Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 347: Brother and sister dialogue

The fourth young lady of the Geng family, you know, smashed Qin Shaofeng so dizzy.

But after listening to her words, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why the other party was angry with him.

This is because of Luo Chaokun!

Unexpectedly, after he taught Luo Chaokun, Luo Jiaran would order himself to kill him?

This made Qin Shaofeng feel uncomfortable, and decided to find a chance in the future, and then meet Luo Chaokun and beat him fiercely. It was really impossible, and the other party was evaporated.

As for Geng Can, Qin Shaofeng was moved in his heart!

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect the other party to fight so hard for himself.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what kind of spiritual room existed, but from what the four young ladies said before him, Qin Shaofeng understood that the spiritual room was definitely a good thing.

With the spiritual chamber, the time for Geng Can to enter the Great Yuan Pill can be reduced by one year?

This is absolutely a place to assist in cultivation.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng is already indescribably grateful for Geng Can's actions.

However, what does it mean to provoke Na Luo Chaokun?

In the final analysis, it seems that I should be implicated!

Taking a 10,000 step back, if it weren't for Geng Can's sake, could he meet Luo Chaokun?

Could there be any conflict with Na Luo Chaokun?


This is the answer!

So, seriously speaking, what Geng Can did was actually to compensate for his own reasons.

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng is still full of gratitude for him, because there are not many people like Geng Can in the world!


Looking up, Qin Shaofeng felt helpless at the fourth young lady who looked angry at him.

Isn’t this fourth lady of the Geng family still unclear about what happened?

Qin Shaofeng only thought for a moment, and he almost understood what happened.

It is nothing more than that because Geng Can calmed down the Luo family's anger, he traded with the quota he entered into the spiritual room, so that the Luo family would not retaliate against him.

But this matter was known to his four sisters for some reason.

Knowing that his younger brother had lost so much, the fourth lady who was the older sister suddenly became angry.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng could see that the fourth young lady seemed to have a hot temper. She didn't fully understand the course of the matter at all, thinking that it was all due to her own sake, and then came to the door.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng felt even more helpless.

How can this be done?

Is it clear?

Leaving aside the situation in front of him, Qin Shaofeng felt that if he opened his mouth to explain, he would definitely make the other party even more angry.

And facing such a thing, Qin Shaofeng didn't bother to explain anything.

Just do it!

It was him who had fought Geng Can, and Qin Shaofeng felt very sorry for Geng Can's loss.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was silent for a while.

But his silence made the fourth young lady even more convinced that things were all caused by Qin Shaofeng in front of him as they knew it.

"What's the matter? Stop talking? Lost it?" Miss Fourth sneered, looking at Qin Shaofeng's eyes with disdain.

"I knew this. Why didn't you think about this when you provoke Na Luo Chaokun? You don't know who you are, but you actually provoke Na Luo Chaokun. Don't you know the identity of Na Luo Chaokun?"

Sister, this is really not what I provoke!

Qin Shaofeng thought very much at this moment, and said this, but after finally thinking about it, he remained silent.

Because he knew that even if he said something now, I am afraid that the fourth young lady would finally be regarded as shirking responsibility.

After speaking for a while, seeing that Qin Shaofeng hadn't spoken, Miss Fourth was very angry.

You shit!

If you admit a mistake, it's OK!

But never let go of a fart, what do you mean?

For a time, Miss Fourth felt that her sixth brother was worthless, and sighed in her heart.

Alas, what kind of eyes does my stupid brother open!

Actually met such a scum!

Well, yes, Qin Shaofeng's position in the eyes of the fourth lady of the Geng family at this moment is already a scum level.

Thinking about it this way, she found it boring to continue.

Finally, after looking at Qin Shaofeng, she snorted coldly.

"Hmph, Qin Shaofeng, from now on, you'd better stay away from my sixth brother. People like you are not worthy to be friends with my sixth brother!"

After speaking, the fourth lady turned around abruptly and left angrily.

It was because of anger that even the door of the shop was not opened, but directly blasted open.

This shocked the boss who had been waiting outside with anxiety.

If other people said to themselves like this, if you were not worthy to be friends with my brother, Qin Shaofeng would have exploded in anger.

But for the fourth lady of the Geng family, Qin Shaofeng was a little angry in his heart and couldn't get angry.

On the contrary, this fourth young lady is definitely a bit alternative and cute.

Because my brother is angry and cute!

However, Qin Shaofeng sighed heavily as he watched the other person leaving.

"Oh, what is this called!"

At this time, the boss finally had a chance to come in, and seeing that Qin Shaofeng was fine, he was relieved.

He knew that once the temper of the fourth lady in his own family became hot, even the head of the family could not suppress it.

To be honest, he was really afraid before that Qin Shaofeng was beaten by his fourth young lady into a situation where he could not take care of himself.

After all, this matter had such a criminal record when the fourth lady in the Geng family was only eight years old!

"Master Qin, are you okay?" When he walked to Qin Shaofeng's side, the boss still asked.

Qin Shaofeng shook his head lightly, indicating that he was okay, and then left directly.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that after he left, Geng Can, who was alarmed, hurried over.

It was not easy to send a message to the family and solve Luo Chaokun's case. Geng Can was about to tell Qin Shaofeng the good news.

Of course, about the spiritual room, Geng Can would naturally not talk to Qin Shaofeng.

I don't want to. At this moment, before he went to Qin Shaofeng, he learned that his fourth sister had appeared and went to Qin Shaofeng in a rage.

Geng Can naturally knew what his fourth sister was.

Without even thinking about it, Geng Can understood. It must be that his fourth sister had not figured out the situation, so she went to Qin Shaofeng to settle the account.

Although Geng Can has a headache for her fourth sister's violent temper, Geng Can also knows that her brother and sisters like her are very caring and partial.

Geng Can remembered that his father accidentally made the little girl cry in tears at the beginning. In the end, his violent fourth sister ran into his father's room in the middle of the night and asked his father to apologize to the little girl.

Then, after some twists and turns, the owner of his own father had to be very helpless and ran to apologize to his baby daughter.

But to this day, my father is afraid that he doesn't know at all. He said the wrong thing in the first place, which made his precious little daughter sad.

With such a precedent, Geng Can was really worried about Qin Shaofeng. He hurried over as soon as he heard that his fourth sister and Qin Shaofeng were in the shop.

Geng Canxin was cold when he first came to the shop and saw the blasted door.

That's it!

Is this fighting?

Fortunately, after seeing Geng Can appear, the boss hurriedly told Geng Can what happened.

Although he was the shop owner, in the final analysis, he didn't know what happened to the fourth lady and Qin Shaofeng in the shop, but one thing he was certain was that no matter what happened, Qin Shaofeng was fine.

After learning about this situation, Geng Can was relieved.

Then, Geng Can planned to find Qin Shaofeng to accompany him. After all, this could be said to be an unreasonable cause for trouble by his fourth sister.

However, when Geng Can was just about to find Qin Shaofeng, he was gone and returned, and when he learned that he had come to the shop, his fourth sister was blocked.

Once Geng Can was blocked, Miss Fourth suddenly became annoyed when seeing Geng Can hurriedly preparing to leave, "You stupid, are you still planning to find Qin Shaofeng?"

Seeing her four sisters look angry, but caring for her, Geng Can's anger towards her has disappeared at this moment.

At this moment, Geng Can realized the same mood as Qin Shaofeng before.

Full of helplessness!

What is this called!

However, Geng Can also knew that if he didn't say clearly, he might not be able to leave at all.

Although his fourth sister is a violent temper, Geng Can is undeniable that the talent of his fourth sister's cultivation is that his elder brother will be willing to go down.

"Sister Si, you have misunderstood, in fact, this is how things are..."

Geng Can was patient and began to explain to his fourth sister.

After listening, the fourth lady of the Geng family stayed completely.

"You mean, you encountered a group of fire monsters before, and then this Qin Shaofeng rescued you?" The fourth lady asked in shock.

"Yes!" Geng Can nodded back without hesitation.

Oh, this is a life-saving grace!

Miss Fourth felt something was wrong, because based on this alone, her sixth brother returned with a place in the spiritual room, and that said the past!

But this is the beginning!

"You mean, Luo Chaokun is actually here for you?" Miss Si's expression began to look ugly.

"Yeah!" Geng Can nodded again, and added, "Sister Si, you know, that Luo Chaokun has always been wrong with me. This time, the incident was actually caused by me, and Shaofeng was only implicated! "

how come?

Miss Si's face suddenly became ashamed.

It's over, a big joke!

But Geng Can didn't plan to let her go.

Finally, he had a chance. He must let his fourth sister understand the disadvantage of her violent temper.

So, Geng Can continued: "Not only that, but the reason why Shao Feng was so angry that he beat Na Luo Chaokun like that was because Na Luo Chaokun actually had a bad mind with his senior sister and said why he should come back to warm the bed!"

"What? That Luo Chaokun was so dirty, it's unreasonable, it's too damn!" The fourth lady wanted to hate the matter of robbing people's girls.

At this moment, she finally understood why Qin Shaofeng would play such a heavy hand.

If this were replaced by her, then Luo Chaokun was afraid that he would be unable to take care of himself.

Seeing how angry his fourth sister was, Geng Can said earnestly: "That's why! Fourth sister, your violent temper should be changed. If you haven't figured this out, you will lose your temper. How can I say hello?"

Miss Si was preached by her younger brother, and she couldn't help but bow her head.

What a bad thing!

Why is this happening?

Recalling how Qin Shaofeng seemed to be hesitant to speak before, at this moment the fourth lady finally understood what was going on.

For a moment, Miss Fourth consciously felt that her cheeks were hot, and the fiery red light around her seemed to grow stronger.

Upon seeing this, Geng Can seemed to say something, but at this moment, his fourth sister suddenly raised her head and looked at herself angrily, and said angrily: "This is all to blame, why are you? Wouldn't it be clear to me earlier?"

Geng Can was stunned instantly!

Should I blame me for co-authoring this?

Are you my sister?

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