Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3418: Breakthrough

"That old guy actually broke through?"

The four people in the core battle circle have now faced each other.

When his divine sense detected the changes in Lu Yuan's body, Ke Wuming couldn't help but exclaimed, looked at the old ghost Chenxing, and asked: "Sect Master, do you want to help him?"

The old man opposite him suddenly stood in front of him and said coldly: "Little guy, your opponent is an old man. If you want to help that kid, you can beat the old man first!"

"You? Humph! You still can't stop me."

Killing intent flashed in Ke Wuming's eyes.

With the combat power he now knows, it is indeed not so easy to defeat the old man, but his abilities are far from those that have been realized.

The most common ninth-order sacred star martial artist, really can't stop him.

"Old ghost Chenxing, I advise you to be honest, otherwise the feeling of the two of us teaming up and beating you alone, I believe you should still be vividly visible?" The old man of the ninth-order saint star opposite the old ghost Chenxing sneered.

"Really vivid! Hahaha..."

Old ghost Chenxing couldn't help laughing.

Until now, the cultivation level he showed was still only the eighth-order saint star position.

But whether he is in combat power or in any aspect, he feels very jealous.

This smile made the old man even more confused.

What kind of cultivation strength is this guy, why can he still laugh at this time?

"I heard that no, if you really help Qin Shaofeng, the two of them will have to join hands to deal with the old man. The old man is only a mere eighth-level sacred star, and he can't stand the joint siege. Hahaha." After the old ghost Chenxing finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh.

This smile made the two ninth-order sacred star ancestors of the Seven Luminaries even more worried.

What is the cultivation base of Old Ghost Chenxing?

Does he look down on our two old guys with the cultivation base of the 9th-order Saint Star so much?

"Sect Master, after all, Qin Shaofeng only has a Tier 4 Saint Star cultivation base?" Ke Wuming couldn't help but persuade again.

"Then open your eyes and look carefully."

Old ghost Chenxing laughed a few times, and said: "That kid seems to be able to fight only the more powerful eighth-order saint-star powerhouses, but the old man knows very well that he has never taken out all his cards."


Ke Wuming instantly messed up in the wind.

The two ninth-tier sacred stars of the Seven Lights Sect were also subconsciously paying attention to Qin Shaofeng's every move after his words.

They also saw Qin Shaofeng's previous battle.

As the old ghost Chenxing said.

This kid does have the ability to fight against the more powerful eighth-order Saint Star powerhouse.

But is that kid really not doing his best?

No way?

He is only a mere fourth-order holy star cultivation base!

Even if he still has a martial art of supernatural rank, he shouldn't be so perverted, right?

The four people were in shock and unbelievable speculation.

Qin Shaofeng acted once again in the belief that Qin Shaofeng disciples would win the battle.

The pressure that Patriarch Lu put on him was too great.

Especially the set of hundred battles, even more pressure on him.

He didn't want to watch Lu Yuan's cultivation base break through.

During the breakthrough, although Lu Yuan's defensive ability was stronger than after the breakthrough, his attacks, or every move, were not as smooth as expected.

All he had to do was to take advantage of this and kill him with one move.

"It seems that there is only one big killing."

Qin Shaofeng stared straight at the opposite side, standing on the road far away from where he was breaking through, the fierce color in his eyes flashed more and more intensely.

"You prepare the snake venom, and all the people with the cultivation level below the heavenly ranks in this place will be destroyed." Qin Shaofeng quietly ordered in his heart.

Immediately, the Jade Dragon King began to move.

The faint green snake venom continued to radiate from his sleeve as if invisible.

Right now is where he and Lu Yuan are due to each other.

No one could have imagined that Qin Shaofeng would change his target and begin to attack the onlookers like them.

When the poisonous mist evaporated, Qin Shaofeng raised the Ghost Three Slashing sword high.

"Your promotion is too slow, right?"

"Although the young master wants to wait for you, and then personally try the cultivation base of the ninth-order holy star, how can you let the young master wait for a waste of time like this?"

Qin Shaofeng seemed to sigh.

But in his eyes, it was full of jokes.

"So, you are planning to take action when the old man breaks through?" Lu Yuan laughed.

"Boy, don't blame the old man for not reminding you, your attack is indeed very tyrannical to the powerhouse of the eighth-level saint star."

"But the old man is now making a breakthrough of Tier Nine. The defense of this matter is so strong that even a real Tier Nine powerhouse may not be comparable."


"Hmph, if you want to try it, just come!"

Lu Yuan held his head proudly, with a long sword in his hand, and there was a lot of the old man motionless to welcome your attack.

"Then pick me up!"

The smile on Qin Shaofeng's face was even more strange.

Now, it is impossible for him to delay any longer.

"Ghost three cuts, two swords double cut!"

When he shouted, the figure had already turned into a ghostly illusion, and at the same time of the action, the figure changed from one to two, two to four, and four to eight.

The phantom changes extremely fast.

Before and after just a short while, he turned from the original figure to more than two hundred figures.

Such a change really made everyone present dumbfounded.

What is this kid doing?

The two hundred silhouettes you have produced are indeed very powerful.

But the question is, what good is it for you to make so many figures?

What you have to face right now is a rank 9 holy star powerhouse, and also a rank 9 holy star powerhouse who is breaking through.

Unless you can increase your attack power by a few times at once, you will definitely not be able to shake people at all?

What is the use of more than two hundred ghosts?

"Receive the move, kill three ghosts, Hundred Ghosts Yexing!"

At the same time Qin Shaofeng screamed out again, more than a hundred illusory figures from the three ghosts, as well as the one hundred real thunder and thousands of war shadows, appeared at the same time.

At the moment of shouting, countless figures enveloped Lu Yuan.


"Ding Ding Ding..."

"Puff puff……"


Three completely different voices burst out at the moment Qin Shaofeng shouted.

Lu Yuan's defense at this time was indeed far beyond what Qin Shaofeng could shake.

The problem is that Lu Yuan's mobility and attack capabilities will be greatly reduced.

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