Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 338: Before and after

Huh! Huh! Huh!

After a few noises, there were a few more figures in front of Qin Shaofeng.

Upon closer inspection, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the leader was the boss who was with Su Yunjin back then.

It now appears that Su Yunjin, the boss, is his so-called cousin.

However, compared with before, Qin Shaofeng has also discovered one thing, that is, Su Yunjin's cousin has actually improved the realm, and is now in the legendary sixth realm.

And not only is Legend Sixth Layer, but also the state of the late Legend Sixth Layer.

This discovery surprised Qin Shaofeng secretly.

Unexpectedly, the strength of these two cousins ​​has increased so quickly?

Seeing his cousin appeared, Su Yunjin became arrogant again.

"Cousin He Qiang, you are finally here! Hurry, quickly kill this kid for me, he actually dared to shoot at me, it's really upsetting!"

While saying that Su Yunjin still pointed at Qin Shaofeng, roared angrily.

He Qiang didn't do anything for the first time, but stared at Qin Shaofeng, his expression slightly serious.

"Unexpectedly, we will meet again so soon!" He Qiang said softly while looking at Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment, He Qiang was also surprised. This person was already in the five-fold legendary realm, and seemed to have improved.

In less than a month, he was promoted to the fifth level of the legend. It seems that this person also has the Shengyuan Pill, so to speak...

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and a thought appeared in He Qiang's heart.

Behind this person, there must also be inner disciples of the Qianshan Sect, because this Sheng Yuan Dan can only be obtained by some of the inner disciples of the Qianshan Sect, and it will be sent to us examiners.

Thinking this way, He Qiang was even more afraid to take it lightly.

"It's very fast!" Qin Shaofeng replied neither lightly nor lightly.

But the more so, the more He Qiang felt that Qin Shaofeng had a great backstage, and the more he dared not attack Qin Shaofeng.

After hesitating for a while, He Qiang asked, "You don't know who it is? Which family member of the inner sect brother of Qianshan Sect?"

He Qiang's words are somewhat skillful. He directly asked Qin Shaofeng which inner disciple belonged to, not an outer disciple.

If it is an ordinary person who hasn't seen this issue thoroughly for a while, then there is someone who doesn't know any inner disciple, or my eldest brother is just an outer disciple of the Qianshan Sect.

Then He Qiang stopped worrying about anything, and then shot Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't see through this, and smiled in his heart. When he was about to say that he didn't know anyone, he was forcibly interrupted by Su Yunjin, who could not help himself.

"Cousin talks nonsense with him, just do it directly, no matter what his status, will he know someone better than my elder brother?"

Su Yunjin didn't care, and when he talked about his elder brother, his face was full of pride.

But He Qiang didn't think so. He knew that his cousin was good, even among the inner disciples of Qianshan Sect Inner Peak, he was also a master.

But the Qianshan Sect is intricate and complicated. No one knows who has what kind of power behind him. If one is accidentally offended, not to mention the inner disciple, even the elite disciple of the Earth Element Realm can't eat it.

However, He Qiang also understands the temper of his cousin. If he doesn't make a move at the moment, it will probably arouse his dissatisfaction, which is not good.

No, I can't let this Su Yunjin feel dissatisfied with me.

My strength is still low, and I must rely on the Su family and my cousin.

And since I looked behind the brat, there was at best a disciple of the inner sect with good strength. He should not be able to compare with his cousin, otherwise he wouldn't be without a decent guard.

Thinking of this, He Qiang suddenly decided in his heart that he was going to do so.

Qin Shaofeng naturally noticed He Qiang's actions for the first time.

Although he lowered his head slightly when he came out, it was just hiding his eyes and preventing other people from seeing the abnormality of his opening of the writing wheel at the moment.

Under the eyes of the writer, how could He Qiang have any action to hide him?

Oh, do you want to do it?

Fortunately, I haven't competed with humans since it was all five legends.

I also want to see the difference between the legendary sixth-layer humans and monsters.

However, it was clear that Qin Shaofeng's wish could not be realized.

Because at this moment, a sneer suddenly came, and a person suddenly appeared.

"Oh, just do it? It's a big tone. It makes me seldom curious, what kind of big man your big brother is!"

Upon hearing this voice, Qin Shaofeng's face flashed with helplessness, because he already knew who the person was.

Because the person here is Geng Can!

When Qin Shaofeng and Su Yunjin had a fight before, they were immediately discovered by those outside disciples of the Qianshan Sect here.

However, as long as the fighting that occurs does not affect the normal conditions of this mountain, these Outer Sect disciples of the Qianshan Sect will not interfere, even if there are casualties.

But Qin Shaofeng was different. Because of Geng Can, these outside disciples also regarded Qin Shaofeng as a member of the Geng family.

They can't intervene in these examiners at will, but if you inform Geng Can, there is still no problem.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng was in trouble, Geng Can naturally rushed over.

What Geng Can didn't expect was that he heard it as soon as he arrived. Su Yunjin couldn't help but sneered directly at the extremely arrogant words.

Geng Can sneered with this, and suddenly made Na Su Yunjin furious.

In his heart, his eldest brother, but the strongest and most talented person, he would not like to hear someone look down on his elder brother.

"Who are you, dare to look down on my elder brother, do you know who my elder brother is?" Su Yunjin suddenly turned his head and yelled at Geng Can, which made He Qiang, who wanted to stop him, too late to stop him.

Because at this time, Na Geng Can had already sensed the breath of Geng Can's legendary six peaks.

Although the opponent's realm was only a little higher than his own, He Qiang felt from the opponent's breath that if he played against the opponent, he might not be able to resist a few moves.

He Qiang is still very confident about how he feels.

So he understands that it might be a little difficult to come.

And next, what Geng Can said shocked him even more.

"Heh, I haven't been afraid of anyone, Geng Can, so I really want to know who your eldest brother is!" Geng Can sneered, but a trace of anger appeared on his face.

He has seen arrogant people, but he has never seen someone as arrogant as the boy in front of him. He wants to see what the other party has to rely on.

Su Yunjin was even more angry. He didn't care about Geng Can's words at all, and opened his mouth to say his elder brother.

But this was He Qiang, who was already in a cold sweat after listening to Geng Can's words, but suddenly grabbed him and whispered: "You give me peace!"

Su Yunjin was immediately dissatisfied, but He Qiang couldn't take care of that much, he directly pressed Su Yunjin's shoulder vigorously, and asked him to speak for a while.

Then, He Qiang smiled reluctantly and asked Geng Can: "Dare to ask you, but Geng Can, the sixth youngest of the Geng family?"

Seeing that the other party knew him, Geng Can frowned slightly, but still said coldly, "So what?"

Seeing Geng Can confessed, He Qiang's expression became even more ugly, and he hurriedly said, "It turns out that it is Geng Liusao! I don't know that this person is yours. I don't know how offended it is. I'm sorry!"

He Qiang was a mere confidant. After recognizing Geng Can, he directly apologized, and his attitude was very sincere.

Not only did he bow and apologize, he even forced that Su Yunjin down and apologized to Qin Shaofeng and Geng Can.

Su Yunjin's lungs were bursting at this moment, but He Qiang's strength was far better than him, making him unable to resist.

But He Qiang's actions made Geng Can's heart full of interest. He couldn't help but waved his hand and said coldly: "Let me see clearly with my eyes from now on, let me go now!"

People who can recognize him, and he also knows the identity of his Sixth Young Master of the Geng family, there is some ability behind the other party, and Geng Can does not want to completely kill him.

This is their style of dealing with big families.

Although Geng Can's tone was extremely contemptuous, He Qiang was relieved when he heard it, and after a few more respectful words, he hurriedly dragged Su Yunjin away with someone.

Until then, Geng Can turned around and smiled at Qin Shaofeng: "Brother Qin! You are quite busy, how can something go wrong?"

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said helplessly: "You can't blame me, I'm a victim!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng told Geng Can what had happened.

After listening, Geng Can was also dumbfounded.

This is a hassle to find your door!

However, when Qin Shaofeng said Su Yunjin's name, Geng Can's expression came to his senses.

"Su Yunjin? So that's the case, it seems that the eldest brother in the boy's mouth should be Su Yuncheng!"

Su Yuncheng?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, listening to Geng Can's tone, it seemed that Su Yunjin's eldest brother was also a character!

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help asking, "Brother Geng, who is Su Yuncheng?"


Geng Can thought for a while, and then replied, "This Su Yuncheng, but it’s a bit remarkable. This year I should be less than 20 years old, but he is the cultivation base of the nine-fold realm of the Great Yuan Pill, and because this person has three elements of wind, fire and thunder. His special spiritual root, its strength is comparable to the tenth realm of the ordinary Great Yuan Pill, ranking twenty-third in Neifeng, it is a character!"

Qin Shaofeng already knew that in the outer peak and inner peak of Qianshan Sect, there was a ranking of strength between inner disciple and outer disciple.

This ranking only records the top 100 people, and every one of them can get extra resource rewards from Qianshanzong every month.

This can be regarded as an stimulating project.

It is precisely because of this that the ranking is updated every three months, and the battle is fierce.

Regardless of whether it is the outer peak or the inner peak, there are countless outer disciples and inner disciples, who can rank in the top 100 among many opponents, and they are definitely the best.

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that Su Yunjin's eldest brother would actually be ranked 23rd among the inner disciples. It's no wonder that Su Yunjin would be so arrogant.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's contemplative expression, Geng Can smiled lightly: "Ha, Brother Qin, don't worry about it. I believe that after this time, Su Yunjin will definitely not trouble you anymore!"

After a slight pause, it seemed that something had been thought of. Geng Can smiled and said: "If he makes trouble for you again, you will find out the relationship between you and Zhao Kun. It is estimated that you will not dare to provoke them in the future. is you!"


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