Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 346: Miss Geng Family

At the same time that the three of Yun'er improved, Qin Shaofeng also planned to further improve Lord Tiger, Little Wolf, and Da Meng.

As for the way to improve, Qin Shaofeng also has some.

When Luo Chaokun and the others were looted before, Qin Shaofeng was surprised to get a dozen yuan ascending pills, and even one of them was a ten-year-old Yunling Grass.

That is to say, oneself, the three Yun'er, and Lord Tiger can all be promoted to the first level with the Shengyuan Pill and the ten-year-old Yunling Grass without affecting themselves.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to waste the cloud spirit grass like this, even if it was promoted, he would at least wait until his realm was higher.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to use the promotion of Yuandan to let the Tigers advance.

Qin Shaofeng's method was to use a special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill.

The special version of the First Grade Nine Layers Spirit Pill can have the effect of breaking through the realm the first time it is taken. The specific improvement depends on luck.

Although a few of them have already taken it, they have experienced the effect of such enhancement.

But whether it is Tiger Lord or Little Wolf and Da Meng, these three guys have not taken the special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill!

Qin Shaofeng intends to take advantage of this opportunity to allow Lord Tiger and the others to take a special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill to enhance their current realm.

When Yun'er and Hu Ye were all breaking through, Qin Shaofeng left the cultivation cave.

The reason for leaving was because Qin Shaofeng planned to collect the fragments of Qianshanling.

This No. 50 peak is really different from the previous peaks. It is no longer a stall, but a shop, and there is even no one.

Because these shops buy monster beast corpses and medicinal materials at a higher price than Qianshanzong's, so people who come and go don't need to waste things to set up stalls, just go directly to these shops to trade.

The forces that open these shops are all to obtain the materials from the monsters, and some rare medicinal materials from the outside world, it will seem much more generous.

However, these stores still cannot trade Shengyuan Dan, and about this, Geng Can also told Qin Shaofeng that there is absolutely no store that dares to trade Shengyuan Dan in private.

Patrol guards like Geng Houyun and others are actually also responsible for monitoring these shops.

However, Geng Can also told Qin Shaofeng that he had obtained a dozen Yuan Yuan Pills like this, but he could sell them.

Qin Shaofeng only intends to keep seven of this Shengyuan Pill, enough for the four of them and Master Tiger.

Qin Shaofeng naturally intends to trade out the remaining Shengyuan Pills.

When he came to a relatively good shop, Qin Shaofeng expressed that he wanted to purchase some corpses of monsters with the Sheng Yuan Dan, and he immediately got the boss's enthusiasm.

Then, Qin Shaofeng finally realized the capabilities of these shops.

too exaggerated!

Looking at the dozen or so storage rings in front of him, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

Especially when I felt that each of these storage rings contained no less than a thousand corpses of monsters, Qin Shaofeng was already speechless.

Sister, compared with these forces, the monster beasts she killed are not worth mentioning!

Faced with so many corpses of monsters, Qin Shaofeng knew that he couldn't choose quickly by himself, and there was no other way but to ask Xiaoqiuqiu for help.

It was the small ball that had been seized again, and after a few words proudly, Qin Shaofeng relaxed.

With the insight ability of the small ball, if it were not restricted by Qin Shaofeng, the contractor, it would only need a look to capture the entire No. 50 peak, all the corpses of monsters, and even the monsters hidden by others in the storage ring. The beast's corpse can also feel clearly whether there are any fragments of Qianshan Ling.

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Shaofeng came out.


At the first shop, Qin Shaofeng had harvested more than 900 pieces, which could fuse nine Qianshan Orders.

Next is the second and third...

After three hours, all shops were visited by Qin Shaojing.

Although in the end, Qin Shaofeng had almost used up all of Qin Shaofeng's body except for the seven Shengyuan Pills and the special version of the First-Rank Nine Layer Spirit Pills, and the rest of the Shengyuan Pills and the regular version of the First-Rank Nine Layer Spirit Pills.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care either, because he already had medicinal materials capable of refining three to four hundred regular versions of a nine-layered spirit pill.

And even though it is, compared to the harvest this time, the consumed pill is not worth mentioning.

More than three thousand pieces!

After returning to the cultivation cave, Qin Shaofeng was ecstatic whenever he saw the pile of fragments in his storage.

At this point, the fragments Qin Shaofeng collected finally gave him more than forty Qianshan Orders!

"Haha, this time the eight-star degree is almost halfway through, and according to this situation, it is absolutely not a problem to complete the three-hundred-yuan order of the nine-star degree! Even..."

With his gaze turned slightly, he fell on the task bar of the attribute interface in front of him. Among them, Qin Shaofeng was about to move about the ten-star requirement of the entrance examination task.

"Perhaps this is ten-star completion, and it is not impossible!"

"Oh, by the way, I haven't been to the Geng's shop, so I can't miss it!"

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng remembered that he hadn't been to the Geng's shop, so he couldn't help but got up again and walked out, planning to go to the Geng's shop.

But before that, Qin Shaofeng had slightly refined, forty or fifty pieces of the ordinary first-grade nine-layer spirit pill.

Qin Shaofeng planned to trade with the Geng family, so he just used the normal version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill.

Because of the value of this normal version of the first-grade nine-layered spirit pill, the Geng family had long been aware of the value of Geng Can and his group.

Sure enough, as soon as Qin Shaofeng appeared, he was warmly received by the owner of the Geng's shop, especially after Qin Shaofeng expressed his intention, the other party became more enthusiastic.

The transaction went smoothly, and even the Geng family gave a great discount.

And after this transaction, Qin Shaofeng finally let the Qianshan Order he owns, which can break through fifty, reaching fifty-one.

Both parties were overjoyed, and Qin Shaofeng planned to go back, dig out all the fragments he obtained, and then merge them into an order of a thousand mountains.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly flashed outside the shop, and Qin Shaofeng just felt a fragrant breeze, with a hint of hot air, and rushed toward him.

When he looked up, Qin Shaofeng had discovered that there was a woman in front of him.

This woman was in her twenties, she was very plump, and she was a full-fledged mature woman. The other person was also extremely beautiful. Although not as beautiful as Zhao Yuner and Meng Xiner, she was also a rare beauty.

However, after seeing the opponent's appearance clearly, Qin Shaofeng's heart was always vaguely familiar.

After the boss exclaimed behind him, Qin Shaofeng finally understood the identity of the visitor.

"Miss Si! How did you come?"

Miss Fourth?

Isn't this the fourth sister of Brother Geng?

No wonder I think the other person looks familiar, this woman is somewhat similar to Geng Chan's younger sister Geng Chan!

Since it was Geng Can's fourth sister, Qin Shaofeng would naturally greet loudly.

But before he could speak, the fourth lady of the Geng family looked at Qin Shaofeng, frowning, and said in an incorrect tone: "Are you Qin Shaofeng?"


Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that the other party knew him, but listening to the other's tone of voice, it seemed that he didn't catch a cold!

However, Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't want to be rude, so he nodded and said with a smile: "It's the kid, how are you Sister Geng!"

I don’t want to, when Qin Shaofeng’s words fell off, the fourth lady of the Geng family was dissatisfied: "Who is your fourth sister Geng, speak to this lady to pay attention!"

this is?

Qin Shaofeng furrowed his brows, and couldn't figure out what on earth he had offended the fourth lady of the Geng family, causing the other party to treat him so wrongly.

The shop owner on the side seemed to have noticed that there seemed to be something wrong between the fourth young lady and the young master Qin in front of him!

Such a situation is impossible!

The boss is a bit older, forty years old, and he has no talent in cultivation, but his son has a good talent and was cultivated by the Geng family.

And his husband is expensive with his son, and this time the family has sent him to be the owner of the shop here.

He was very grateful to Qin Shaofeng, because his son was one of the people who walked with Geng Can this time, but he knew from his son that if it hadn't been for Qin Shaofeng's appearance, then their group would be over.

Therefore, seeing his fourth young lady with such a bad face, he couldn't help but said: "Fourth Miss, this is the Sixth Young Master..."

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, the fourth Miss Geng suddenly waved her hand and said coldly, "I know who he is, you can go to me, there is nothing to do with you!"

After that, the wave of the fourth Miss Geng's hand was a force that the boss could not resist, and the other party was directly pushed out of the shop.

Not only him, but everyone else in the shop was pushed out together.

Then, with a bang, the shop door was closed.

Only then did Qin Shaofeng realize that the fourth young lady of the Geng family was actually a master.

Qin Shaofeng was even more surprised after the fiery eyes opened.

Seven layers of the Great Yuan Pill Realm!

Fuck, the fourth sister Geng Can is so awesome?

Qin Shaofeng was in pain, because he had a foreboding that he seemed to be in a big trouble.

The opponent was in the seventh level of the Great Yuan Pill, and his strength was much stronger than his own, and Qin Shaofeng would naturally not resist.

Under these circumstances, Qin Shaofeng could only bite the bullet and asked: "Miss Si, I don't know where I offended Miss Si, causing Si Miss to be so angry with him?"

"Hmph, if you really offend me, do you think you can stand up now?" The Fourth Miss said coldly.

After that, the anger on her face increased. After taking a look at Qin Shaofeng, she said angrily: "Qin Shaofeng, I don’t know what means you used to make my stupid sixth brother think of you like that, and actually give up on yourself. The quota for entering the spiritual chamber must protect you from the Luo family's revenge!"

"Do you know that you provoke Na Luo Chaokun and beat Na Luo Chaokun into such a miserable look, which caused the Luo family to be furious and ordered you to kill? If it weren't for my sixth brother's pleading, you might be afraid at this moment. Long ago slaughtered by the Luo family!"

The more Miss Fourth said, the more anger on her face, the more excited her emotions, and even a faint red flame-like light glowed around her.

"My stupid sixth brother is really stupid. He actually used the quota he entered into the spiritual room to trade with the Luo family. Do you know how rare it is to have a quota in the spiritual room? Do you know that for your time, let Liu Brother lost most of the opportunities? Without the spiritual room, the time for the sixth brother to enter the Great Yuan Pill will be extended by at least one year. You are harming him, do you know?"

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