Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 341: Trouble come

Qin Shaofeng was a little curious about Shengyuan Pill and asked Geng Can a lot.

After Geng Can's explanation, Qin Shaofeng understood.

Shengyuan Dan is not completely impossible to take. If it is taken together with a Yunling Grass that has a ten-year-old age, it can completely offset the side effects of Shengyuan Dan.

However, there is only one such method. The first time you take Shengyuan Pill, it has such an effect.

Qin Shaofeng remembered this point secretly.

Because he had already made up his mind, he and Yuner and the others would prepare a Shengyuan Pill, and after finding the ten-year-old Yunlingcao, he would take it directly for improvement.

This can completely leave a lot of effort for a few people.

And if there are conditions, it is Tiger Lord, Yun'er's little wolf, Du Meng's Da Meng (Du Meng named his own bear of the earth), all have a copy.

Shengyuan Dan is easy to get. According to Geng Can, starting from the 50th peak, and the 60th and 70th peaks behind, Qianshanzong has set up exchange points.

And the exchange conditions are nothing, everyone can exchange the Shengyuan Dan.

However, to redeem the first Ascension Pill, you need a legendary eighth realm monster corpse.

If you want to redeem the second one, you need the legendary nine, and the third one is the legend ten.

One person can only redeem up to three Shengyuan Pills, and in addition to the first one, which you can take away, the second and third exchanged Shengyuan Pills must be taken at the place specified by the Qianshan Sect.

Geng Can told Qin Shaofeng that this is because Qianshan Sect had such a rule in order to avoid the flood of Shengyuan Dan. After all, Qianshan Sect needs real talents, not people who rely on Shengyuan Dan to improve their realm.

Of course, as the saying goes, there are top policies and countermeasures. There will definitely be many people in the entrance examination, and they will get the Shengyuan Pill in advance.

This made Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but think of Su Yunjin and He Qiang who had met before.

Both of them have improved one level of cultivation, and depending on the situation, they are not far from the next level.

In addition to taking Shengyuan Pill, what kind of explanation can be given to this situation?

However, Qin Shaofeng felt that this Sheng Yuan Dan was a good way to let Yun'er and a few people attack the Xiao Yuan Dan realm.

The premise is to have Yunlingcao!

However, this is also simple. The one hundred peaks on the outermost periphery of the Thousand Mountain Sect, starting from the 91st peak, there will be cloud spirit grass.

If you look for it carefully, you can still find some.

If you can't find it, then you can reach the 100th peak when there are a large number of examiners concentrated.


After Hu Ye was promoted, Qin Shaofeng and others came to the 30th peak.

Although Qin Shaofeng believed that he and others were already on the road very fast, after arriving at the 30th peak, Qin Shaofeng still found that the 30th peak was already overcrowded.

Under such circumstances, Geng Can only suggested taking a rest and leaving the next day.

Qin Shaofeng agreed, and immediately asked Du Meng and Tang Qijian to exchange the monster beasts they had killed on the road into Qian Ling Dan.

And Qin Shaofeng himself went to the stall on the 30th peak, looking for the fragments of Qianshanling.

In the past few days, Qin Shaofeng and others have killed many monsters.

But even if it was the monster with the fragments of the Qianshan Order he got from Geng Can, Qin Shaofeng didn't get the sixth Qianshan Order.

Fortunately, at the stall on the 30th peak, Qin Shaofeng returned without disappointment.

After a deal, Qin Shaofeng finally owned the Qianshan Order, finally breaking through ten, reaching eleven.

There are even thirty-seven pieces!

This kind of gain made Qin Shaofeng look forward to the mountains that followed more and more.

But not long after leaving the 30th peak, Qin Shaofeng and the others were in trouble.

No, to be precise, it was not encountered, but deliberately found by the other party.

As soon as the 30th peak and the 31st peak were reached, Qin Shaofeng and others encountered a team of more than 30 people.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care much before, but when the other party suddenly came to wait for him, and a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy appeared and laughed triumphantly at Geng Can, Qin Shaofeng knew the trouble was coming.

And it seems that the trouble is directed at Geng Can!

"Hahaha, I felt like I saw you before, now I take a closer look, and it really is you! Geng Can!"

With a loud laugh, Qin Shaofeng saw a young man appear in front of him.

Although he was the same age, Qin Shaofeng felt from the opponent, the realm of the legendary seventh peak.

This person recognizes Geng Can, and Geng Can naturally recognizes him.

"Luo Chaokun? It's you!"

Seeing the person who appeared suddenly, Geng Can's face suddenly sank.

"Hey, isn't it me!" Luo Zhaokun Yinyin on the other side smiled, and then suddenly exclaimed in surprise as if he had discovered something.

"Oh, I said Geng Lao Liu! I didn't expect you to break through with Legend Seven, um, very good!"

Luo Chaokun nodded pretentiously, but quickly turned around and said to Geng Can mockingly: "Unfortunately, you are still inferior to me. Seeing that I am now at the pinnacle of the seventh legend, I will soon enter the eighth legend. You Geng Lao Liu is too slow!"

"Huh, isn't it?" Geng Can smiled coldly, and replied disdainfully, "Luo Chaokun, don't be silly, you think I don't know your lack of aura, you use Shengyuan Dan. Is this breakthrough to the current state?"

While talking, Geng Can sneered, looked at Luo Chaokun contemptuously, and sneered: "Luo Chaokun, I really feel sad for you. It's fine to take Shengyuan Pill, but with the help of Shengyuan Pill, you actually paid It's just the realm of the seventh layer of the legend. If I were you, I would have broken through to the eighth layer of the legend long ago, so I am still proud of it.

At this moment, Geng Can talked about the pain of Luo Chaokun on the opposite side.

Indeed, this Luo Chaokun took Shengyuan Pill.

However, because it was in the late stage of Legend Sixth Layer, and because of the opportunity to surpass Geng Can, Luo Chaokun took the elixir to improve her realm, and only then barely advanced to Legend Seventh Layer.

But in such a situation where he was promoted with a pill and not yet consolidated, Luo Chaokun couldn't wait to take the Shengyuan Pill, hoping to break through to the legendary eighth layer.

Unfortunately, in the end, because the realm was not problematic and the spiritual energy had not yet been consolidated, Luo Chaokun only reached the pinnacle realm of the legendary seventh layer, but did not break through to the legendary eighth layer.

This made Luo Chaokun very angry. At this moment, he accidentally discovered the existence of Geng Can on the 30th peak.

As soon as he saw Geng Can break through to the legendary seventh layer, Luo Chaokun wanted to find Geng Can to vent his anger, so he followed.

So, there was the one before.

But now after being broken by Geng Can, Luo Chaokun became a little bit angry.

"Damn it, Geng Can, don't be arrogant, or you won't blame me for being impolite!" Luo Chaokun threatened angrily.

But Geng Can didn't care, and instead sneered: "You're welcome? Don't talk full of Luo Chaokun, I'm here, but will you dare to take action against me?"

Both the Geng family and the Luo family are powerful families in the Qianshan Sect realm, and the two are equal in strength, and no one can do anything about it.

So even if the two families are not right, even the younger generations of the family will be targeted everywhere, but there is no one in the two families, and they will die against each other.

Just like at present, if Luo Chaokun really shot Geng Can and caused any harm, it would be bad.

Because this one cannot be dealt with, it is said that it will not cause a death fight between the two.

If this is the case, this would have serious consequences for the Geng and Luo family.

Because the strength is equal, no one can fight against each other, and death will only cause both sides to lose, and then make others cheaper.

However, the greatest possibility is that the two families cannot die, and Luo Chaokun, who took the initiative to take the initiative, may be **** by the five flowers and go to Geng's house to apologize.

Therefore, Geng Can determined that Luo Chaokun's biggest goal was to open his mouth, and it would never be possible to shoot at him.

In fact, it is!

Facing Geng Can's disdain, Luo Chaokun was furious and roared: "You..."

It's a pity that Luo Chaokun didn't have anything to say when he yelled out the word you.

Although Luo Chaokun was a little dull, he was not a fool. He quarreled with Geng Can, and he fought a few times if he had nothing to do. It was just a mess of the younger generation, which was not a big problem.

But if the crisis is truly dangerous to Geng Can's safety, it would be bad.

Especially Luo Chaokun also saw a petite figure behind Geng Can, that was Geng Can's younger sister.

Luo Chaokun knew that Geng Can's little girl was sick, and if he did something here, if one of them couldn't be dealt with and tossed the other side, he would definitely be the one who was unlucky in the end.

But if he really did nothing and was so despised by Geng Can, how could Luo Chaokun be so angry?

Suddenly, Luo Chaokun suddenly saw Geng Can with a few unfamiliar faces, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he whispered to the person behind him: "Who are the people next to Geng Can? Why did I come out and never see Ever?"

The person who was questioned was also confused in his heart, and finally thought about it, and said: "Three young masters, I have never met those people. Want to come here to be friends with Geng Can?"

"Friends you made?"

Luo Chaokun gave a sudden smile in his heart, haha, this is all right.

He raised his head and smiled, ignoring Geng Can's disdain for himself. Luo Chaokun looked at Qin Shaofeng in a playful manner, and asked in a weird way: "Oh, Geng Laoliu! These people around you are a little bit prettier? Who is that?"

Geng Can's expression changed in an instant. He and Luo Chaokun had been at odds since childhood, and he knew Luo Chaokun very well.

When Luo Chaokun said this, Geng Can understood in an instant, and paid attention to what he was fighting.

But without waiting for him to say something, he had noticed that his face changed slightly, and Luo Chaokun, who also knew him very well, burst out laughing.

"Haha, Old Geng! Old Geng! I really don't dare to tell your Geng family, but the others are different!"

After speaking, Luo Chaokun looked at Qin Shaofeng with excitement.

"Luo Chaokun, dare you!" Geng Can said in anger.

As everyone knows, the expression Geng Can sees made Luo Chaokun extremely happy when he saw Zhao Yun'er, especially after discovering Zhao Yuner's appearance, he became even more proud.

"Don't dare? I dare you. How do you do? Tsk tsk, I have to say! These people actually have such a beautiful girl. Well, I am missing a bed warmer, so she can make do!"

As he said, Luo Chaokun waved his hand abruptly and shouted at the person behind him: "Little ones, get on with me, get that little girl over, let her warm up the bed for the young master!"


The people behind Luo Chaokun roared together and swarmed up immediately.

"Damn it!"

Geng Can turned angrily and screamed at the Geng family behind him: "Stop them for me!"

The dozen or so of the Geng family's children were already angry at this moment.

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