Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 354: Legend Seven

"This Luo Chaokun is really long enough, so insidious!"

Not far from the entrance of Peak No. 60, Du Meng looked ahead with anger on his face.

Because just now, Qin Shaofeng told the three of them that it is very possible that at this entrance, there were 20 or 30 people in ambush.

Facing such a result, Du Meng was naturally angry.

Although Tang Qijian did not speak, his eyes flashed with chills, and he was obviously very angry at what happened to his few people.

They were angry, and Qin Shaofeng was even more angry.

Because in the past few days, more and more people are chasing him, so he has no time to kill monsters and upgrade.

Therefore, so far, his experience value has only reached less than five million points, and it is more than one million behind to upgrade to Legend Seven!

This completely disrupted his plan, and this was just one of them.

Because of the current situation, Qin Shaofeng understood that the four of his own were afraid that he would not be able to enter Mountain No. 60. If this were the case, he might not be able to remove the Thousand Mountain Order fragments from the shops on Peak No. 60.

The fragments of the Qianshan Order are related to the completion of his mission this time. Originally, Qin Shaofeng planned to put together a thousand orders for the Qianshan Order, and strive for a ten-star completion.

But now that the ten-star completion degree is 300 yuan, Qin Shaofeng feels a little dangerous.

Because in this situation, it is impossible to enter the shops on the next few peaks to collect the corpses of the monster beast with the fragments of the Qianshan Token. This greatly reduces the speed of Qin Shaofeng's collection of the fragments of the Qianshan Token.

It was already the sixth day that Qin Shaofeng left Mountain No. 50, but to this day, Qin Shaofeng had collected more than two hundred fragments, that is, he had only fifty-three pieces of Qianshan Order at this moment.

Can't go on like this!

Looking at the towering mountain peaks in the distance, he knew that a lot of Thousand Mountain Token fragments were right in front of him, but he couldn't get in, Qin Shaofeng was not happy!

Oh, forget it!

Finally looking at the distant mountain, Qin Shaofeng sighed.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng turned his eyes, and fell to those who were hiding in the dark not far away, with cold light in his eyes.

Want to kill me in exchange for Shengyuan Dan?

Well, I will give you this opportunity!

With a sneer in his heart, Qin Shaofeng had a plan.

One day later, there was news that Qin Shaofeng and his party appeared on the 61st peak.

All of a sudden, the people who got the news began to gather on the 61st peak.

But after everyone felt the peak of No. 60, they searched for a long time, and they didn't find any trace of Qin Shaofeng.

While many people were very angry, another news suddenly appeared, saying that Qin Shaofeng and the others had been exposed to their whereabouts and had fled to the 62nd peak, and even started to flee to the 62nd peak.

Suddenly, a large number of people approached the No. 62 and No. 63 peaks.

But no one knows that several hours on the 61st peak, there have been several hunting teams that have disappeared without knowing it.

The person who made these teams disappear was naturally what Qin Shaofeng four did.

Even the news that he entered his whereabouts could be spread by Qin Shaofeng.

After the news was disseminated, Qin Shaofeng took the three of Yun'er and hid them on the 61st mountain. When the hunting team appeared, they picked out a few one by one, and without anyone else knowing about it, these teams The world has evaporated.

Because there were a lot of squads chasing and killing, and perhaps these followers did not care about other squads very much, so the number of people in a few squads was reduced, and no one noticed at all.

But when these hunters gathered to go to Mountain No. 62, they didn't notice that the few people who were prey on the subject were following them at this moment.

The four Qin Shaofeng who were prey themselves soon changed their identities and became hunters one by one.


Two days later, because of the continuous ‘news’ of Qin Shaofeng’s escape, the hunting and killing team had already reached the No. 66 peak and was advancing towards the No. 67 peak.

At the same time, when a large number of killers were stalking towards the 67th peak, a battle broke out somewhere on the 66th peak.

However, at this moment the battle has already reached the end.

Both sides of the battle were Qin Shaofeng and his party, and their opponent was a ten-man team.

This ten-person team is led by a legendary eight-fold early master, none of the other players are below the legendary five-fold, and there are also two in the legendary seven-fold realm.

It's a pity that the battle has progressed so far, and this ten-man squad only has the captain of the legendary eight-layer.

call out!

Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the air, a silver blade light flashed, and then the captain of the legendary eighth layer looked at him in disbelief. The silver light blade light directly penetrated his chest, ignoring his inner wall.

As he died, the captain struggled to look towards him, and the young face opposite him gave a bitter smile of regret.

"Oh, I miscalculated. I didn't expect your Qin Shaofeng to have such strength. This time I am greedy, but I am not afraid. After all, many people will come to accompany me, hahaha..."

In the laughter, the legendary eight-fold master swallowed his last breath.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng got the system prompt.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully leapfrogging and killing a legendary eight-fold master, gaining a leapfrog killing experience bonus, and earning a total of 40,000 experience points!"

Qin Shaofeng in the Sixth Level of the Legend, kills the Eighth Level of the Legend, but the higher the two levels, he can get ten times the experience bonus.

After killing this person, Qin Shaofeng's heart also made waves.

Because the things that made him look forward to the same, finally came.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for meeting the upgrade requirements and leveling up by one level. The current level is Legend Eight!"

That's right, after killing this legendary eight-fold master, Qin Shaofeng's experience finally reached the upgrade requirement and he was promoted to the seventh-fold legend.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Legend Seven

Experience value: 134/700 million

Occupation: Devil

Aura value: 2.5 million / 2.5 million (Legendary Fifth Layer has 250,000 Aura points, 10 times the Yi Jin Jing)

Innate spiritual roots: body of thunder (third stage spiritual root), body of demon king (unawakened), original world

Skills: King’s Blessing, Golden Eyes with Fire Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Yun Dan Shu, Dan Sutra, 108 Yoga Styles, Dancing Sky Skill, Writing Wheel Eyes, Ling Bo Wei Steps, Lei Dun Lei Ball, Lei Dun Lei Che, Lei Dun Ninja Shu Lei Dun Bodyguard, Lei Dun two-handed Lei Che, Lei Dun Chidori (one-star skills of the general level 1,000)

Battle Beast: Tiger Lord

Equipment: Black Iron Epee

Task: Enrollment assessment

Points: 1.853638 points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Ordinary lottery chance: 0 times

Special chance to draw: 0 times

Skill proficiency: 0 points

Skill points: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: Ball and Ball Card Small Treasury

Family members: Meng Xin'er, Qin Yue'er, Bai Xue, Tang Qijian, Du Meng

And as Qin Shaofeng upgraded, the experience value absorbed by the experience tree during this period of time, and the experience fruits produced during this period, were also separated in the past few days for Du Meng and Tang Qijian to consume.

Three hundred experience points were added again, and after the experience tree had absorbed three times, it was the experience fruit of nine million experience points.

This time, Yun'er didn't take it. Taking into account the situation of Du Meng and Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng just used the experience fruit of nine million experience points for both of them to use.

In the end, Du Meng and Tang Qijian were promoted to the sixth level of the legend. As for Yun'er, although she was not promoted to the sixth level of the legend, at this moment, she had reached the middle stage of the fifth level of the legend at this moment based on the speed of her own practice.

At this speed, it is estimated that it will not take long before she will be promoted again.

At this time, it seemed that Luo Chaokun was a little impatient. He felt that after all these days, he hadn't heard the news of Qin Shaofeng's loss of life, and then he felt that the offer of his own bid did not attract too many people.

Therefore, Luo Chaokun increased the price!

As long as you kill the four Qin Shaofeng people, you can get one hundred yuan ascending pills and five ten-year-long Yunlinggrass.

The newly opened rewards made more people begin to notice the four Qin Shaofeng.

Especially from the beginning of the entrance examination to the present, after one pass, the examiners of the top ten peaks finally set off for the deep mountains in large numbers.

This has led to more people being moved by this price.

After all, there are too many people entering the sect for the assessment this time. There are only one or two people who can have the Shengyuan Pill.

Under this circumstance, the hundred yuan ascending pill offered by Luo Chaokun was undoubtedly a sky-high price in the eyes of most people.

Although Qin Shaofeng hadn't noticed at this time, the number of people chasing him had changed.

But from the ten-person team just now, Qin Shaofeng also knew that the price of rewarding his few people had increased.

Qin Shaofeng will naturally want to get the reward price increase, and more people will appear.

But Qin Shaofeng already had a countermeasure.


A few days later, when countless people rushed to the No. 70 mountain frantically because of those 100 Shengyuan Pills, they discovered a very strange situation.

This situation is that now there is news that Qin Shaofeng has appeared on the seventieth peak.

But many people have noticed that Qin Shaofeng first appeared on the 62nd peak, and went to hunt down Qin Shaofeng's large number of teams.

It seems to be gone now!

After reaching a large number of teams on the 70th peak, they were shocked when they discovered this.

Then many people started to listen to it, but after this inquiries, the news that made many people panicked spread.

That was the first group of people who set off from Peak No. 60 to hunt down Qin Shaofeng, and it seemed that they had completely disappeared.

If one or two teams had such a situation, it would not be noticeable.

After all, there are countless mountain monsters, and a few teams disappear occasionally. It's nothing more than being killed by monsters. There is nothing to make a fuss about.

But it was the first group of people to chase and kill Qin Shaofeng, but there were fifty or sixty teams, and the total number of them was at least more than 500 people.

But now these five hundred people seem to have only 20 or 30 people left, and the rest seem to have disappeared.

And under such circumstances, there is only one saying that it disappears completely.

That's dead!

But how did they die?


Or did the monster do it?

For a time, many people contacted those people who were chased by Qin Shaofeng, and suddenly some whispered guesses appeared.

At this moment, there was a message that made it clear.

These people seemed to have been killed by Qin Shaofeng!

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