Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 345: Peak No. 50

Although the Luo family members left, Geng Can couldn't guarantee that Luo Chaokun would send a master to trouble them again.

Therefore, Geng Can suggested at the first time that he and his party should hurry as fast as possible.

Originally, he was a little worried about Qin Shaofeng's injury, but after seeing Qin Shaofeng taking a pill, the injury healed in a very short time, he urged everyone to speed up.

The pill that Qin Shaofeng took was naturally a special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, and apart from the special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the pill that allowed him to recover so quickly.

After all, speaking seriously, Luo Yi did hurt him seriously, and Qin Shaofeng's injuries were not minor with the sequelae caused by the use of Amaterasu.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng prepared fifteen special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, which finally had a great effect.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng discovered by accident that this special version of the first grade nine-fold spirit pill seemed to have a great effect on the sequelae of the application of Amaterasu. After taking it, the stinging pain in the right eye and the pain in the brain disappeared.

However, the only thing Qin Shaofeng cared about was that it was like this. After the injury healed, his right eye was still half an hour, and his vision was a bit blurred.

Although this blur is only relative to the degree of mild myopia.

But this phenomenon made Qin Shaofeng understand that this was an impact caused by using Amaterasu.

But if I continue, I am afraid that my eyes will become blind.

Unless it is to obtain other people's kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, complete the final evolution of writing wheel eyes.

But whether it is Zhao Yun'er or Meng Xin'er who is not around, although they also have a writing wheel, Qin Shaofeng will never make them think.

For a time, this made Qin Shaofeng very tangled.

Should I use this Amaterasu for round eyes?

Qin Shaofeng had already seen the power of Amaterasu.

Even Luo Yi, who is the legendary Eighth Layer and possesses close to six million aura points, can completely solve it in ten seconds at most when the sky is burning.

If he supports it for a long time, Qin Shaofeng even has the confidence to fight against the pinnacle of legend, and even some ordinary Xiaoyuandan powerhouses.

Amaterasu is definitely a big killer to leapfrog or even leapfrog!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is very concerned about this.

The sequelae of using Amaterasu must be resolved!

Later, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and went to Xiaoqiuqiu for help.

But the final result was that Qin Shaofeng was ridiculed by Xiaoqiuqiu again.

Xiaoqiuqiu said to Qin Shaofeng in this way: "Cut, this is also a problem? You are such a big idiot! Although I don't know what kind of existence your Shalanyan is, but I listen to you. , I understand!"

"According to your statement, some of the skills used in the gaze movement have side effects and will eventually cause blindness in both eyes. Only by transplanting other people’s gaze movement can such side effects be eliminated and the final evolution can be completed? ?"

I don’t know what Xiaoqiuqiu wanted to say, but Qin Shaofeng nodded and replied, "Well, yes!"

"So, you are an idiot!" Finally, there was an almost upright scolding of the big devil, but the little ball never gave up, and even his face was filled with triumphs.

"Have you forgotten that your writing wheel is not a normal writing wheel, but it can be continuously upgraded. Do you think it is necessary to evolve other people's writing wheel when it is upgraded? Is it necessary?"

After speaking, the contempt in Xiaoqiu's eyes was completely undisguised.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng's way, it saw the biggest fool in the world.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care, because he finally remembered what he said about the ball.


I need to upgrade my skills and proficiency in writing round eyes, which is not the evolutionary way of writing round eyes from the Uchiha clan in "Naruto".

I won’t talk about other things, it’s the way to open the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, just upgrade to level 4, it will naturally evolve, there is no need to stimulate with any sad emotions!

In that case, as long as you continue to upgrade your writing wheel, once you have completely evolved, the sequelae of blindness will completely disappear on its own.

And not only that, I am afraid that in the end, I can even evolve the reincarnation eye, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng not only finally felt relieved, but he also looked forward to the evolution of the reincarnation eye.

However, Qin Shaofeng still made up his mind, and would never show it until the critical time that day.

Although it is extremely powerful, Qin Shaofeng doesn't want to experience that taste!


Perhaps it was because of Luo Chaokun's character, or perhaps it was because Qin Shaofeng taught Luo Chaokun too badly this time.

Geng Can suggested that this time, go directly to Peak No. 50, because on Peak No. 50, there are shops that the Geng family started.

In fact, starting from the 50th peak, some family forces used the power of the Qianshan Sect to win and opened some shops since the 50th peak, in order to collect some legendary monster corpses.

The Qianshan Sect did not pay much attention to the monster beasts in the legendary realm, so this situation was tacitly approved.

However, no matter which side can really start a shop, the strength is not small, and the Geng family is one of them.

Qin Shaofeng didn't object to Geng Can's decision either. All the people in the group accelerated and bypassed the peaks. They didn't go to the peaks to hunt monsters or collect medicinal materials.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t think there was anything wasted, because Geng Can told him that in fact, most of the peaks on the top 50 are in the same situation, and it really started to be a bit difficult. Those with a large number of advanced legendary monsters are still after the 50th. Mountain peak area.

Seven days later, after constant rushing, everyone finally crossed the peak area and came to the fifty-first peak.

As soon as I entered the 50th peak, I seemed to have received news from Geng Can long ago, and someone from the Geng family was waiting here.

After seeing the few people who appeared, Qin Shaofeng was immediately taken aback, and he finally understood that the Geng family definitely has a lot of power in the Qianshan Sect.

Because the person here is actually a master of the five Yuan Dan realm, and even one of them is a master of the Great Yuan Dan realm.

According to the rules of Qianshan Sect's entrance examination this time, Yuan Dan realm cannot interfere.

Even the various clan forces prepared some people for the people who entered the clan this time, but they were all in the legendary realm.

In such a situation, Qianshanzong just closed one eye and just passed it.

But what Qin Shaofeng didn't expect was that Geng Jiaju sent a master of the Yuan Dan realm in a dignified manner, which completely ignored the rules of the Qianshan Sect's entrance examination this time!

As if understanding Qin Shaofeng’s surprise in his heart, Geng Can smiled slightly and hurriedly explained: “Hey, don’t be surprised, these three are all brothers of my family. The patrol guards of Peak 50, they are patrolling!"

I'm dizzy, is this okay?

Qin Shaofeng was speechless after hearing what Geng Can said.

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly found out. All of the sudden people in front of him were very arrogant and nodded slightly when Geng Can introduced Qin Shaofeng.

It’s no wonder that these people are all elite geniuses of the Geng family, at most they are twenty-four-five years old, but each of them is a master of the Yuan Dan realm. For Qin Shaofeng’s descendants of the legendary realm, naturally Will have a superior mentality.

However, when Geng Can said that Qin Shaofeng and several of them were Zhao Kun's younger brothers and younger sisters, the original arrogant masters of the Yuan Dan realm instantly changed their expressions.

Especially the person named Geng Houyun who was also in the Great Yuandan realm, actually smiled kindly at Qin Shaofeng.

"It turns out that these are the juniors and younger brothers from the hometown of Brother Zhao Kun! Well, yes, yes, there is such a realm at a young age!"

Speaking of something urgent, he nodded slightly to Qin Shaofeng and the others, you looked very good.

Qin Shaofeng was speechless, and could not help but murmur secretly.

Is this called a rudder?

However, this also made Qin Shaofeng understand that the big brother Yun'er seemed to be awesome!

After gathering, Geng Can was finally relieved.

And for the past seven days, I have been eager to hurry, it seems to be a bit harder than hunting monsters. Everyone intends to rest for a day or two before continuing.

For this, Qin Shaofeng also readily agreed.

Other than that, he is planning to let the three Yun'er break through on the fifty peak!

After being in the legendary triple realm, Zhao Yun'er and the three of them finally rely on their own spiritual energy absorption practice, and there are signs of breakthrough.

Especially Yun'er, broke through to the legendary four as early as six days ago.

The most terrible thing is that she, who has been cultivating on Lord Tiger's back for the past few days, has shown signs of a breakthrough again.

This made Qin Shaofeng look at that envy in his heart!

In the cultivation cave that Geng Can deliberately arranged for the four Qin Shaofeng, Du Meng and Tang Qijian only absorbed the aura of the day and night, and then broke through.

Both of them have been promoted to the fourth level of the legend, and Yun'er has also been promoted to the realm of the fourth level of the legend close to the peak.

The reason why the three of them practiced so quickly, in addition to the deeper aura, the stronger the spiritual energy that appeared on the mountain peak, is the reason for the Qianshan Ling.

Although it is only the lowest levelless order of the Qianshan Mountain, in the Qianshan Sect, you can get the blessing of Qi Yun and get the cultivation speed doubled.

As a result, the three of them naturally made rapid progress.

However, this is not enough to satisfy Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng knew that starting from the 50th peak, the monster beast he and his party faced would be stronger.

At that time, not to mention the monsters of the legendary triple realm, I am afraid it will be the monsters of the legendary five realm, and they will be seen everywhere.

Yun'er's trio can improve their strength a bit, and naturally they will be more beneficial to them.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to use the fruits of experience to further improve the three of them.

In the past seven days, even if they didn't hunt and kill monsters, but here is the Qianshan Sect, and Qin Shaofeng and his party encountered many monsters on the way.

Therefore, how much Qin Shaofeng still added 3 million experience points, so the experience tree absorbed 9 million experience points.

The experience fruits of 9 million experience points, of which 8 million are enough to enable Du Meng and Tang Qijian to successfully advance to the fifth level of legend.

And the remaining experience fruit of 1 million experience points can just make Zhao Yuner's current realm break through to the legendary fifth level.

In this way, all three of them can be promoted to the fifth level of legend.

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