Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3417: To break through

"Boy, would you like to order Bilian?"

"It is clear that this kid was defeated by one move. If Patriarch Lu had been kind-hearted, he would have killed him with a single sword. How could he say such a thing?"

"I really haven't seen the shameless one. I can only see the shameless one now."

"Bah! What!"

"I was about to be beaten to death by Patriarch Lu. It is really guilty to dare to say such brazen remarks."

The disciples of Qi Yaozong who were watching the battle clamored again.

Listen to their words.

Lu Yuan was not happy at all this time.

He really likes to flatter, if it weren't for the existence of this emotional village, he was afraid he would have broken through early.

But this kind of thing does not mean that it can be changed by changing it.

But at this moment.

When facing Qin Shaofeng, he had to force himself to ignore the words of those people.

The boy in front of him is definitely the most dangerous opponent the old man has ever encountered in his life.

Thinking in his mind, he slowly handed the long sword to the front, holding the hilt with both hands.

"Little guy, what is the strength of the old man's cultivation base? You still need to come and try it yourself to know. As for who will die, it is not yet known."

Lu Yuan spoke again, but the expression in his eyes let Qin Shaofeng know clearly that this old guy was going to be real.

It's comparable to the power of a ninth-order Saint Star powerhouse!

Although he also thinks that when his cards are exhausted, he is enough to fight the ninth-tier Saint Star powerhouse.

But that's just a rough idea.

Whether you can really fight against the ninth-level Saint Star powerhouse, it seems that it is the best to test this road Patriarch!

"Then pick up the little master's trick again, two swords and ghosts!"

Hundred flashes, blitz!

Hundred flash, flash!

When Qin Shaofeng shouted loudly, he shouted twice in his heart, and Lei Ting Qian flashed his full strength.

The most powerful thing about Thunder Thousand Flashes is Flash.

Although Flash has no attack power, it has various magical effects.

What Qin Shaofeng uses most is the ability comparable to teleportation, instantly transfers to the back of his opponent, so as to cooperate with the blitz to sneak attack and kill the opponent.

But the old man in front of him is obviously not suitable for this.

This time he used the flash speed, but it was a real hundred times the flash speed.

The speed increases, a hundredfold increase.

Every breath consumes a million of energy and blood.

Even if his cultivation has reached the fourth-order holy star position, the power of qi and blood has reached forty blood elements.

If it is purely to support the flash in this state, it can only support four hundred breaths.

Not to mention the battle.

The eyesight of the Patriarch Lu in front of him was so great that he had no choice but to display his ability.

The speed skyrocketed.

Even the master who created the magical martial arts Gui San Zhan was absolutely impossible to imagine. His Gui San Zhan came into the hands of Qin Shaofeng before he showed his strongest combat power.

With the blessing of a hundred times the speed, Qin Shaofeng was truly ahead and behind.

"What a fast speed, is this the power of the martial arts of supernatural rank?"

Lu Yuan held a long sword in his hand and kept looking in all directions, as cold sweat was dripping down his forehead.

Through the contact just now, the cognition of Qin Shaofeng has disappeared.

This guy who seems to have only a fourth-order sacred star is definitely a hard bone.

Under the invasion of a sense of crisis.

Lu Yuan waved the long sword once again: "A hundred battles! No regrets!"

The light long sword turned into a tens of thousands of catties in his hands unexpectedly, and with every swing of him, it even brought a real sound of sonic boom.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng was about to move, he was taken aback by the sudden sonic boom.

what happened?

What the **** is that old guy doing?

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled for a moment, and he chose to try it out first, otherwise the use of Thunder and Thousand Flashes would cause him too much consumption.

While thinking about it, he had already chopped the war knife in his hand.

The collision of the sword again made the buzzing sound even louder.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Six consecutive collisions.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng suddenly realized that the long sword in Lu Yuan's hand opposite was also an extraordinary weapon.

Lu Yuan never blessed with the power of blood.

If you change to ninety-nine weapons of the Glory Star Land, you only need one contact, and you will be cut off by yourself.

But this sword did not suffer any damage.

"Can't delay any longer, he must be killed in the shortest time." Qin Shaofeng became more anxious.

The old ghosts and others in the battle circle didn't feel it, but he knew clearly that the real powerhouses of the Seven Lights Sect might run over at some point.

If you can't end the battle before the strong come, it will really be dangerous.

While he was thinking, he didn't notice that the depths of Lu Yuan's eyes were full of shock.

The short moment of contact just now turned out to be a full six collisions.

Each of the six collisions turned out to be comparable to a collision with a strong gathering of the holy stars.

Before he started, he had never thought that Qin Shaofeng's attack would be so tyrannical.

Is this still a fourth-order saint martial artist?

The appearance of the facts made him completely shut his mouth.

But when he was shocked, a strange and familiar feeling suddenly rose in his body.

"Breakthrough? I...I want to break through?"

Lu Yuan's eyes widened suddenly.

Even if he has been on the brink of breakthrough for a long time, if he wants to break through, it is not that simple.

He didn't expect that when facing Qin Shaofeng, he was just resisting the pressure caused by the opponent's two moves, and he was on the verge of breaking through.

With such a huge surprise in his heart, he couldn't help shouting.

Going to break through?

Everyone around him also looked at him together.

"Patriarch Lu is going to break through?"

"I have long heard that Patriarch Lu's cultivation has reached the edge of breakthrough, but I didn't expect it to be a breakthrough now."

"Haha, this is interesting!"

"What do you mean?"

"Fogweed! No way?"

"You also thought of it?"

"Patriarch Lu was able to press down on that kid before he felt the breakthrough. Now even though he is on the verge of the breakthrough, his combat power will only increase."

"Does that kid feel so sour? Hahaha!"

"It's so cool, look at that kid's face."

The disciples of the Seven Lights Sect were filled with joy, as if they were the one who made the breakthrough.

Most of them have poor eyesight.

But there are also individuals with unique insights, who can see that Lu Yuan's pressure when facing Qin Shaofeng is really not small.

Today's breakthrough can change everything before.

What if Qin Shaofeng has superb martial skills?

Can a ninth-rank sacred star be able to level off, especially the martial arts of the gods?

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