Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 342: Amaterasu

For the Luo family, they don't have much affection.

Especially when Luo Chaokun dared to catch Miss Yun'er's attention, this is simply a heinous crime!

These days, because Qin Shaofeng and others rescued them, and the other elder brother is also his elder brother and friend, this relationship is close!

And for the existence of Yun'er, all the boys present were the Geng family boys. Which boy was not moved by seeing the beautiful woman?

Even after this time of getting along, I know that Miss Yun'er is the person that Young Master Qin likes, but for beautiful women, these can't stop them, the love in the hearts of these young people.

At this moment, Luo Chaokun's behavior completely angered them, and after Geng Can gave an order, all of them rushed to the people of the Luo family like chicken blood.

At this moment, Geng Can couldn't help but looked at Qin Shaofeng, gave the other party an apologetic wink, and then hurried to fight.

Because these are the two legendary seven-level masters of the Luo family, they have already surrounded him.

Luo Chaokun brought a lot of good players around, and almost no one was below the legendary triple level.

And besides himself, there are four or five legendary seven masters.

Even his team only has a legendary eight-fold powerhouse, but this person didn't make a move, and he didn't seem to want to offend Geng Can completely.

But they didn't know, it was just that, but Geng Can was already furious.

If it hadn't been for the two legendary seven-tiered masters of the Luo Family to stop him, I'm afraid Geng Can would have rushed to Luo Chaokun long ago, looking for him desperately.

After receiving Geng Can's apology, Qin Shaofeng was also speechless.

Sister, I didn't do anything, so why did I get into such trouble?

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't have time to think about it, because Luo Chaokun had already rushed towards him.

To be precise, the other party came for Yun'er.

To be honest, Yun'er is now longer and more beautiful.

More than a year ago, when Qin Shaofeng first saw Yun'er, the Yun'er in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, although she was also a little beauty, was still very young, at best youthful and beautiful.

But now, especially in recent months, I don't know if it is because of the rapid progress in her realm, Yun'er has improved more than her realm, and even her body is getting fuller.

The exquisite and convex curve has taken shape, and it is now developing in a super perfect trend, but this is the case now, not to mention that Luo Chaokun is a young man, Qin Shaofeng who gets along day and night, every time he sees it, there is something in his heart.

That's hot!

At the beginning, Luo Chaokun just wanted to make an excuse, but as soon as he got closer, he could see Zhao Yuner's appearance thoroughly, and his heart suddenly moved.

What a beauty!

I must get her!

With a warm heart, Luo Chaokun couldn't help but howl: "Haha, it really is a beauty, this young master wants you!"

After speaking, it was like Zhao Yuner rushed.

And Zhao Yuner didn’t move at all. She sat cross-legged on the big back of Lord Tiger, and looked at Luo Chaokun coldly and embraced the little dragon, while the little guy, the little dragon, gently turned her head and eyelids when no one noticed. As soon as he looked up, he looked at Luo Chaokun who was rushing forward, and opened a trace of slit eyes, revealing a trace of mocking disdain.

If Qin Shaofeng found out, he would definitely notice the little guy's extraordinary.

However, Qin Shaofeng had no intention of paying attention to these things at this moment.

Facing Luo Chaokun who rushed forward, Qin Shaofeng flew around and slapped it.

Seeing that he was about to pounce on the beauty, Luo Chaokun suddenly saw another person in front of him and ran out to block the way.

A trace of contempt flashed in Luo Chaokun's eyes after sensing the breath of the other party.

A legendary six-fold kid, dare to get in the way?

Damn it!

There was a surge of hostility in his heart, and when he saw that the person was not from the Geng family, Luo Chaokun's eyes flashed with a ruthless light, and when he flipped his right hand, he burst into full swing.

This palm exploded with full force, but Luo Chaokun did not intend to keep his hand.

In his opinion, the other party is not from the Geng family anyway, so there is no need to hesitate.

Can block one's full palm, whether it is death or alive, depends on the good fortune of the other party.

Who told him to stop him from holding the beauty!

But soon, Luo Chaokun knew that he was wrong.

With a confident palm, Luo Chaokun immediately felt something wrong after confronting the opponent.


With a burst of breath, Luo Chaokun's whole body was shocked, and the whole person actually stopped in midair.

not good!

Feeling the power coming from the opponent's palm, Luo Chaokun's face changed drastically in an instant. Unfortunately, before he could react, he saw it. The boy who was about his age smiled at him and said softly.

"That's what you can do?"

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Chaokun felt more surging power from the palm of the opponent, and then he couldn't stand it at all, his right hand numb, his whole body lightened, and the whole person was actually lifted out by Juli.

With a loud bang, Luo Chaokun fell heavily to the ground after being lifted off, and his body couldn't help but stepped back several steps, which allowed him to stabilize his figure.

how can that be?

This kid actually has such power?

After standing still, Luo Chaokun looked horrified, and his gaze at Qin Shaofeng was filled with disbelief.

But soon he remembered what Qin Shaofeng said just now.

Are you just this capable?

Suddenly, Luo Chaokun was angry.

If the other party is Geng Can, then forget it.

But the problem is not, the opponent is only a kid he has never seen before, and the realm seems to have broken through to the sixth level of the legend.

Is he not as good as a strange boy who has only broken through the legendary six levels?

At this moment, the anger in Luo Chaokun's heart was a hundred times hotter than when Geng Can mocked him before.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" With a sudden roar, Luo Chaokun killed Qin Shaofeng.

"Boy no matter who you are, I, Luo Chaokun, will kill you today!"

Under the roar, Luo Chaokun's aura was surging throughout his body, and the aura of the legendary seventh peak realm poured out in an instant, like a sea of ​​qi, rushing towards Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, as if completely unaffected, with a light move with his right hand, the profound iron heavy sword appeared instantly.

Holding the profound iron heavy sword in his hand, Qin Shaofeng slammed it when he looked at Luo Chaokun who was leaping towards him.

"Breaking style!"

With a soft drink, following Qin Shaofeng's wave, the profound iron heavy sword exploded with an invisible sword aura and blasted towards Na Luo Chaokun.


An invisible force struck, and then something horrified Luo Chaokun happened.

Because he suddenly felt that the surging aura of his body was completely emptied by some power at this moment, so that he could not feel the trace of aura fluctuations around him.


Just as Luo Chaokun was horrified by what was happening to him at this moment, he suddenly felt the darkness in front of him and an invisible pressure.

He couldn't help but looked up, and then Luo Chaokun saw it again, smiling at himself with the face that made him angry.

However, compared to this, the action of the giant sword in the opponent's hand slamming at him was what made him panic.

But soon the panic on Luo Chaokun's face disappeared, instead he looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, full of anger.


Luo Chaokun's abnormal behavior left Qin Shaofeng with a heart and became vigilant secretly.

This vigilance, just when the giant sword was about to hit Na Luo Chaokun, Qin Shaofeng's heart suddenly jumped, as if an extremely dangerous sign appeared.

It seems that this sword, if I really shoot Luo Chaokun completely, I am afraid that there will be some danger.

Without hesitation, his footsteps retreated slightly, Qin Shaofeng decisively stepped on Ling Bo's slight steps, and retreated suddenly.


At the moment when Qin Shaofeng retreated, a powerful aura appeared in vain, and then Qin Shaofeng's position was suddenly smashed out of a big pit.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Shaofeng was secretly grateful, and then raised his head to look at Luo Chaokun's side, not knowing when an extra figure appeared.

The person here is the legendary eight-fold powerhouse who has never taken a shot!

The breath exuding from this person gave Qin Shaofeng a very dangerous feeling.

The golden eyes opened in secret, and Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked with a slight look.

Character: Luo Yi

Level: Legendary Eight Peaks

Aura value: 5.8 million/5.8 million

Innate roots: Seven-Rank Earth System

Technique: "Luo Ling Jue"


5.8 million?

Seeing this sudden appearance of Luo Yi with a spiritual energy value of 5.8 million, Qin Shaofeng was shocked instantly.

This aura is almost twice that of Lord Tiger, but the opponent is only Legend Eightfold.

No wonder he can give himself a sense of danger. It is just this aura, the first person in the legendary realm that he has seen so far.

Qin Shaofeng also suddenly understood why Luo Chaokun still didn't worry about his safety under such circumstances, probably because of Luo Yi.

"Do it! Luo Yi, do it for me and kill this kid!"

Feeling the panic and fear in his heart before, Luo Chaokun was frightened and angry, and directly ordered Luo Yi.

However, what really made Luo Chaokun want to kill Qin Shaofeng in his heart was the weird technique that Qin Shaofeng used to make his whole body disappear instantly.

The weird technique as before is really terrifying.

This person cannot stay!

As a member of the Luo family, Luo Yi was appointed to follow Luo Chaokun's orders, and naturally he would obey Luo Chaokun's instructions.

Moreover, the person in front of him is not from the Geng family.

In the distance, Na Geng Can also suddenly discovered the situation here, and was furious for a while, but suffering from the entanglement of two opponents in the same realm, he could not get out of his body at all, and could only continue to roar at Luo Chaokun.

"Damn it, Luo Chaokun, if you really dare to kill you, I Geng Can swears that you will not be at odds with you from now on, and you will never stop!"

But Luo Chaokun was determined to take Qin Shaofeng's life, and ignored Geng Can at all. He just said coldly to Luo Yi, "Don't do it yet?"

Luo Yi nodded slightly, then looked at Qin Shaofeng coldly.

not good!

After obtaining the opponent's attribute information, Qin Shaofeng knew that Luo Yi was extremely strong, and he was afraid that he was not an opponent.

Just thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng suddenly realized that Luo Yi suddenly disappeared.

Damn it!

With a secret curse in his heart, Qin Shaofeng no longer hesitated, and instantly opened the writing wheel.

It can be written that after the opening of the wheel, Qin Shaofeng's body was cold, and his whole body's cold hair instantly exploded.

Because at this time Qin Shaofeng discovered that Luo Yi had already appeared in front of him.

Moreover, the other party still blasted his head with a cold look in his eyes. If this blast is real, Qin Shaofeng is sure that his head is a tofu flower.

But it was too late to flash at this moment, and even Lingbo's microstep was too late to perform.

Qin Shaofeng could only tilt his head slightly, lift his right hand slightly, and hide behind the profound iron heavy sword.


In the end, Luo Yi's punch didn't hit Qin Shaofeng, but instead hit the Xuantie heavy sword.

But the profound iron heavy sword that was hit slammed into Qin Shaofeng fiercely.


In an instant, Qin Shaofeng vomited blood, his eyes dimmed, and his head buzzed.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng saw that Luo Yi's figure flashed slightly, and pounced on himself again.

Damn it!

This is what you asked for!

With a sudden anger in his heart, Qin Shaofeng raised his head abruptly, staring at Luo Yi who pounced on him, his right eye slammed.


With a secret cry in his heart, the six-pointed star in Qin Shaofeng's right eye flashed slightly, and an invisible force burst out instantly.

After that, Qin Shaofeng heard a heart-piercing scream.

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