Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 356: Chase!

On the No. 70 peak, after visiting all the shops on the peak, Qin Shaofeng was very happy.

"Haha, I have made a lot of money. I actually collected more than 500 pieces of the Qianshan Order at one time. This time, the Qianshan Order in my hand has exceeded one hundred. In this case, it is merged into a bronze order. It seems to be fine too!"

Qin Shaofeng was excited when he thought of the fragments he had stored.

Although he was excited, Qin Shaofeng still noticed the surrounding situation.

Knew it!

There are still a lot of people staring at them!

Oh, even in the past few days, because of my own plan, many people have been killed, but there are still some people who don't give up!

Inadvertently glanced in some directions behind him, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Yun'er on the side moved slightly in her heart, and asked in a low voice, "Why? Anyone who doesn't give up?"

"Of course there will be, after all, people die for money and birds die for food!" Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, "This person who can't see the coffin without tears is everywhere!"

"Huh, what are you afraid of, we can kill as many as we come!"

Du Meng listened to the conversation between Qin Shaofeng and the two, and said in a low buzzing voice.

In the past few days, fighting a large number of masters has made Du Meng's breath heavier.

This is matched with Du Meng's body shape, where does Du Meng go, when the Nine Ranks Indestructible Tyrant body emerges, it is like a mountain, giving people a feeling of indestructibility.

And Tang Qijian next to him was the opposite. As his strength increased, Tang Qijian's swordsmanship became more and more powerful.

After a lot of battle, the whole person is like a sharp sword, exuding endless sword aura.

Once Tang Qijian entered the battle, he would often be unable to hold back his hand and directly behead his opponent, without leaving Qin Shaofeng to end.

Although this made Qin Shaofeng helpless, Qin Shaofeng was quite satisfied with the improvement of Tang Qijian's strength.

Compared with these two people, Zhao Yun'er has not changed much. Although after this period of time has been constantly fighting with the enemy, Zhao Yun'er's realm has also improved rapidly, and has now reached the legendary five pinnacle realm.

But Zhao Yun'er was still soft and weak, not much changed from before.

But for such Zhao Yuner, whether it is Du Meng or Tang Qijian, they dare not offend!

Although both of them are Legend Sixth Layer, they are one level higher than Zhao Yuner.

But every time they thought of the process of Zhao Yuner's fighting with the enemy, the two of them couldn't give birth to the idea of ​​competing with Zhao Yuner.

No way, that is beyond the scope of human understanding.

Have you ever seen a master who is only in the late stage of the fifth stage of the legend, with a wave of hands, kills the master of the seventh stage of the legend?

And even if it is a person in the legendary eight-fold realm, the opponent is Zhao Yuner, and at most he supports a few tricks.

Regarding Yun'er's strength, Qin Shaofeng even guessed in his heart that if Yun'er burned all the secret stars at once, the star power that burst out would kill anyone in the Xiaoyuandan realm in seconds.

Moreover, even a person of the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, as long as the cultivation base is not high, I am afraid that he can't hold it.

Of course, this is impossible.

Although burning Secret Stars can indeed make Zhao Yun'er burst out with super attacking power, with the current progress of Zhao Yuner's cultivation, she can only burn three Secret Stars at a time.

No matter how much it is, it won't work, but even if it burns three secret stars at once, the power that bursts out is amazing enough.

With this in mind, and in addition to killing a lot of people during this period, Qin Shaofeng appeared on the 70th mountain in an open manner and swept all the shops.

But now it seems that there are still many people who don't give up!

At Xiaoqiuqiu’s reminder, Qin Shaofeng sighed softly in his heart, smiled slightly at the three Yun'er, and said, “It seems that our plan to cultivate on this No. 70 mountain for one or two days seems impossible. what!"

Indeed, Qin Shaofeng estimated that more people would appear if he had been cultivating for a day or two on the 70th peak.

At that time, even if a few of them have enough confidence, it is impossible to leave this No. 70 mountain smoothly with so many people chasing and killing them.


At the extreme edge of the No. 70 mountain peak area, Qin Shaofeng and his colleagues are here at the moment.

At the same time there is another person here, it is Geng Houyun.

The Geng family learned about Qin Shaofeng's few people being offered a reward.

Although I knew that this matter might not have anything to do with Luo Chaokun, the only person who can take charge of the top 100 peaks is Geng Houyun, who is serving as a patrol guard.

However, although Geng Houyun was a master of the Great Yuandan realm, his status in the Geng family was not high enough and Geng Can was no longer. He did not dare to intervene in this matter.

This is the difficulty for the disciples of the big family. It is necessary to presuppose the interests of the family everywhere, and then deal with what happened.

In addition, Geng Houyun did not have such an identity to deal with this matter.

However, when he learned that Qin Shaofeng appeared on the 70th peak, Geng Houyun rushed over as soon as possible, and Geng Houyun also told Qin Shaofeng that he would abandon the entrance examination and use their Geng family to enter the Qianshan Sect.

Because Qin Shaofeng is Zhao Kun's younger brother and younger sister, in this matter, it is not a big problem for Qin Shaofeng to join Qianshan Sect based on the relationship between Zhao Kun and their eldest young master.

Besides, Qin Shaofeng's aptitudes are good, and from this point, it doesn't require much effort, so this matter alone is Geng Houyun can call the shots.

However, in the face of Geng Houyun's help, Qin Shaofeng directly politely refused.

What's a joke, if this is to give up the entrance examination this time, wouldn't it be to give up the task of system publishing?

In this case, it would be a big loss!

And apart from this, Qin Shaofeng is still quite interested in this entrance examination.

Because he really wanted to know what kind of benefits the Qianshan Sect had for the first 100 people who joined the Qianshan Sect during the three-month period of the entrance examination.

Under such circumstances, how could he give up the entrance examination this time?

Regarding Qin Shaofeng's choice, Geng Houyun was also helpless, but in the end he didn't say anything.

In fact, he still admired Qin Shaofeng's ability to continue.

However, although he couldn't influence the reward, Geng Houyun still sent Qin Shaofeng and others to the edge of the No. 70 mountain peak area without affecting his mission.

But this also ends here.

Although Geng Houyun is a great Yuandan powerhouse and a captain of the patrol guard this time, he is only responsible for patrolling the three peaks of No. 50, No. 60 and No. 70.

For the future peaks, he could not help Qin Shaofeng a few people.

Geng Houyun sighed with emotion as he looked at the distant figures of Qin Shaofeng.

"It's worthy to be the younger brother and younger sister of Zhao Kun! Sure enough, he has the style of Zhao Kun. I remember that Zhao Kun was also chased by a large number of people during the competition for the inner peak training room, but in the end he still killed countless opponents. Occupies a training room, and now this Qin Shaofeng is afraid that he will be another big brother Zhao Kun!"

After a sigh of emotion, Geng Houyun went back.

As the captain of the patrol guards, he needs to sit in the mountains, and even to move around, it is only a very short time.

After all, speaking seriously, he is the realm of the Great Yuan Pill.

This cultivation base is a big master in the eyes of the legendary realm people, but as long as Geng Houyun knows in his heart, there are countless masters like him in Qianshan Sect.

In the Thousand Mountain Sect, he, a great Yuandan powerhouse, can't match the powerhouse at all!

But as soon as he returned to the 70th peak, Geng Houyun received a report from a master of the Geng family's Xiaoyuan Pill Realm, and his heart was furious.

"Three Ning Yuan Dan? How dare Luo Chaokun do this step?"

Upon learning that the price of the reward for the lives of Qin Shaofeng's people at this moment had increased to three Ning Yuan Pills, one hundred Sheng Yuan Pills, and ten ten-year-old Yun Ling grasses, Geng Houyun was furious.

But after the anger, Geng Houyun's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the 71st peak.

"Well, with this Ning Yuan Dan, I am afraid that it will be able to induce some assessors of the legendary tenth realm. This time Qin Shaofeng and the others are in danger!"

At this moment, Geng Houyun already regretted a little, and asked Qin Shaofeng to leave by himself.

But no matter how much regret it is now, it is useless, because even if he wants to catch up with Qin Shaofeng, he is afraid that he will chase a lot.

Besides, because of his duties, he does not have the right to step into the area of ​​the mountain after the 70th.


At the same time, at the edge of the 71st mountain peak, Qin Shaofeng's four people were riding Tiger Lord, but they were running wildly all the way.

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that shortly after Geng Houyun left, as soon as he entered the 71st peak, he would be besieged.

This being besieged was the emergence of hundreds of legendary six masters and more than a dozen legendary eight masters.

With such a line-up, Rao was also shocked by Qin Shaofeng, who was confident in the strength of his few people.

"Damn, so many people are besieging us?"

Looking at hundreds of swiftly chasing figures not far behind, Du Meng on the back of Lord Tiger roared in anger.

To run away like this made him feel too aggrieved.

"What else is there, it must be Luo Chaokun, I am afraid that the reward for us has increased again!" Qin Shaofeng said coldly.

Qin Shaofeng didn't need to think too much about the situation in front of him, but he knew that there was probably no second reason other than that his head was more valuable.

"Damn it, it's Luo Chaokun's bad luck again. Damn it. I knew I would slap him to death with a slap!" Du Meng roared angrily.

"Okay, it's useless to say more now. When I see Luo Chaokun in the future, I will kill him with one sword!"

A cold voice full of sharp killing intent sounded, but Tang Qijian spoke.

"Heh, don't worry, if you meet Luo Chaokun again, just do it!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly and said, then his eyes fell on the crowd behind him, and suddenly he spoke again: "Moreover, to be honest, there are so many trained opponents, let us increase the actual combat experience, we also all thank Luo Chaokun Now, because if this is not the case, where can we find so many people to practice hands!"

Although he was hunted down, Qin Shaofeng still didn't have a trace of panic on his face at this moment, but revealed a trace of ease.

Hearing what he said, Du Meng was taken aback suddenly, and then he smiled, a burst of madness broke out in his eyes.

"Yeah! With so many opponents, I can finally do it!"

At the same time, even though Tang Qijian didn't speak, the sword intent on his body was even more sharp!

Although Zhao Yun'er was not as excited as these two people, she stretched out her right hand, firmly clasped Qin Shaofeng firmly, and smiled slightly.

The meaning is self-evident!

Wherever Qin Shaofeng goes, she will go!

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