of cultivation base, if we change to our seven-star gate, even if the old man talks to him, he must be careful.

Why did this incident happen at the gate of the star chase, so it was turned upside down?

"You don’t need to be like this. What you need is people who can do things, not people who can talk. If you are not mistaken, there are at least five people in doubt. If it’s you If you have nothing to do in your spare time, you might as well think about it separately."

Qin Shaofeng turned his head and said, "Let's go!"

Zuo Tianxing was shocked by Qin Shaofeng's words.

That's the case, he followed Qin Shaofeng, but he also had a horrible feeling, even turning his head one step at a time, always wanting to see the four eighth-order sacred star powerhouses still behind them.

That's an eighth-order Saint Star powerhouse with a cultivation base similar to the old man!

How could he be taught the same way as grandson in front of this kid who doesn't even have a Saint Star cultivation base?

Is this abnormal, okay?

The mountain where Chen Xing lives is not very big, and only a few moments before and after they have reached the top of the mountain.

From a distance, you can see a long table in the center of a flowerbed, almost full of people, seeming to be discussing something.

The arrival of Qin Shaofeng and the two immediately alarmed them.

Everyone looked over together.

Discovering Qin Shaofeng's arrival, most people had doubts in their eyes, but Ximen Li and Old Ghost Chen Xing had surprises in their eyes.

This little guy is here.

Although our group of old guys are also sophisticated people, they always feel a lot of scruples when facing this situation.

Although several countermeasures have been discussed, no matter how you think about it, they are full of problems.

Although this kid is young, his cultivation is relatively shallow.

But his mind is definitely an excellent person.

Even after the old ghost Chen Xing had some contact with Qin Shaofeng, he was often full of praise for Qin Shaofeng's thoughts that seemed unbelievable.

Not to mention Simon Li.

"Shao Feng, you are here, come, come and sit here!"

Ximen Li greeted him at the first moment, personally took Qin Shaofeng to the end of the long table, and seated Qin Shaofeng on the chair.

Instead, after he personally pressed Qin Shaofeng down, he sat on Qin Shaofeng's left hand instead.

This action immediately caused everyone present to stare.

Zuo Tianxing almost jumped up.

We have also heard of Qin Shaofeng's identity at the Star Chasing Gate, who seems to be the deputy sect master of under four people and over ten thousand people.

But even so, it seems that he is not in his turn to sit in a chair that belongs only to the doorkeeper, right?

Not to mention that Ximen Yaoyang, the ancestor of the star chasing gate, is also here!

Qin Shaofeng also looked embarrassed, and asked, "Sect Master, this position seems a bit uncomfortable, right?"

"What's wrong with this? The old man can think of things that I have just said. More suggestions need to be made by you. It is easier for you to speak in that position. Anyway, it is me who is in charge." Simon Li laughed Tao.

The words are true, but everyone is also speechless for a while.

Qin Shaofeng also rolled his eyes.

But he also knew that Ximenli gave him the status of deputy master because of a mistake in his memory, and what he did was not as simple as Ghost Three Slashing martial arts.

If Simon Li didn't care about his own mind, he wouldn't believe it if he killed him.

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