Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 331: What a bad luck!

The leader of the Legendary Quadruple Opposite, originally thought that his punch could bring Qin Shaofeng with his sword, and he flew out.

But he didn't want to hit the giant sword with his fist, his face suddenly changed, and then his whole person moved back seven or eight meters.

Even a subordinate behind him took it to him and backed out.

Although he didn't receive any actual harm, but in this situation, he felt a face loss, and suddenly became furious.

"Go on, let me go on, except for the woman, don't keep the rest!"

Roaring, that leader's face was full of anger, and his men shot out instantly.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng looked at all this coldly, then turned to Du Meng and Tang Qijian, and said four words mercilessly.

"No need to keep your hands!"

Du Meng and Qin Shaofeng didn't know what Qin Shaofeng meant?

In fact, the moment the other party insulted Zhao Yun'er, they made a judgment on these people in front of them.

Just kill it!

So after Qin Shaofeng made a sound, the two of them shot out instantly.

And this shot is a direct killer.



Just after Qin Shaofeng shouted, after a breath, two screams sounded.

The screams sounded shocked the leader who looked back, and then he was shocked to discover that among his several subordinates, two of them who had just breached the legendary double realm were actually killed.

The killing of the two subordinates made the leader feel frightened and angry, but before he could yell something, Qin Shaofeng once again sounded and approached him.

The black shadow flashed, and the leader just felt a whistling, with a depressed breath, violently attacked him.

He looked up and found that it was Qin Shaofeng who raised the profound iron heavy sword and struck him again.

"Damn, bastard, do you really think you are my opponent?"

With a fierce anger, the leader broke out.

Both hands shook, and the spiritual energy in the body was circulated. The leader shouted angrily: "Huoyun palm!"

In an instant, Qin Shaofeng saw that with the other's roar, his palms instantly became red, like a red-hot soldering iron, exuding this hot breath.

Is it a move to forcefully change one's own state with aura?

Seeing the appearance of the other's palms, Qin Shaofeng was slightly startled, and a thought suddenly appeared.

Heaven-level exercises!

There are also only heaven-level exercises that can allow a person to use their spiritual power to change the state of strengthening their physical body.

But the person in front of him is only in the legendary realm, and the spiritual energy in his body has not yet been transformed into spiritual power. In this way, the other party's so-called Huoyun Palm is afraid that it is at least a sky-level three-star technique.

The identity of this person is not simple!

But what if the identity is not simple?

With a cold gaze, Qin Shaofeng spit out a few words coldly at the palm of the opponent, and the profound iron heavy sword in his hand slashed down.



The flaming palms slammed into the huge sword, and the leader's face added a smirk.

In his opinion, with his own heavenly four-star skill, Fire Cloud Palm, he could definitely destroy the opponent's giant sword directly.

But the moment he encountered the giant sword, his face suddenly panicked.

Because at this moment, his red palms of fire clouds actually seemed to have encountered ten thousand years of ice, the hot breath on them instantly dissipated, and both palms returned to their original state.

Without the state of Huoyun's palm, his hands are naturally a pair of ordinary palms.

Although the human body can be strengthened a lot in the legendary realm, it has not been directly strengthened to the extent that it ignores the sword, not to mention Qin Shaofeng's profound iron heavy sword, such a powerful giant sword.

So, the leader is sad!



Two crisp sounds came, and before the leader could look at the place where the sound was coming from, he suddenly felt a majestic force coming, and lifted his whole person abruptly. .


After flying out more than ten meters, the legendary quadruple master hit the ground fiercely.

But his appearance at this time was extremely miserable. I don't know how much blood had been vomited in his mouth, and his hands were even weaker to drop to the ground. Especially his palms were **** and bloody, which was obviously completely abolished.

"You dare to shoot at me?"

The leader seemed to be extremely shocked and unbelieving about his current experience.

He never expected that he would be so embarrassed by a few people in the Legendary Triple Realm.

At this moment, he was very regretful in his heart.

If I knew this, I would bring more people!

It's a pity that regrets are now useless. Facing his shock and disdain, Qin Shaofeng didn't say much, got up and jumped up to the sky, and the giant sword slashed across the sky again.

"and many more!"

The leader seemed to feel that the situation was really bad, and quickly yelled.

"Stop! I'm..."

"Do not--!"


Without giving him a chance to speak, Qin Shaofeng's Xuantie heavy sword was slammed to death, and there was a puddle of flesh on the ground.

The legendary quadruple master, who was still extremely arrogant and arrogant, died like this.

Once this person died, the remaining few people were extremely panicked.

"Dead? The boss is dead?"

"Damn, you dare to kill and return the Seventh Prince of Fire Cloud Nation, you are dead!"

"Felony, this is a heinous crime, kid, you just wait to be imprisoned!"


With a roar, the few people were angry one by one.

Because they all know at this moment that their boss is dead, and they are also finished.

At this moment, they felt extremely regretful.

I had long known that I would not come and slap the Seven Prince's ass, and followed him out secretly.

If you follow the big forces, what will happen?

It's a pity that regret is useless now!

Faced with the roars of several people, Qin Shaofeng remained indifferent, even with a thought, directly ordered Tiger Master to take action.


After receiving Qin Shaofeng's order, Master Tiger jumped up instantly, culled and killed the remaining two Legendary Quadruple Masters.

After a few breaths, the two legendary four masters were torn apart by Tiger Lord.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian wanted Du Meng people, and they solved the remaining few people.

Qin Shaofeng winked at Du Meng and Tang Qijian as soon as they had solved it.

The two of them also understand now that the identities of the people they killed seemed to be a little different, and the four of them were afraid they were in serious trouble.

After getting their boss's wink, the two immediately tidied up, carefully wiping away their presence one by one.

Qin Shaofeng did the same. After doing everything, the four of them flew away in a hurry.

Not long after Qin Shaofeng and the four had left, several figures suddenly flashed up here.

The auras of these figures are stronger than one, and the fluctuation of each aura is not lower than the realm of the legendary eighth level, and even the aura of one of the figures has reached the realm of the legendary tenth level.

Coming to this place, finally at that pool of fleshy mud, the legendary ten-fold master stopped, and then coldly said: "The Seventh Prince has been killed!"

As soon as this person spoke, some of the masters who came with him became quiet instantly.

The Seventh Prince is the most favored prince of their Huoyun Kingdom, and even the other's uncle is an elder-level figure in the Qianshan Sect.

But now that the Seventh Prince was actually killed, the few people present were about to imagine that a huge storm was coming.

"Check! It's a lot of my exploration of this place, I want to know who made the move!" The legendary ten-fold master said coldly.


Several silhouettes dispersed in an instant, some chased into the distance, and some stayed in place to investigate carefully.

But Qin Shaofeng and the four knew that the matter was in trouble, so they sat on the tiger master and let the tiger master run with all his strength, and they had already run away now.

And because of Qin Shaofeng's words, the whole scene no longer had a trace of the sweetness of four people, and even the breath of Lord Tiger was wiped out one by one.

After this investigation, this group of people naturally found nothing.

But just as the so-called one hundred secrets, Qin Shaofeng and the four of them did erase all the breath of himself and the tiger.

What's more, all they used were the tricks that Qin Shaofeng gave the small ball to. Once it was erased, it would be impossible for people to detect it.

But the four of them missed the other two little guys present.

The breath of little dragon and little wolf!

The little dragon is okay, because its aura is totally dispensable, so it can't be detected.

But the little wolf is only the realm of the nine levels of spiritual veins, plus just born, how can he hide his breath?

The four Qin Shaofeng forgot about this, and none of them remembered it.

In addition, this is a place where legendary beasts often appear. Spiritual beasts are very rare, so some of the aura left by the little wolf was discovered soon.

"Captain, there is something abnormal here!"

Just when the face of the legendary ten-fold master was getting more and more ugly, he suddenly heard the voice of his subordinates.

With a sigh of flash, the legendary ten-fold master came directly to his subordinate, and then he noticed a faint breath.

"The breath of the spirit vein realm? And it seems to be the breath of a demon wolf."

The legendary ten-fold master frowned slightly, and then soon discovered that there was something wrong with the breath.

"No, although there may also be spirit beasts here, the aura of this demon wolf seems to be very weak and lively. This is the breath of a demon wolf cub!"

His eyes flashed suddenly, and the legendary Shizhong grasped this in an instant.

Then he remembered that it was a faint demon wolf cub aura, and left directly after a flash.

The seventh prince was killed, this matter is of great importance, and it must be reported to the fifth prince.


Knowing that he might have been killed, a person with a very uncomplicated identity got into a lot of trouble.

But Qin Shaofeng did not regret it.

How dare to say that to Yun'er, and have such sloppy thoughts about Yun'er.

It's not a pity for such a person to die!

However, Qin Shaofeng also understands that things are likely to be big.

Although he was not afraid of some legendary level masters, at most they were only people in the fifth and sixth levels of the legendary level.

And the same is true if there are more. Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng understands his own few people, and the wisest thing is to escape this place of right and wrong.

During this escape, Qin Shaofeng and the three of Yun'er left the peak area on the 11th, and even went straight through the peaks on the 12th, 13th...17, and went directly to the tenth. The eighth peak area.

It took Qin Shaofeng four people and five days to cross these mountain peak areas.

Because they were running away carefully, in order not to leave a few traces of themselves, Qin Shaofeng and the four took five days, and they did not kill a few monsters on the way.

This made Qin Shaofeng a little helpless.

For five full days, according to his original plan, he could break through to the fourth realm of the legend long ago.

It's a pity that now it's just a waste of garbage.

What a bad luck!

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