Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 355: Storm is coming

How many people Qin Shaofeng killed in a hunting brigade of more than 500 people, leaving only 20 or 30 people left?

Such news shocked countless people.

The first time people get the news, they are extremely disbelief, but those who haven't appeared during this time, give another explanation?

Die, that's for sure!

Because more and more people have not found traces of those people in the peak area from the 61st to the 70th.

So those people are definitely dead!

Then they were really killed by Qin Shaofeng?

People were shocked and unbelieving in their hearts, but the situation before them made many people gradually believe.

Because apart from this explanation, there seems to be no other explanation.

Especially when the four Qin Shaofeng really swaggered, appeared on the 70th peak and swept all the shops, people became more convinced of this.

People, Qin Shaofeng really killed several people.

Although it is incredible, it is undoubtedly a fact.

In that case, the strength of Qin Shaofeng's people is probably far beyond what everyone knows.

For a while, all the people who were enthusiastic about the reward finally awoke from the huge reward of excitement.

Although the rewards are rich, you also have to have that strength!

There were more than five hundred people, and the lowest was the legendary triple, and even basically the big team of the legendary five realm, there were only twenty or thirty people left.

Especially, among these teams, there are still masters of the legendary seventh and even the legendary eighth realm.

In this case, isn't the strength of Qin Shaofeng's people even more terrifying?

Soon, some people with insufficient strength instantly dispelled the idea of ​​continuing to chase and kill Qin Shaofeng.

Insufficient strength, no one wants to die.

People with sufficient strength didn't care about those offering rewards at all, and naturally they didn't even have the idea of ​​chasing and killing Qin Shaofeng.

In this way, the safety of Qin Shaofeng and the others seemed to have no major problems.

Unfortunately, things don't seem to end like this.

Luo Chaokun, who was cultivating in a cultivating cave far away on Peak No. 60, was instantly furious after receiving the news that Qin Shaofeng and several people had appeared on Peak No. 70.

"Damn it, so **** it! Then why isn't Qin Shaofeng dead?" Luo Chaokun snarled in a low voice with a ferocious face, and Luo Chaokun was extremely angry.

Luo Yi, who was beside him, remained silent at this moment, but his face was also ugly at this moment.

After thinking about it, Luo Yi hesitated, and finally said: "Three young masters, that Qin Shaofeng's strength is indeed a bit weird, and his demon tiger beast is not low in strength. Subordinates estimate that it must be Qin Shaofeng borrowed. With the Shengyuan Pill seized from us, he raised his own strength, as well as the strength of his monster tiger beast, and..."

He hesitated for a while, but in the end Luo Yi said, "Moreover, the reward offered by the three young masters will attract at most some people from the legendary seven or eight layers. According to the subordinates, if such a person is a small group of people, , There is no threat to those Qin Shaofeng people at all."

When Luo Yi talked about the Shengyuan Pill that Qin Shaofeng had seized from him, Luo Chaokun became even more angry.

Indeed, if Qin Shaofeng used those Ascension Pills to improve his strength, especially the legendary Seventh Demon Tiger Beast, then the strength of their team would definitely improve the boss.

Although very angry with Qin Shaofeng, Luo Chaokun cannot deny that Qin Shaofeng's strength is indeed not simple, not only weird, but also the methods are unusual, even Luo Yi is not an opponent.

There was also that monster, tiger and beast. Luo Chaokun understood that he had no ability to resist in front of Qin Shaofeng's monster and beast.

Just as Luo Yi said, the people who were attracted by this reward simply couldn't beat that Qin Shaofeng.

"Is the reward not attractive enough?" Luo Chaokun sneered coldly, his eyes showing a trace of sinisterness, "Then I will add a little bit more!"

Turning his head abruptly, Luo Chaokun coldly said to Luo Yi next to him: "Order to go down and let people increase the reward. In addition to 100 yuan-sheng pills, the ten-year-old cloud spirit grass will be increased to ten. Have……"

With a weird look, Luo Chaokun smiled lightly: "Add three more Ning Yuan Dan!"


Ning Yuan Dan?

And still three?

Luo Yi was shocked when he heard Luo Chaokun's last words.

Ning Yuan Dan, that is the pill that can make the legendary tenth realm condense the Yuan Dan and enter the small Yuan Dan realm!

Moreover, the refining of this Ning Yuan Dan requires a lot of Yun Ling grass, so there is no side effect of Sheng Yuan Dan at all.

Such a pill is at least one hundred times more valuable than a Shengyuan Pill.

Luo Yi knew that his Third Young Master hated Qin Shaofeng very much, but he did not expect that his Third Young Master hated Qin Shaofeng to such a degree.

Even if the Ning Yuan Dan is his own three young masters, he can get ten from the family at most!


There was a cruel cold light flashing in his eyes, and Luo Yi's expression was also grinning.

This is exactly what he wants!

Because of this, I am afraid that there will be a lot of people who suffer from no power, but the talent is a good examiner, and there will be a lot of people who are moved.


The situation was just as Luo Yi had imagined. When three Condensation Pills appeared in the reward, it caused an uproar.

After learning such news, different but similar discussions appeared on each mountain.

"I rub, three Ning Yuan Dan offering a reward for one person's head, what a hatred this should be!"

"I'll be careful! Ning Yuan Dan! It's actually a Ning Yuan Dan, it doesn't work, where is Qin Shaofeng? I'm going to kill him. If I kill him, I will be a strong Xiao Yuan Dan!"

"It's actually Ning Yuan Dan, how can this be unreliable!"

"Hey, why isn't it reliable? The reward came from some shops on the peaks. The news is absolutely reliable!"

"Damn, this is still a tangled fart, I'm going to kill that Qin Shaofeng!"

"I'll go too, not to mention the three condensing essence pills, those 100 rising yuan pills and ten ten-year-old Yunlinggrass are also good things!"


Numerous voices of similarities and small differences continued to appear on the peaks, and for a while, people who were more emotional appeared.

Although this time the entrance examination, only Legend One can participate.

But in fact, from the very beginning, there have been many legendary ninth or even legendary ten people. From the beginning of the assessment, they stayed in the top ten peaks to practice.

For these people, they can only use the cultivation environment of the cultivation cave to cultivate to the legendary tenth peak state in three months.

It can even break through the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, which is the worst. Three months will not work. One year is definitely enough.

This is also until now. Forty days have passed, and there are very few people in the legendary nine-fold and legendary ten-fold realm on each mountain.

And even people in the Eightfold Realm of Legends, there are a few occasionally.

Either these people are cultivating on the top ten peaks and the next few ten peaks, or they will enter the peaks of the later stage in the first few days of the assessment.

The original situation will continue from the beginning of the assessment to two or three months after the assessment, before there will be a large number of Legendary Nine and Legendary Ten masters.

But now this situation is broken!

This is the appearance of Ning Yuan Dan.

Ning Yuan Dan is not difficult to refine, that is, some advanced alchemists who can refine earth-level pill can be refined.

But the difficulty is that this Ning Yuan Dan not only requires a large amount of Yun Ling grass to be refined, but the most demanding point is that it needs at least one 30 years old Yun Ling grass as a medicinal guide.

Only in this way can the Ning Yuan Pills with no side effects be refined, or else the Ning Yuan Pills refined without 30 years of Yun Lingcao are at best a higher-level Sheng Yuan Pill.

As a result, even in the Qianshan Sect, this Ning Yuan Dan is only a relatively low-level pill, and it rarely appears.

At this moment, the three Condensation Pills that Luo Chaokun offered as a reward can attract a large number of legendary masters who have no background or directly behind them, and are not enough to obtain the Ning Yuan Pill.

Somewhere in the cultivating cave on the third peak, a figure surrounded by spiritual energy is cultivating.

From the breath that he exudes, this person is actually a master of the legendary tenth level. Although he has just broken through, the powerful legendary tenth level aura, like a tidal current, filled the entire cave.

Because of this, in this cave that was originally enough for five people to practice, at this moment he can only accommodate him to practice.

tread! tread! tread!

Suddenly, just at this moment, walking out of the entrance of the cave, the figure surrounded by spiritual energy, can hide from open his eyes, his eyes flashed a harp, looked out of the cave, and let out a low growl full of murderous intent.

"Which one who doesn't have eyesight dares to disturb my practice?"

As he spoke, the spiritual energy in the cave was surging, and it was obvious that the person who was cultivating in the cave was about to take action.

"Oh, don't get excited Xu Yang! I didn't plan to do it with you!"

A soft laugh sounded, the aura of the cave suddenly calmed down, and then came out with a cold snort.

"Zhang Zhentao, it's actually you? What do you want to do when you come to me?"

When the cold snort sounded, the silhouette of the cave came out, and a 17-year-old boy appeared.

And the person who chuckled outside the cave was also a 17-year-old boy. Seeing Xu Yang walking out of the cave at this moment, Zhang Zhentao smiled lightly and said, "Of course there is something good, so I'm looking for you. !"

"Good thing? Really?" Xu Yang frowned, a surprise in his heart.

"Of course it is true!" Zhang Zhentao smiled confidently, and then uttered three words.

"Ning Yuan Dan!"


Ning Yuan Dan?

Xu Yang's eyes shrank suddenly, and his heart jumped wildly. But soon, he held down his excitement and asked in a deep voice: "Zhang Zhentao, speak directly, don't be sloppy."

This time, Zhang Zhentao put a smile on his face and said solemnly: "There is a young master from a big family who is said to sell a few people’s heads. In addition to three Ning Yuan Dan, there are also 100 Sheng Yuan Dan, ten plants. Ten years of Yunlingcao, do you not do it?"

Although heartbeat, Xu Yang did not agree immediately, but asked: "Who is the other party and what cultivation base?"

"Ha, don't worry, it's just a few legendary little guys!" Zhang Zhentao smiled.

"What? It's just a few legendary six and seven people, worth three Ning Yuan Dan?" Xu Yang didn't believe it.

Seeing Xu Yang listening to his words with a look of shock and disbelief, Zhang Zhentao said again: "Hey, don't worry, the news is absolutely reliable, and it is said that although those people have a cultivation base, there is also a good beast around them. , This business can definitely be done!"

After a slight pause, Zhang Zhentao said again: "Of course, to be safe, plus Zhu Zichen, the three of us shot together. Anyway, there are three Ning Yuan Dan?"

After Zhang Zhentao finished speaking, he looked at Xu Yang and waited for the answer from the other party.

Xu Yang was silent for a moment, then nodded abruptly, a murderous expression flashed in his eyes: "It's done!"

No way, Ning Yuan Dan is too tempting for him!

What's more, the strength of the target does not seem to be very strong!


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