Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3488: Good for you

In order to hunt tomorrow night, Qin Shaofeng really took a long distance with people, making the powerhouse of Baihua Pavilion also heel for a while.

He didn't start planning again until those people returned.

But even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't think of it.

It is precisely because of his variable that the Baihua Pavilion powerhouse ran out of the powerhouse half to confirm their departure.

As a result, a silent killing took place in Baihua Pavilion.

Wait until the strong come back.

Chu Huan, who had finished stealing and changing posts, had already put on the bridegroom's clothes, covered with a head like a new wife, and sat in the room where the bridegroom needed to wait.

Soon, the banquet ended.

When many guests returned to the wing, they seemed to have negotiated, and they headed towards the room where Qin Shaofeng and others had stopped before.

"Master Yan, they are in this room."

Bi Rong's drunken look brought dozens of strong men who were at least the eighth-order saint star.

"I can use my head to guarantee that when the young man with a human skin mask called the person next to him, he called the name Yan Xin."

"Long Yin!"

Young Master Yan's fists clenched tightly, and he said loudly: "When the people inside come out to see you, tomorrow will be the wedding day of the pavilion master of Baihua Pavilion. We will not embarrass you at this time. It can be seen that the previous side should be. ?"

No sound came out of the room.

Qin Shaofeng and the others are already a hundred miles away, where can I answer them?

Gongzi Yan asked three consecutive times before he stepped forward and pushed the door open.

At a glance, his face suddenly became difficult to look.

"Those people ran away?"

Young Master Yan suddenly became angry, and suddenly turned around and said, "Didn't you say they live here?"

"Really live here."

Bi Rong's face was even uglier than him.

He happened to see a few people from Baihua Pavilion coming over to ask about the situation. Before the other party could speak, he asked anxiously, "Where is the person who just lived here? Where did he go?

"They are gone."

The person who spoke was impressively the elder Lin Eye.

"What? They are Long Yin's people, you let them go?" Bi Rong suddenly became angry.

After that meeting, Elder Lin Mi naturally didn't care about their attitude.

He frowned and said in a deep voice: "What about Long Yin's people? Even if Long Yin himself comes, is it possible that we have to pay some human lives to stop them?"

"Shouldn't it be?" Bi Rong subconsciously said.

But he is not a fool. He has been in charge of so many things in the Shenbing Pavilion for so many years, so he is naturally the opposite.

Knowing that he was dazzled by anger, his face suddenly changed, and he bowed and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that, but that kid was really mad."


Elder Lin Mi snorted coldly.

The other party has already apologized for the first time, and she won't bother with anything.

"My Baihua Pavilion has an order. Tomorrow is her wedding day. All feuds must not appear in my Baihua Pavilion. It is even more unlikely that my Baihua Pavilion will go and talk to me at this time for some small things. Bring the six ninth-tier sacred stars who came to fight." Elder Lin Mou said.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"Six, six ninth-tier sacred stars? Isn't there only one Yan Xin?" Bi Rong took a breath.

He finally understood why Qin Shaofeng dared not care about him so much.

How can they not be fully prepared when they come to the Dragon Lake and Tiger Den?

"If he came with only one person, we would have taken him down a long time ago. Do you think that Long Yin's blood feud with our Baihua Pavilion can be solved by solving it?" Elder Lin Mou gave him a white look.

"Finally I would like to advise you. Even when you leave, it is best not to provoke the kid. Not only the Hallmaster Yan Xin of the Four Elephant Sect, but also Chen Ming, the younger brother of Qixingmen Chenxing, is behind the kid."

"How strong are the two of them? Shouldn't we need to remind them?"

Everyone trembled.

Even that Young Master Yan gasped.

I couldn't help thinking: Fortunately, that kid ran away in time, otherwise, if you really run into it, as long as Baihua Pavilion refuses to make a move, it will be them!

Yan Xin is indeed very strong, but it also depends on whom he compares with.

It is said that Chen Xing was able to become the sect master of the Seven Star Gate, but Chen Ming was the one who contributed.

It is said that when he disappeared, he had already half-footed into the ranks of the powerful.

Although it has been missing for so many years, even if it is refined into a puppet, its combat power can be imagined!

"We took the liberty, thank you for telling this girl." Yan Gongzi bowed his hands and thanked him.

"No, tomorrow is the day of our pavilion master's wedding. I hope none of you will be making trouble, and get a good rest soon!" Elder Lin Mou gave another order before taking the people away.

From their perspective alone, today's troubles are finally over.

But none of them knew.

When they were solving the matter here, the two hidden people almost laughed out loud.

The next day, the wedding was held as scheduled.

Although only a few people know the groom today, it is not so simple for Chu Huan to play.

If there were no events from last night, I am afraid that something unexpected might happen.

But today's Hua Shiyue has no time to observe him.

The people in the Shenbing Pavilion who were most likely to perceive something wrong, were all uneasy now because of Qin Shaofeng and others.

There are six ninth-tier Saint Star powerhouses!

Our deputy cabinet master has offended others, will they be against us?

They all seem to have forgotten their jealousy of the groom.

It is under this weird atmosphere.

This wedding went very smoothly.

That night, the banquet was over, and the strong from all parties left directly.

But when Hua Shiyue returned to the wedding room and saw the bridegroom, the cold color that had not appeared in the eyes of the past few days began to appear.

"Who... Although we have already held a big wedding, this seat also believes that you know why this seat chose you as a side branch of the Shenbing Pavilion. You, but those things you shouldn't think about, you'd better not think about it, let alone talk about it, understand?" Hua Shiyue's attitude is very tough.

"This is naturally no problem, but I also have a request, I hope the pavilion master can agree." The groom official said.

It stands to reason that Hua Shiyue shouldn't be able to hear the voice of her partner.

But she didn't even bother to remember the other party's name, how could she remember the other party's voice?


"I hope the pavilion master can give me a shelter, a place to hide thousands of people."

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