Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 343: Rhyme


A terrible scream sounded, Luo Yi, who was originally about to make another move and had already arrived in front of Qin Shaofeng, suddenly halted, and his figure violently retreated.

Such a sudden scene made Luo Chaokun not far away a little confused, completely ignorant of what happened.

But soon, he discovered an amazing thing.

At this moment, Luo Yi's body had some black flames, and the black flames burned Luo Yi's entire body.

When the scream occurred, Luo Yi immediately released a large amount of spiritual energy, condensing the wall of inner energy.

But the more so, the black flame burned more vigorously.

Although Luo Yi himself was not burned by the black flame under the defense of the inner gas wall at this moment, the more his inner gas wall burned at an astonishing speed.

Under such circumstances, Luo Yi can only continue to maintain a large amount of aura output to maintain his inner Qi wall.

Soon, Luo Chaokun felt that the aura in Luo Yi's body had been exhausted.

Luo Yi's expression finally changed.

At this moment, the top of his right arm was scorched black, and there was a smell of coke, which was burned like this by the black flame before.

But precisely because of this, Luo Yi was scared.

After just such a breath of effort, his right arm was burned into this shape.

Even at this moment, there was still throbbing pain.

If there is no inner wall, then...

Luo Yi couldn't even think about the consequences of that. Luo Yi suddenly begged for mercy for the first time.

"Stop! Stop! Don't kill me! Please!"

It seemed that the begging for mercy was working, and the black flame suddenly disappeared.

But the first thing Luo Yi did was to distance himself from Qin Shaofeng.

Although he didn't know how Qin Shaofeng did it, he didn't want to experience it anymore.

Even at this moment, he, the legendary eight-fold master, looked at Qin Shaofeng, full of fear.

But Luo Yi didn't know that Qin Shaofeng was even more uncomfortable at this moment.

The sharp pain in his right eye made Qin Shaofeng almost yell, but the situation in front of him caused Qin Shaofeng to grit his teeth and hold on.

Qin Shaofeng finally understood at this moment, why those Uchiha clan who can display Amaterasu kept blood and tears without moving their eyes.

Because the Amaterasu was not displayed casually at all.

That’s right, Amaterasu only consumes a million points of aura in one minute. With Qin Shaofeng’s current situation, his own 2 million aura points, plus five cloud pills, seem to be able to support Amaterasu burning for eleven or two minutes. .

But in fact, it has only been more than ten seconds since Qin Shaofeng used Amaterasu just now.

Then, Qin Shaofeng couldn't hold on.

When using Amaterasu and burning Na Luo Yi, Qin Shaofeng felt that someone was holding a shovel and digging his right eyeball fiercely. The taste was not something human at all.

And not only that, even deep pain in the head was heard, and some people used hammers in their heads to play with them desperately.

This feeling made Qin Shaofeng experience it once, but didn't want to experience it the second time.

Even at this moment, Amaterasu stopped and the writing wheel eyes disappeared.

But Qin Shaofeng had already closed his right eye, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his right eye, and Qin Shaofeng also felt the pain from his right eye from time to time.

At this time, the battle on the scene, Luo Yi's experience long ago, shocked all the people to cease fighting.

Seeing the terrible look of Luo Yi's right arm next to him, and feeling the miserable look of Luo Yi's entire spiritual energy consumption, Luo Chaokun was shocked and speechless.

But at this moment one person moved!

Move in rage!

"Little wind!"

With a cry of concern, Zhao Yuner came to Qin Shaofeng's side.

When Luo Yi appeared before, she felt something wrong.

But before she could react, Luo Yi shot Qin Shaofeng.

For the first time, she wanted to go up and help, but was stunned by what happened next.

Because Yun'er also has Shao Lun Yan, Qin Shaofeng had already told her all about Sha Lun Yan.

Originally Zhao Yuner thought that Qin Shaofeng was exaggerating!

After all, it is the writing wheel eyes in the state of three-goed jade, seeing the subtle movements of the enemy clearly, analyzing the enemy's movements, and capturing the flaws in the enemy's movements.

These alone make Zhao Yun'er feel that this writing wheel is already amazing.

But at this moment, Zhao Yun'er understood the real abnormality of writing wheel eyes.

But as soon as he saw Qin Shaofeng's painful look at this moment, Zhao Yuner became anxious.

Perhaps this matter, everyone still subconsciously believes that Qin Shaofeng's pain at the moment was caused by Luo Yi's just-in-time blow.

But Zhao Yun'er, who had heard Qin Shaofeng talk about the disadvantages of writing round eyes, understood something.

This is a side effect of Zhuanyan.

Shocked in her heart, Zhao Yuner hurried up to check, when she saw Qin Shaofeng's closed right eye, there was a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his eye.

Zhao Yuner was completely furious!

"Stupid tiger, what do you dare to lie there?"

The angry Zhao Yun'er suddenly yelled at Hu Ye.


Realizing the anger of his future mistress, Master Tiger shivered, but he immediately cooperated with a tiger roar. The aura that belonged to the legendary seventh realm burst out instantly.

The legendary seven beasts?

Feeling this breath, Luo Chaokun's face changed slightly, and he was a little disturbed.

The strongest person on his side was burned by the opponent with a strange flame, and now the opponent still has a legendary seven-layer war beast, and it looks like it is not an ordinary war beast!

However, what shocked Luo Chaokun the most was the front, the beauty in his eyes, who had revealed a breath that made him feel frightened at this moment.

A little girl with a legendary triple layer, unexpectedly made him, a legendary seven-layer pinnacle master, feel extremely dangerous?

Luo Chaokun didn't believe it, but the situation in front of him made him have to believe it.

Looking at Luo Chaokun in the distance, Zhao Yuner's eyes faintly glowed with blood, and she directly ordered Lord Tiger: "Stupid tiger, give me..."

Zhao Yun'er intended to say that this group of scum would be destroyed for me.

But at this time Qin Shaofeng suddenly said, "Yun'er, I'm fine, don't mess around!"

The other party is a family comparable to the Geng family, and the identity of Luo Chaokun is almost the same as that of Geng Can in the Geng family.

If this made Yun'er angry and extinguished directly, then Qin Shaofeng could already imagine what would happen to him and others.

The opponent's family is too strong, if Luo Chaokun were really killed, even Geng Can would not be able to help himself.

And not only that, but in the end, not only did his few people have great danger, even Yang Guo and Lien Yang Academy were implicated.

Qin Shaofeng had no doubt about this.

Zhao Yun'er was also extremely angry, and the murder intent appeared in her heart. At this moment, Qin Shaofeng made a sound, and she immediately woke up.

But even so, Zhao Yuner would never spare Luo Chaokun and Luo Yi lightly.

Even Luo Yi's current appearance is already very miserable.

"Stupid tiger, give me a severe lesson to them. If it makes me unsatisfied, what are the consequences? You know yourself!"

Grandma, you can't do this!

Master Tiger wailed in his heart, with a sad look on his face, but he knew that his future mistress would always do it.


With a roar of tigers, Lord Tiger burst out with all his strength in an instant.


With a fierce flash, the huge size of Lord Tiger directly rushed towards Na Luo Chaokun.

Luo Chaokun reacted and prepared to resist.

Although the opponent's legendary seven-layered monster, Luo Chaokun was confident that he could handle it.

Unfortunately, he soon knew he was wrong.


After reaching the top of Luo Chaokun, a joking flashed in the eyes of Lord Tiger, and then roared fiercely when Luo Chaokun was completely unprepared.

Talent skills-Tiger Roar!

Master Tiger’s talent skill Huxiao, but the alternative sonic attack, even the small ball, was once very admired. This talent skill of Master Tiger is a good thing.

As soon as the tiger roar came out, Luo Chaokun was immediately shocked.

Not only that, just when Dan Tian mentioned aura, he was instantly interrupted by this tiger's howling sound wave.

And it was in this situation that Master Tiger rushed down fiercely and had a close contact with Luo Chaokun.


The huge body smashed, Luo Chaokun had no time to escape, he was directly smashed on him by Lord Tiger.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Luo Chaokun was seriously injured in an instant, and even Luo Chaokun felt it. After being smashed like this, at least 50% of his body's bones were broken.

"Three young masters!"

The encounter with Luo Chaokun made the Naluo family all exclaimed. The few legendary seven-layer masters all gave up their opponents one after another, and then wanted to rush to rescue their own three young masters.

But at this moment, Zhao Yun'er's eyes were slightly cold, and a leaping forward, to this legendary seventh-tier mid-stage master who was rushing, waved a star.

That legendary seventh-tier mid-stage master naturally wouldn't take Zhao Yun'er's attack in his eyes.

Humph, a legendary triple realm, do you have the courage to stop me?

Oh, a woman is a woman, she really has long hair and short knowledge!

With a cold smile in his heart, the person shot out an aura, trying to disperse the starlight.

But something unexpected happened to him.


Just a slight shock, the spiritual energy he shot was instantly dissipated by the starlight he looked down on.

And at this time, he didn't have time to make a second reaction, because the stars had already blasted.


With a loud bang, everyone just saw that the master of the Luo Family's legendary seventh-tier mid-stage was hit by a light from a legendary triple-tier girl, and flew out.

And not only that, after being blasted off, the legendary seven-layered master fell to the ground, motionless, and was directly injured and unconscious.

"Dare to take one step forward, die!"

After knocking off the legendary seven-fold master, Zhao Yuner said with cold eyes without looking at the other party.

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Zhao Yuner's gaze for a while, she was shocked, with a hint of fear.

A lot of them are at least Legendary Triple, and among them there are four or five masters of Legendary Seventh level, who was actually frightened by a word from a legendary tripled girl.

Such a situation must be said to be rare in the world!

Is this still legendary triple?

The voice of everyone at this moment.

Only Qin Shaofeng knew that at that moment, three secret stars in Yun'er's body burned directly.

The total amount of three secret stars is equivalent to nine million aura points.

Even if Yun'er is only in the realm of the legendary triple level, it can burn 9 million points of spiritual energy in a single blow, it is not surprising that this can hit the legendary seven-fold master into serious injuries.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng knew about this except Yuner herself.

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