Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 337: Su Yunjin

What Qin Shaofeng took out was not a pill, it was the ordinary first-grade nine-layered spirit pill he refined.

From Geng Can, Qin Shaofeng knew that his first-grade nine-layer spirit pill was definitely a rare and precious pill.

Not only can it restore the aura that has been consumed, but it can even heal some minor injuries.

In Geng Can's words, this product of Nine Layers Spirit Pill, even if it is the normal version, can save lives at critical times.

The stall owner in front of him is also a person who knows the goods.

It was precisely because of his eyesight and eloquence that the team behind him was relieved and let him come out to set up a stall and sell the monsters that all of them had hunted.

As soon as he noticed the extraordinary pill in Qin Shaofeng's hand, the stall owner swallowed his mouth and hurriedly asked, "Big brother, what kind of pill is this?"

"You don't need to know what kind of pill is this. I only tell this pill. It can instantly restore all the aura consumed by a master of the legendary seventh realm, and even if it suffers some trauma, as long as the problem is not big , Can be cured!"

After finishing speaking, seeing the other party’s wide-open eyes, filled with disbelief, Qin Shaofeng smiled again and said: "I believe you also understand pill. You should be able to know from the aura contained in this pill to know whether what I said is true or false. Right?"

Indeed, the stall owner really believed it.

He is now considered an alchemist, and he can completely tell whether the pill in Qin Shaofeng's hand has the effect he said.

At the same time, he was moved!

He fully understood the significance of such a pill to his team, because if they had such a pill, their team would be able to challenge the legendary eight-layer monster.

Thinking of the benefits of hunting the legendary eight-fold monster beast, the stall owner didn’t even think about it, he said to Qin Shaofeng: “Don’t tell me, big brother, I want this pill. Of course, I know this kind of pill. The medicine is of great value. You think it’s good. Besides these fourteen monster beast corpses, what else do you need? Just say it!"

This surprised Qin Shaofeng.

According to Qin Shaofeng's original intention, a first-grade nine-layer spirit pill is probably about the same as a hundred low-level thousand spirit pills.

After all, one hundred low-level Qianling Pills can restore a total of 10 million aura values.

Although there is no convenient nine-layered spirit pill, and no nine-layered spirit pill has a healing effect, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the price of a first-grade nine-layered spirit pill is at most one hundred low-level thousand spirit pills.

But now Qin Shaofeng realized that he was wrong.

With a slight movement in his heart, after Qin Shaofeng tried to talk to the stall owner, he finally spent three first-grade nine-layer spirit pills and directly purchased five hundred low-level thousand spirit pills worth of beast corpses.

Both parties are very satisfied with this result.

Once the deal was concluded, the stall owner packed up and left.

However, Qin Shaofeng was surrounded by some other stall owners.

Because they could all have seen the process of this transaction, in the end the stall owner sold a large number of monster beast corpses, and left in such a hurry and blushing, obviously the reward was not small.

Qin Shaofeng was regarded by other stall owners as a lavish hawker, and naturally stepped forward to promote his monster.

This is another purpose of Qin Shaofeng's refusal to bargain.

Because there are so many stall owners, there are too many monster beast corpses for him to choose.

An hour later, Qin Shaofeng left in a good mood, the stall owners who were still reluctant to leave him.

This time the harvest is too great!

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that it was just a dozen ordinary version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, at least allowing himself to collect more than 300 pieces of Qianshan Ling.

These plus all the fragments before him, then four hundred fragments can be merged into four thousand mountain orders.

Finally, a good start!

Moreover, this is the twentieth peak. Qin Shaofeng believes that the following peaks on the 30th, 40th and so on will definitely allow him to trade more Qianshanling fragments.

In addition, after this time, Qin Shaofeng understood that the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill he refined was a normal version and a good thing.

This also made Qin Shaofeng secretly decide in his heart that it would be best to collect some medicinal materials for refining the Nine Layers of Spirit Pill in the subsequent actions.

Of course, the most important thing is to make oneself gather the refining materials of the second-grade nine-layer spirit pill.

The refining materials of this nine-fold spirit pill require 1,000 copies of ordinary grade medicinal materials, 100 copies of other medicinal materials, and 10 copies of prefecture-level medicinal materials.

This is a special version of refining materials, only one-tenth of the normal version.

The refining materials of this second-grade nine-layered spirit pill are not only twice as much as the first-grade nine-layered spirit pill, but it even needs a heaven-grade medicinal material called Yunlingcao.

Yunling grass only grows on the spiritual grass with strong aura. The normal cycle is one year, three years, five years, ten years, etc.

Yunlingcao can absorb the aura in the air by itself, so the older the Yunlingcao is, the more aura it contains.

The second-rank nine-layered spirit pill requires at least one cloud spirit grass that has grown for one year, and this is the normal version of the second-rank nine-layered spirit pill. If it is a special version, it needs at least three years of growth. Yun Ling grass.

"Well, it's not difficult to get other medicinal materials, but this Yunling grass has some problems!"

Qin Shaofeng's brow furrowed when he thought of the refining materials of the second-grade nine-fold spirit pill, but he quickly thought of his harvest this time, and his brows opened again.

Qin Shaofeng also collected a lot of medicinal materials from those stall owners just now, and the refining medicinal materials of the second-grade nine-fold spirit pill have been collected in 70 to 80%.

Although the cloud spirit grass was still not collected, listening to those vendors, it seems that after joining the Qianshan Sect and becoming the outer disciple of the Qianshan Sect, you can find the cloud spirit grass by going to the outer peak where the outer disciples are.

"In this way, after I become a disciple of the Outer Sect of the Qianshan Sect, I am afraid that this second-rank nine-fold spirit pill will be refined soon!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded slightly, and Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, and his steps could not help but speed up a little.

But at this moment, an inappropriate voice suddenly reached Qin Shaofeng's ears.

"Haha, the kid didn't expect to meet you here!"

With a big laugh, then Qin Shaofeng had four or five people in front of him.

Looking up, Qin Shaofeng found that the person who laughed out loud was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy who was similar to his own age. Although his aura was a little fluctuating, it was a genuine four-fold legend.

However, what made Qin Shaofeng a little puzzled was that this young man seemed familiar.

But Qin Shaofeng couldn't remember where he had seen this boy.

Seeing the expression on Qin Shaofeng's face, the young man immediately became angry.

Because he had already seen it at this time, the other party completely forgot.

"Boy, it seems you have forgotten me!"

The young man suddenly got angry, and said in a cold voice to Qin Shaofeng: "However, I won't forget you. Didn't you have a great power at the beginning? Relying on his own huge sword, his own strength is good, he insisted on using his breath to force him. me?"

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally remembered who this young man was.

Wasn’t it the same thing that I used to find a nice cave on the seventh peak at the beginning, and then ran out of a two-stroke year to let a few people get out?

"Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be the shameless pen that didn't dare to put a fart in front of the little master at the time!" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, his expression indifferent.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care if he didn't offend the other party. The other party was obviously asking for trouble, so he wouldn't be polite.

After even chuckles, Qin Shaofeng added another sentence.

"Oh, by the way, what's your name?"



It's just too damnable!

The boy is mad!

Although I don't know what Qin Shaofeng's second pen meant, but seeing Qin Shaofeng like that, I'm afraid these two words are definitely not good things.

In anger, the young man shouted at Qin Shaofeng.

"Want to know my name? Okay, so I don't want you to be a silly ghost, kid, listen carefully, Ben Shao's name is Su Yunjin, don't die and don't know whose hands you died!"

After that, the young Su Yunjin yelled at the four people around him suddenly: "Are you all stupid? Give it to me quickly and kill this kid for me!"

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have realized with hindsight that this was called Su Yunjin's second item, and it had not been seen for 20 days. Not only did he improve his cultivation level, but the people who died around him changed.

At least at the moment, the four people around him are all in the legendary five-fold realm, and there is even one who is in the legendary six-fold realm.

However, these four people were very respectful and obedient to Su Yunjin, who was only in the early stage of the legendary fourth layer. After Su Yunjin roared out a word, without thinking about it, they suddenly shot Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng, who had been prepared for a long time, knew that the other party would take action against him, so would he give them such a chance?

His eyes flashed slightly, and a six-pointed star pattern appeared on the eyeball.

The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye opens instantly!

Immediately, the world in Qin Shaofeng's eyes slowed down.

The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is more sharp than the previous three gouyu writing wheel eye.

Even people in the fifth and sixth levels of the legend, the speed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes is still nothing more than that.

Everything is under control!

With a stride, Ling Bo stepped up slightly.

Then, Qin Shaofeng's body stayed on the spot, but a few dark shadows flashed across his body and rushed towards the four.

This is the phantom formed by the full-level Lingbo Weibu. Although it is a phantom, it also has a certain attack power.

Even if he couldn't use his skills, Qin Shaofeng used the four phantoms as his attack method to directly hit the four people.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of four hits, and then the four of them flew upside down suddenly.

As soon as he shot, the person did not move, but his opponent was knocked off.

Those who had already noticed the situation here were surprised.

Especially those stall owners before, they were greatly amazed at this moment.

This person is really amazing. A person who can take out such a pill and possess such a strange attack method is probably also a genius among the big forces!

Su Yunjin never expected that his four followers would be knocked down by the opponent so easily.

This really shocked him. After the shock, Su Yunjin panicked.

Because he had seen it at this time, Qin Shaofeng was walking towards him with a smile.

Panicked, Su Yunjin yelled suddenly under Qin Shaofeng's stunned eyes.

"Cousin, save me!"

I wiped it, I haven't done anything to you yet, did you ask for help?

Qin Shaofeng was speechless, and at the same time he looked down on Su Yunjin even more.

But at the same time Qin Shaofeng also stopped, because several breaths suddenly came from not far away, and he was rushing here quickly.

Perceiving the intensity of these breaths, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly and sighed softly in his heart.

Alas, this is a little troublesome!

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