Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 357: Wuling Peak

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Don't let Qin Shaofeng and the others run away!"

"Haha, how can I say, so many people have been killed by Qin Shaofeng, but nothing happened. It turns out that there is a legendary eight-fold demon tiger beast!"

"Huh, there is a legendary eight-tiered beast. With so many people here, can't it be killed?"

"Yes, that Qin Shaofeng and the others are done this time!"


In the pursuit, the more than 100 people behind Qin Shaofeng's group were all excited at this moment.

Their large team of more than one hundred people is organized by three legendary eight peak masters.

These three legendary eight-fold pinnacle masters were immediately moved when they learned that Qin Shaofeng had offered a reward and were promoted to possess three Ning Yuan Dan.

But because of what happened after the first group of people chased and killed Qin Shaofeng, the three of them were vigilant and did not dare to act rashly.

In the end, as soon as the three of them discussed, they decided to join forces.

Although these three are not big family disciples, the strength of the family behind them is not low, each has some subordinates.

Together, they gathered some cannon fodder to explore the way, and then a brigade of more than 100 people was formed.

The three also know that there are definitely not a few people who are fascinated by the Ningyuan Pill. Although the three of them are in the realm of the legendary eighth peak, they are far inferior to those masters of the legendary nine or even the legend ten. .

However, the three of them also knew that their only advantage was that when they heard the news, they were only on the 73rd peak, which was relatively close to the 70th peak where Qin Shaofeng was located.

This is the rhythm of getting the moon first, and the three of them will naturally not let this opportunity go.

For the first time, the three of them led their teams to the 71st peak pretending to be hunting monsters. As soon as Qin Shaofeng's trail appeared, they immediately besieged Qin Shaofeng.

This is something Qin Shaofeng never expected. After all, they only came out of the 70th peak, and because Geng Houyun was patrolling and guarding like this, Qin Shaofeng guessed that even if someone wanted to take action against him, he would definitely have to wait for at least a few of them to go deeper. Do it after the eleventh peak!

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that the three leaders of this large team had retreated from the 73rd peak, and he hadn't seen Geng Houyun before.

So, the present scene finally appeared.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not think that with the strength of Lord Tiger, plus a few of his own, he would be able to defeat more than a hundred people, at least it would be a big team of Legend Six.

Needless to say, there are more than a dozen legendary eight masters in this team.

For the first time, Qin Shaofeng let Master Tiger break through, and then several people escaped from the encirclement and ran away wildly.

And precisely because of this, this led this brigade to understand that Qin Shaofeng's final trump card was the strongest backing.

A legendary eightfold late stage or peak war beast monster tiger!

When the tiger broke out, the leaders of the three legendary eight peaks also breathed a sigh of relief.

Phew, it turned out that there was such a monster tiger and war beast that allowed Qin Shaofeng to live until now!

After understanding this, the three of them had no scruples and led the brigade to chase and kill Qin Shaofeng frantically.

It's a pity that few people knew that when the Tiger Lord broke out, Qin Shaofeng deliberately let Tiger Lord down his breath.

If the three of them knew that Lord Tiger was a legendary beast of nine levels, I am afraid they would not have such confidence at this moment.

After letting Master Tiger fly for some distance, Qin Shaofeng finally showed a smile on his face.

Finally arrived!

At this moment, what appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng and the others was an area lined with huge rocks.

The 71st peak is different from other peaks. On this peak, there are no trees, not even many weeds.

On this mountain peak, there are only boulders.

As small as one meter, as large as tens of meters, the entire mountain peak has countless such boulders, and there are too many to count.

And this is not the point. The point is that these boulders seem to have some weird aura that can isolate aura.

Therefore, this mountain is not a sacred place for cultivation, and even for this reason, from the foot of the mountain, there will be no monsters.

Even because of the isolation of aura, the legendary realm cannot fly here at all.

But for Qin Shaofeng, it was a good place for assassination and sneak attack.

Qin Shaofeng collected a large amount of medicinal materials for refining the ordinary version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill from the shop on the 70th peak, so even in an environment without aura, there is no need to worry about the consumption of aura.

Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng directly ordered the Lord Tiger to enter this mountain.

But his actions made the three legendary eight-fold pinnacle masters who had been chasing them behind him dumbfounded.

"He actually entered this Spiritless Peak?" one of them said in disbelief.

Peak without spirit, mountain without spirit, is the name of this mountain.

When the other person saw this, he burst into laughter: "Hahaha, this Qin Shaofeng is seeking his own way! I guess he didn't even know this Lingling Peak, so he panicked and hid in?"

"Well, I think it's the same, but it's a big benefit to us." The last person also said with a smile.


Could it be bad?

On the Peak of Wuling, without the support and absorption of aura, that demon tiger and beast would definitely not be able to recover the aura that had been consumed, even if Qin Shaofeng and the others had some thousand spirit pills that could replenish the aura that had been consumed.

But as long as they were stuck at the foot of the mountain, it would be difficult for Qin Shaofeng and others to fly.

At the first moment, the three of them ordered that the entrance to the foot of the Wuling Peak should be guarded.

At the foot of the Wuling Peak, there was another clear empty area, without anything, just separating the distant woodland from the boulders on the Wuling Peak.

In addition, Wuling Peak is not very large, and the area at the foot of the mountain is just a hundred miles away.

In such an empty situation, only a small amount of manpower is needed, and I am afraid that it will be fully guarded.

Needless to say, there are only three places at the entrance of this Spiritless Peak. In the end, the three legendary eight-fold peak masters only sent six legendary eight-fold subordinates and thirty people to guard the entire mountain. .

Even so, there are more than a hundred people left, including the three of them.

Looking at the inanimate peak covered with rocks, the three of them sneered.

"Give it all to me and take out that Qin Shaofeng!"

In the end, with an order, hundreds of people went up the mountain.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yuner are discussing among the huge rocks somewhere in the forest.

"Have you heard clearly?" After finishing his plan, Qin Shaofeng asked the three of them again.

But Zhao Yuner hesitated for the first time: "Shao Feng, this is not right! You let Mengzi and Qijian take a dumb tiger and Da Meng, then why separate from me? We are one Is the group bad?"

Zhao Yuner was very dissatisfied with Qin Shaofeng's distribution.

Because Qin Shaofeng divided several people into three teams, Du Meng and Tang Qijian, plus Lord Tiger, and a big fierce group, she was a group with her envoy, Little Wolf, and Qin Shaofeng was alone.

This made Zhao Yun'er a little worried about Qin Shaofeng.

Du Meng and the others have Tiger Lord, and the strength of this group is extremely strong.

And she herself is very confident of her own strength, and her little wolf, although only the legendary seventh, but because it is the Canglang Emperor, and because of the blood demon flower, now not only because of devouring a large number of monster inner alchemy, it has progressed. The late seven-fold legend.

Even in the real battle, I am afraid that even the legendary eight-fold late stage on the side can't help it.

Zhao Yuner knew that the combination of her and Xiaolang was definitely not low.

But what worries her more is that Qin Shaofeng said that he was alone in a group.

Facing Zhao Yun'er's dissatisfaction, Qin Shaofeng was both moved and helpless in his heart. In the end, he could only explain quietly: "Don't worry, you don't know my strength, and if it's a critical time, I still have apocalypse!"

Qin Shaofeng also talked to Zhao Yun'er about the evolution process of Shao Lun Yan.

Knowing that although Shao Lun Yan activates some skills, it has great side effects, but relatively speaking, as long as Shao Lun Yan evolves, these side effects can be eliminated, and Zhao Yuner finally has no more worries about these.

And thinking about the power of the black flame Amaterasu, Zhao Yuner finally compromised.

Soon, the people separated.

However, before the separation, Qin Shaofeng exhorted the three of them, because they had already acted separately, then there was no need to keep their hands and just kill the enemy directly.

It is precisely for this reason that Qin Shaofeng bought several five-fold experience bonus cards directly from the system store.

Because Qin Shaofeng planned to fight a protracted battle on this mountain this time.

A battle that lasts long enough to make those who chase them fear Qin Shaofeng!


Qin Shaofeng's several people moved separately, which completely exceeded the expectations of everyone in this brigade.

At this moment, the brigade is divided into twelve teams, each of which is led by a legendary eight-layer master.

The leaders of the three legendary eighth peaks also told them that as soon as they found the traces of Qin Shaofeng and others, they should inform others as soon as possible, and don't rush to fight.

But soon the three of them discovered that something was wrong.

Because just less than half an hour after the search was carried out, they suddenly received the signal that three teams were under attack.

"Damn, how come three teams have been attacked?"

A teenager under twenty years of age violently angered after receiving the news.

This person initiated this campaign to siege Qin Shaofeng, Zhao Zifa, one of the three legendary eight-fold pinnacle masters.

Seeing Zhao Zifa's angry look, Lu Mo, who was also one of the initiators, was also puzzled.

"Could it be that there are other people on this spiritless peak?" Lu Mo guessed.


As soon as Lu Mo spoke out, he denied the last of the three, Zou Xinfeng.

"This is Wuling Peak. Not only there are no monsters, but also no elixir or anything else. Who would run to this place idle? Is something wrong?"

At this time, Zhao Zifa also nodded, and said, "Zou Xinfeng is right. There is absolutely no other person on this Spiritless Peak. Then, if you say that, there is only one possibility!"

As he said, Zhao Zifa raised his head to look at the Wuling Peak in the distance, and sneered with a cold light in his eyes: "Heh, it seems that Qin Shaofeng and the others are probably separated."


They dare to separate even for the four?

Lu Mo and Zou Xinfeng were shocked when they heard the sound. They looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

In the face of hundreds of them, they dare to act separately in a little time?

Isn't this looking for death?

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