Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 330: Are you afraid of being bitten by a snake hiding in the grass?

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for leapfrogging and killing a legendary four-maned thorn pig, gaining a leapfrog killing experience bonus, and gaining a total of 15,000 experience points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for gaining 45,000 experience points in his experience tree!"

Qin Shaofeng is currently only in the legendary triple realm, killing the legendary quadruple bristled pig, but can get five times the experience value bonus.

However, compared with this, Qin Shaofeng was very satisfied with the cooperation between Du Meng and Tang Qijian and himself.

Du Meng had cooperated with himself in the battle with monster beasts before, while Tang Qijian had cooperated to kill the medicine beast in the secret realm of the alchemy mansion.

As for Du Meng and Tang Qijian, don’t look at the bickering between them from time to time, but the two of them were rolling in the Black Point Mountain Range of Lianyang State some time ago. The tacit understanding between the two is more than the tacit understanding with Qin Shaofeng. Much more profound.

In this situation, the three of them united and became extremely skilled.

In the blink of an eye, a legendary four-maned thorn pig was solved by the three.

If this is seen by others, I am afraid it will be very shocking.

Two legendary doubles and one legendary triples killed a legendary four-fold mane thorn pig in an instant, which is incredible.

But for such a situation, Zhao Yun'er who was watching was no surprise.

As soon as the bristled pig died, a white figure jumped out. After the bristled pig's abdomen flashed past, a blood hole was left and disappeared.

For such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was not surprised.

Because he knew what the little thing he had shot was Zhao Yuner's envoy, the Cang Wolf Emperor cub that Qin Shaofeng gave her.

Because it is Yuner's envoy, this little wolf emperor can also use experience fruits to strengthen and upgrade his level.

It was already at the level of the Ninth Level of the Spirit Vein, but even if it was only the Ninth Level of the Spirit Vein, the speed of the little guy was not inferior to the average Legendary Realm monster.

Even the bloodline was strengthened by the blood demon flower, which caused the little guy's claws to be very sharp, but the ninth level of spiritual veins could break through the thick skin of the legendary four-level mane thorn pig.

Before this little thing was broken open, and the mane thorn pig’s abdomen had taken away the mane thorn pig’s monster inner alchemy.


Seeing Yun'er's feet, wagging his tail happily and holding the Demon Beast's inner alchemy in his mouth, Qin Shaofeng was already unable to complain.

You are the Canglang Emperor, okay, don't make yourself like a pet dog!

Just yelled at the little guy, don't lose the reputation of the Canglang Emperor.

But at this time Qin Shaofeng heard it. Yun'er squatted down happily, patted Little Wolf Emperor’s head, admiringly said: "Yes, Little Wolf is really smart!"

As a result, a certain little guy who was supposed to be awe-inspiring has his tail wagging more cheerfully.

Qin Shaofeng:...


Forget it, I don't care, whether it is Cang Wolf Emperor or pet dog, Yun'er is happy.

With a soft sigh in his heart, Qin Shaofeng no longer looked at Yun'er and the Little Wolf Emperor, and was about to put away the mane thorn pig.

It's getting late, and it just so happens that this bristle pig can make dinner.

The meat quality of bristle pigs has always been good, so it is most suitable for dinner.

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly heard the sound of the ball.


With a flash of white light, the small ball appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and then fell to the brain of the bristle pig. He turned around and said to the puzzled Qin Shaofeng: "There seems to be a fragment here, it should be the fragment of Qianshanling! "


Fragments are finally out!

When Qin Shaofeng heard this, he hurried up, and found a small fragment as expected by where the ball pointed.

The fragment was small, barely half the size of Qin Shaofeng's little finger, silvery white, and very shiny.

But when Qin Shaofeng saw its attributes clearly, it hurt instantly.

Thousand Mountain Order (fragments): Thousand Mountain Sect's possession, a collection of hundreds of fragments, can be merged into a Qianshan Sect.

I wiped it, actually it takes a hundred pieces to merge into a piece of Qianshan Order?

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng felt dizzy when thinking about the ten-star completion of the sect assessment task and the number of Qianshan orders.

One hundred fragments merged into a Qianshan Order.

How many fragments are needed for that thousand thousand mountains?

Wait a minute, let me faint for a while...

Qin Shaofeng finally understood the amount that seemed relatively easy to complete, but in reality, it was very difficult.

"Oh, forget it, take one step as one step!"

With a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng didn't look forward very much to the 10-star completion of this mission.

It's too difficult!


When night came, Qin Shaofeng four people ate and drank by a bonfire.

In front of the four Qin Shaofeng, there was a pile of bones.

The whole bristled pig, which weighs more than three thousand catties, has been eaten.

This is certainly not the masterpiece of Qin Shaofeng's four.

Even Du Meng, who had the most appetite among the four Qin Shaofeng, was full after eating more than 20 catties of roast pork.

The remaining mane spur pig barbecue was solved by the three guys Tiger, Little Wolf, and Little Dragon.

But among the three guys, the one with the most amazing appetite is the little guy Xiaolong.

Regardless of the small size of the little guy, half of the whole bristle pig was wiped out by it.

This caused Qin Shaofeng's heart to stop. This little thing now looks like it is definitely not the main body. It must have been transfigured, or else there is so much meat in it?

But Xiaoqiuqiu repeatedly said that Xiaolong didn't threaten him, and Qin Shaofeng didn't even think about it even though he was suspicious.

When you are full, you naturally need to rest.

With the sensitive monster like Tiger being on guard, and the little ball was dark, Qin Shaofeng was relieved to let everyone rest.

But when a few people were resting, the small ball suddenly heard a vigilance.

At this time, Lord Tiger also stood up abruptly, growling constantly.

Seeing that Du Meng and Tang Qijian screamed, they fought from the ground and instantly entered a fighting state.

On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng stood up slowly, then stretched lazily, and sighed.

"Oh, even a rest can't be peaceful, it's really irritating!"

As for Yuner, she was still sitting on the soft quilt prepared by Qin Shaofeng, teasing the little guy Xiaolong.

The little wolf is standing in front of his master, acting like my master is protecting me.

But because of its small appearance that Qin Shaofeng didn't have knee-high, and such a serious and vigilant appearance, it made Yun'er feel more cute.

"Everyone, since you are here, just come out directly. The sky is so dark. Are you afraid of being bitten by a snake hiding in the grass?"

After stretching his waist, Qin Shaofeng smiled and stared at the grass not far ahead, and gave a soft smile.

With a clatter, there was a panic in the grass not far away, and then seven or eight people jumped out.

The seven or eight people that suddenly appeared were not simple, they were all small teams above the first level of the legend, and even three of them were in the realm of the fourth level of the legend.

As soon as a few people appeared, the leading legendary four-level master sneered to Qin Shaofeng and shouted: "Heh, the kid is very vigilant! Looking at this point, the uncle is in a good mood, leaving valuable things on you. , Then just get out of me!"

The first time these people appeared, they were noticed by the ball.

At first, the small ball didn't pay much attention, but when the opponent suddenly approached Qin Shaofeng and the four of them, and still looked surreptitiously, the small ball felt that things were not easy, so he notified Qin Shaofeng immediately.

After being reminded by the small ball, Qin Shaofeng instantly opened his eyes in the field of perception, and he felt these people, and from the behavior of the other people, Qin Shaofeng also felt it. It seemed that these people seemed a little bit disgusted with the four of them. Kindly look.

Now that he had broken his whereabouts, he even said something like this, which made Qin Shaofeng even more sure that the opponent was bad.

Especially after listening to what the other party said, Qin Shaofeng's heart was even more speechless.

How many of them were robbed?

"Oh? What if I don't do this?"

Seeing the other's leader with such an attitude, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but smile, but his eyes cold suddenly.

Du Meng and Tang Qijian on the side were already ready to go.

"Ha, don't do this?"

The head of the legendary four-fold collar didn't hear clearly. He looked at Qin Shaofeng up and down, then sneered: "Boy, I don't think you are clear yet. How are you guys?"

As he said, he suddenly exploded the aura of his legendary quadruple realm, and the few people around him were also very cooperative, bursting out their own breath one by one.

Then, the leader looked at Qin Shaofeng triumphantly, and smiled: "Boy, can you see clearly now? I advise you to get a little bit of knowledge and quickly take out things and leave, or you won't blame us for being impolite!"

At this time, the people behind him also shouted for help.

"Yes, our boss is right, kid, you are so honest with labor and management!"

"Grass, you're polite, you treat us as a decoration! Believe it or not, let us understand the consequences of rejecting us in minutes?"

"Hurry up and take out all the good things on your body. No, you should take out all the storage rings of all of you!"

At this moment, the person behind the leader suddenly brightened his eyes and stared at Zhao Yun'er who was on the gray-yellow campfire, as if he had discovered some peerless treasure, and shouted with bright eyes.

"Boss, look that little girl is so beautiful! Leave her too!"

The legendary four-fold leader, upon hearing this, he quickly looked down at Zhao Yun'er.

At first, because of the dim flames, I didn't see clearly for a while, but after reminding me, the legendary four-fold leader finally saw Zhao Yun'er clearly.

But after seeing this clearly, his eyes became straight.

Without even thinking about it, he yelled suddenly.

"Boy, leave the chick next to you, I don't care about your rude behavior, just get out of here!"

After speaking, he didn't wait for Qin Shaofeng to reply, but walked towards Zhao Yun'er with an obscene smile.

But without waiting for him to get close, Qin Shaofeng's reply to him was a vicious blow from a profound iron heavy sword.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng planned to "mouse" the people who dared to rob the four of them!

But the last sentence of the other party, and the obscene look in Yun'er's eyes, directly made Qin Shaofeng unable to help it.

Qin Shaofeng yelled with a sword.

"Really looking for death!"

After all, that leader was also in the fourth level of the legend, and he noticed it the moment Qin Shaofeng storm shot his anger.

"Damn, dare to resist?"

With a roar, he slammed his punch out, directly hitting the profound iron heavy sword Qin Shaofeng split.


With a loud bang, Qin Shaofeng only felt a shock in his mouth, and he couldn't help but step back.

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