Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3487: Stealing

"Leave after an hour?"

The owner of the Baihua Pavilion, Hua Shiyue, is only about 30 years old.

According to the rules of the Land of Bright Stars, it is not easy for ordinary women to get married at this age.

But she is different.

As the head of the Baihua Pavilion, no matter how old she is, as long as she wants to get married, there are many people who want to marry.

Moreover, if you are a person who has become a Baihua Pavilion upside down, his children must be like the Hua surname.

On the big day of her marriage, she shouldn't have bothered about these chores.

But not long ago, Hua Shiya's words were sent back, but she had to call all the senior officials of Baihua Pavilion.

The descendant of Long Yin, the first villain in the land of shining stars, arrived.

In the first time, she dispatched several ninth-order Saint Star powerhouses.

Even if you know that it is impossible to hide your eyes and ears, you must always pay attention to those people.

Not long ago, the news came back.

After Hua Shiyue listened to the person's return, she couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart. She always felt that things seemed not as simple as she saw.

"Pavilion Master, whether they are from Long Yin or not, in my opinion, they should not be allowed to leave." A senior said.

"The reason?"

Hua Shiyue looked over.

The man said neither humble nor overbearing: "If they are really Longyin's people, whether it is our old foe of Baihua Pavilion or the situation of other forces, if we let them leave, it would not be a good choice."

"If they weren't from Long Yin, the matter would be even more weird. Sending them out is undoubtedly a good thing for our Baihua Pavilion. At the very least, they can get out of this vortex."

According to the interests of Baihuage, that person's statement seemed really good.

But when she finished speaking, she found sadly that most of the people present were staring at her speechlessly.

"What's the matter? Did I say something wrong?" She still asked with an angry face.

An old woman smiled and said, "Elder Lin Mou, what you said is not just a matter of right or wrong, but you are dead."

"What does the great elder mean?"

Elder Lin Mou opened her mouth, facing this great elder, she did not dare to make any mistakes.

"As you said earlier, if they are Long Yin's people, we will provoke Long Yin's endless revenge."

"If they are not, since they want the Shenbing Pavilion to stop, they can only be from the alliance."

"The so-called barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes. They are already bound to die. Do you think they dare to take the stalking us Baihua Pavilion to bury them?"

The voice of the great elder is very flat, and the speed of speech is also very slow.

But every word she said was like a fierce bombardment in the heart of Elder Lin Mou.

"You young elders are too eager for quick success, you can only see the benefits, but you have to look at the crisis behind the matter." The elder said again.

She is too old, if it weren't for worrying that young people like them were in power, it would have been time to retire.

When these words were said, sweat immediately appeared on Elder Lin Mou's forehead.

Can be very fast.

Elder Lin Mi couldn't help asking: "But if we let them leave, how should we explain to other forces?"

"Need an explanation?"

A voice simply refuted her.

Elder Lin Mi turned his head and just wanted to ask, he realized that the sect master Hua Shiyue was the one who spoke this time.

"Tomorrow is the day of our wedding. All the guests come to congratulate us. Is it possible to postpone our wedding or see blood because of their speculation or something?" Hua Shiyue said.

Everyone was awe-inspiring.

According to the cabinet owner, it seems that this is really the case!

"Pass the order, let people pay attention, as long as they don't interfere with this wedding, all communication is free, and no one is allowed to block it." Hua Shiyue said.


The strong ninth-order saint star disappeared.

As this person went away, let this order be conveyed quickly.

An hour's rest is enough for Qin Shaofeng and others to fully recover.

At this time the night is already very deep.

Listening to the sound, it seems that the banquet in the living room has also begun.

Qin Shaofeng waved his hand, and the seven figures seemed to have turned into black shadows, quickly rushing towards the outside of Baihua Pavilion.

The strong of Baihua Pavilion was also in the dark, watching them leave, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

But what none of them knows is.

When their attention was focused on Qin Shaofeng and the others, the three men in black were sneaking in from another direction of Baihua Pavilion.

"I didn't expect that kid would also come over."

One person chuckled and said: "I was still worried about how these strong people are staring too tightly, how we should sneak in, but I didn't expect it to be that simple!"

"Chu Huan, do you really want to marry the pavilion master of Baihua Pavilion?" a cowardly female voice sounded.

If Qin Shaofeng were here, you might be able to hear that this woman was Liu Jialin, the granddaughter of the ancestor Yingyue at Xuanyin Gate.

"If I don't marry her, we will all be finished."

Chu Huan took a deep breath and said, "Although the chassis of the Xuan Yin Gate is occupied by us, those women have become vassals of the Four Elephant Sect. If we do not make any changes, after the Four Elephant Sect destroys the alliance, they will turn their heads to the first place. The one to deal with is us."

"Oh! I hope there won't be any accidents."

Liu Jialin sighed, and then asked the person behind her who was faintly exuding the ninth-order saintly powerhouse breath: "Grandma, is the information you got accurate? In case Hua Shiyue really has something with that guy in the Shenbing Pavilion If it's ambiguous, Chu Huan will be dead."

"Can you still trust your grandma, you **** girl?"

The strong man frowned and said, "As Chu Huan said before, even if we take down the Xuanyin Clan, the Xuanyin Clan will still be the Xuanyin Clan."

"On the contrary, if they continue to control the Xuanyin Gate, even if the Xuanyin Gate is not destroyed in the battle with the Alliance, it will become the next Heavenly Elephant Gate."

"Although I Yingyue won't betray Xuanyin Clan, I don't want Xuanyin Clan to be destroyed."

After she finished speaking, Chu Huan said sincerely: "Grandma, don't worry about it. As long as this matter can be done, we Xuanyinmen will definitely be able to continue to exist."

"I hope so!"

The ancestor Yingyue sighed again before speaking: "The groom is in that room. According to the news I got, Hua Shiya has never seen the groom."

"In addition, the groom is not a direct line of the Shenbing Pavilion. It is said that Hua Shiya has specially selected a person with a side bloodline for this name, and the bridegroom needs to cover his head tomorrow. As long as you don’t show your feet, it’s a Shenbing Pavilion. People who are not necessarily able to see something wrong."

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