Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3416: A hundred battles

"Can't the old man become a thug?"

Old ghost Chenxing smiled bitterly: "After the merger of the Star Chasing Gate and our Seven Star Gate, the old man's right to speak has plummeted!"

"No, if this trip today wasn't required by others, the old man is still enjoying the blessing in the sect."

"You said this, do you believe it yourself?"

The old man's face suddenly became weird, and he stared at the old ghost Chen Xing with a full face.

His sullen face and eyes seemed to be saying something cruel: If the old man couldn't beat you, the old man would definitely want to slap your old face with a sole.

"What the old man said, the old man naturally believes, and the kid who is killing now is the principal of our major alliance. If you don't believe it, just wait for him to kill and ask him yourself." Chen Xing old ghost laughed. .

"That kid? What deputy master Qin Shaofeng of the Star Chasing Gate?"

The old man immediately told the origin of Qin Shaofeng.

Old Ghost Chenxing shrugged like a young man, and said, "Yes, that's this kid."

"It turned out to be him, it's a pity..."

The old man sneered a few times and said: "Thirty years ago, Lu Yuan felt the opportunity to break through the ninth-order holy star. Although he has not been able to take the last half step for so many years, it is not a mere fourth-order holy star. The ants of the star position can challenge."

"The old man has to say, you old fellow made a wrong bet this time."


Old ghost Chenxing smiled instead of anger.

He clearly knew what Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level was, and there was no need to say anything to other people.

On the contrary, his attitude, which is too lazy to convince you, makes the old man's face full of suspiciousness.

Is that kid really amazing?

Probably not?

The more he thought about it, the weird he felt, and he unconsciously observed more deeply.

Qin Shaofeng's side.

With Lu Yuan's arrival, bursts of exclamations erupted from the crowd of Qi Yaozong disciples.

They wouldn't think there was any surprise from the eighth order to the fourth order.

Not to mention the strength of Lu Yuan's cultivation is far beyond the ability of ordinary eighth-order Saint Star powers to explain.


The Patriarch Luyuan has already come out more and more.

But he relied on his identity and didn't directly do anything when he met. Instead, he stared at Qin Shaofeng angrily and asked: "Boy, who are you, and who made you come to our Seven Lights Sect to kill people indiscriminately?"

"Huh? Are you questioning Xiaoye?"

Qin Shaofeng almost stared out his eyes.

He couldn't imagine that this old guy who came suddenly would actually pop out such a sentence.

Our position has been determined, what about you?

"The old man asks who you are and why come to my Qi Yaozong to kill people indiscriminately." Lu Yuan seemed to be a very patient person.

He was not in a hurry to do anything, but wanted to question Qin Shaofeng's situation first.

Hearing this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"The young master is here to destroy your Seven Lunar Sect. As for the young master's name, if you can beat the young master, you will naturally know it." Qin Shaofeng sneered.

His opening like this was meant to suffocate Lu Yuan's appetite.

Or maybe I want to see the old guy's angry expression.

But he didn't expect it.

After hearing what he said, Lu Yuan nodded directly and said: "Okay, the old man will come and meet you in person. If you can answer the old man's questions honestly after the war, the old man can guarantee your life."

"Since you are so confident, try it!"

Qin Shaofeng was too lazy to talk nonsense, and immediately swung the sword in his hand.

Thunder Thousand Flashes display.

Hundreds of flashes!

Hundreds of flashes!

While the two major auxiliary martial arts were being used, he shouted loudly: "Ghost cut three times, one sword cut ghost!"

"Supernatural martial arts and ghost three cuts?"

Lu Yuan's brow suddenly raised, but he took out the long sword, shook his head and said: "If your cultivation base can surpass the seventh-order holy star, with the cooperation of the martial arts of the gods, you may be able to fight the old man, but now You are not qualified yet."

"Patriarch Lu is right!"

"It's only a mere fourth-order holy star cultivation base, so you can only bully those of us who are disciples. If it weren't for the sect master to take the sect powerhouse to help chase and kill the traitor at the Xuanyin sect, you can't even come here. ."

"What nonsense are you talking to this kid, even now?"

"That's right, Patriarch Lu's combat power, even the sect master of the 9th-order Saint Star position, must be jealous. This kid is fighting for death with Patriarch Lu."

"Patriarch Lu, kill this kid."

The disciples of the Seven Lights Sect who were still crying and howling under Qin Shaofeng's butcher knife just now became arrogant one by one when they saw the arrival of powerful reinforcements.

Such a shout made Qin Shaofeng sneer.

The battle hasn't started yet, you are so crazy to praise that Lu Patriarch.

Is this really good?

I just saw that he seemed to be very gentle, thinking about whether to keep him alive, now it seems that there is no need for that!

Patriarch Lu felt a fluttering feeling in his eyes under the flattery of the crowd.

The long sword in his hand danced with a strange pattern, and immediately shouted: "Boy, take the move!"

"A hundred battles! Fight the wind!"

Lu Yuan's combat power is really extraordinary.

He just waved the long sword in his hand, and Qin Shaofeng felt a great pressure.

This person clearly only had the cultivation base of the eighth-order sacred star, which actually gave him the feeling when facing the ninth-order sacred star.

"No wonder you would say the kind of words just now, it turns out that you have hidden your strength." Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath.

He even fought a move for the strongest.

The mere eighth peak is really not in his eyes.

Even if this person is able to faintly compare with the powerhouse of the 9th-order Saint Star with the cooperation of swordsmanship, the same is true.

"Devil cut with a knife, cut!"

When Qin Shaofeng's figure flickered, he had already forcibly broken through the air blockade caused by the long-distance cultivation base, and slashed the ghost three-cutting sword in his hand.


Lu Yuan also screamed.

The long sword in his hand was swung suddenly, not so fast, but it gave Qin Shaofeng a feeling that this move was supposed to be a sword technique.

His shots were completely open and close, but his swordsmanship was exquisite, but he seemed to be completely rebellious.

When thinking in his mind, Qin Shaofeng would not waste any time.

The humming of swords intersecting sounded.

The horrible counter-shock force made the surprise in Qin Shaofeng's eyes more intense.

His trick was to test.

Although thunderous thousand flashes were used, it was only ten flashes of attack.

Suddenly suffering such a counterattack, it really made him suffer a small loss.

He is testing the general strength of the road far.

Turning to the ground, he gently wiped the shock of the counter-shock, and a bloodshot appeared at the corner of his mouth. He smiled and said, "It turned out to be nothing more than that. If you only have this combat power, you can only die today. Up."

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