Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 358: Triumphantly

At the same time, when the three of Zhao Zifa were shocked by the actions of Qin Shaofeng, three battles were taking place on Wuling Peak.

In order to maintain the contact between several people, Qin Shaofeng spent more than one million points from the small treasury of Xiaoqiuqiu for the first time and exchanged four jade talisman for transmission.

This kind of communication jade talisman is special and can communicate within a certain range, although it is only the lowest-level communication jade talisman, and it is even one-third of the original price.

Four such jade charms were still used, and Qin Shaofeng had more than 1.3 million points.

After having this jade talisman for transmission, Qin Shaofeng was able to communicate with the three of Yun'er on this spiritless peak.

Just now Qin Shaofeng informed Yun'er that they had taken action together through the transmission of Yufu.

Qin Shaofeng's opponent this time was a ten-man team, led by a legendary eight-fold early master, in addition to three legendary seven-fold masters, and the rest were all legendary six-fold masters.

He was just a person, and Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't dare to care about such a ten-man team.

After informing Yun'er that they would take action together, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with jade, three rounds of the jade circle, the six-pointed star pattern appeared, and then Qin Shaofeng made the move instantly.


With the kaleidoscope writing wheel opened, Qin Shaofeng stepped on Lingbo's microsteps, directly consumed 400,000 points of spiritual energy, and transformed into eight phantoms.

"Enemy attack!"

Almost the moment Qin Shaofeng made his move, the legendary eight-fold master gave a warning for the first time.

At the same time, he took out an object from his storage ring and threw it into the sky.

With a bang, a brilliant firework suddenly appeared in the air.

This is the signal that Zhao Zifa ordered his men to send as long as they found Qin Shaofeng's trail.

The scene that made this legendary eight-fold master dumbfounded was that after his signal, signals appeared in two other places.

What's the situation?

This legendary eight-fold master was shocked, but the next moment, there was no time for him to think about this carefully.

Because at this moment, at the moment when he sent the signal, a dark shadow pounced on him.

"Damn it!"

The legendary eight-fold master screamed in a low voice, then subconsciously counterattacked.


With the right hand together, the long sword was clenched tightly, and the legendary eight-fold master suddenly slashed with all his strength to cut out to the shadow.

What surprised this legendary eight-fold master was that his own sword hit the dark shadow directly, but the next moment, his face suddenly changed.


At the moment when the black shadow was cut, this legendary eight-fold master realized something was wrong and flashed back, but at this moment the black shadow hit by him exploded suddenly.

Damn, is this aura condensation phantom?

Shocked in his heart, this legendary eight-fold master immediately transported the inner aura of the gas, and his whole body shook, and the wall of inner gas instantly condensed and formed.

But at this moment, with a flash, another figure appeared before his eyes.

After seeing the face of the figure, the legendary eight-fold master exclaimed.

"Qin Shaofeng?"

That's right, the second time that appeared in front of this legendary eight-fold master, it was no longer Qin Shaofeng's phantom that burst out with a slight step, but he himself.

Seeing the shock on the opponent's face, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and with his right hand, the profound iron heavy sword was severely cut down.

"Breaking style!"

With a low drink, Qin Shaofeng directly used Dugu Nine Swords.

After fighting against many enemies during this period of time, Qin Shaofeng discovered that Dugu Nine Sword's Qi breaking style is simply the strongest nemesis for breaking through the inner Qi wall condensed by the spiritual energy of the legendary masters.

As soon as the broken air is released, the wall of inner air will definitely collapse!


This time, without exception, when the profound iron epee fell on the wall of the legendary eight-fold master's inner energy, Qin Shaofeng just felt the profound iron epee pause slightly, and then the opponent’s inner energy wall was Broke.

not good!

The moment the wall of inner Qi was broken through strangely, the legendary eight-fold master was shocked, but he didn't panic, holding the sharp sword in his hand, blocking the huge sword that blasted him.

But for his actions, Qin Shaofeng disdainfully smiled.

Without the wall of inner Qi, you have the strength of an ordinary legendary eight-fold realm, and you want to block my profound iron epee?

With his eyes fixed, Qin Shaofeng shouted in his heart.



As soon as his right hand sank, Qin Shaofeng immediately increased his strength, and the profound iron heavy sword in his hand smashed down.


The giant sword against the long sword, the legendary eight-fold master, just suddenly felt his pressure doubled, and then the earth-level one-star sword in his hand broke apart in an instant with a bang.

Then, a huge force struck, he snorted, and spit out a mouthful of blood. Under his eyes full of disbelief, he was blasted out.

call out!

A blade of silver light followed in an instant, and instantly hit the center of the person's eyebrows.

At the moment when the silver sword light flashed before his eyes, there was only one great doubt in the heart of this legendary eight-fold master.

How could Qin Shaofeng have such strength?

Unfortunately, he couldn't figure out this problem anymore.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully leapfrogging and killing a legendary eight-fold master. After the five-fold bonus card bonus and the leapfrog kill bonus bonus, he gained a total of 100,000 experience points!"

With Qin Shaofeng's current seventh-level legendary realm, killing a legendary eighth-level master can gain 20,000 experience points. Before starting, Qin Shaofeng used a five-fold experience bonus card.

In this way, only this person allowed Qin Shaofeng to gain 100,000 experience points.

However, there is only this opportunity for such an increase, because there is only such a legendary eight-fold master in front of him.

This process seems complicated and long, but from Qin Shaofeng's shot to the present, after successfully killing this legendary eight-fold master, less than three breaths of time have passed.

As soon as the time of three breaths passed, the other nine members of the team finally solved the phantoms Qin Shaofeng used.

But after the solution, they realized that their captain had actually been killed.

The remaining nine people were shocked, and they were extremely disbelief in the scene before them.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't give them time to accept the reality. After solving the strongest person, Qin Shaofeng eased the rest of them.

Together, Qin Shaofeng attacked the remaining nine people with Ling Bo's slight steps.


Thunder light flashed, a thousand birds flow displayed, and the profound iron epee in Qin Shaofeng's hand was instantly covered with terrifying lightning.

Then one step across, Qin Shaofeng jumped directly into the center of those people, and slashed his sword at the three legendary sixth-tier people.

Epee without front!

After the explosion, the thunder light was dazzling, and the sword aura was vertical and horizontal. The next moment there were three charred corpses on the ground.

With just one sword, with the flow of thousands of birds and the epee without the edge of the profound iron epee, it killed three legendary six masters in seconds.

And not only that, the remaining people were more or less affected, and some injuries appeared on their bodies.

Until then, the six who were still alive finally understood.

This Qin Shaofeng's strength was not at all as rumored by the outside world, it was just a legendary sixth realm.

This Qin Shaofeng has not only been promoted to the legendary seventh realm, but his strength is not much better than the legendary eighth master, and even stronger.

The current situation is a proof!

Seeing the three companions alive at the moment before the ground, they turned into three corpses at this moment, and the remaining six people collapsed instantly.


I don't know who suddenly yelled, and the rest of them all started to run backwards all at once.

In the face of this situation, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, his left hand shook slightly, and a silver light blade flew out and went straight to one of the legendary seven masters.

After the silver sword light flew out, Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at it. One jumped and flew behind another legendary seven-level master, lifting the profound iron heavy sword into the void just like that.


A three-meter faithful sword qi cut out, directly hitting the junior of the legendary seven-layer master.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng heard a scream fiercely behind him, but it was the previous legendary seven-layer master who was hit by the silver sword light.

Together with this, at the same time, Qin Shaofeng solved two legendary seven masters.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing one of the Seventh Level Master of the Legendary Realm. After the five-fold bonus card bonus, he gained 20,000 experience points!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing one of the Seventh Level Master of the Legendary Realm. After the five-fold bonus card bonus, he gained 20,000 experience points!"

After being prompted by the system two times, Qin Shaofeng's experience value increased by 40,000 points again.

There was no pause. At the same time as the system prompt sounded, Qin Shaofeng had already arrived, behind the last seven legendary master.

One minute later, the remaining three legendary six masters were also killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Within three minutes, a ten-man squad led by the legendary Eighth Layer was solved by Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng also gained 280,000 experience points.

After taking away some things from these people, Qin Shaofeng flashed away and sank into the giant stone forest again.

And three minutes after Qin Shaofeng disappeared, someone hurried to the scene.

But apart from ten bodies, they could see nothing.

This situation happened in the other two battlefields almost the same.

Similarly, the ten-man squad on the other two battlefields was wiped out.

Qin Shaofeng won the match for the first time!

At the foot of the mountain, Zhao Zifa's expressions were extremely ugly when they learned of the destruction of the three teams.

"Damn it, how could this be?" Zhao Zifa let out a low growl, his expression full of anger.

He couldn't figure it out, it was just a legendary eight-fold demon tiger beast.

But why did Qin Shaofeng and the others kill their three teams in three groups at the same time?

Three teams, that's thirty people!

And there are three legendary eightfolds among them, and nine legendary sevenfold masters.

Then where did Qin Shaofeng's strength come from, annihilated himself?

Not only Zhao Zifa, but Lu Mo and Zou Xinfeng also looked incredible at this moment.

After a moment of silence, Lu Mo suddenly said, "It seems that Qin Shaofeng and the others seem to have hidden some strength. Their strength is not easy!"

"Not easy, so what if it is not easy?"

Zou Xinfeng let out a low growl, showing a ferocious hate: "This time, we will lead the team personally. I see what they can do."

At this moment, Zhao Zifa also spoke.

"Since we have done it ourselves, we will bring everyone who is guarding the entrance to the foot of the mountain."

Seeing a trace of puzzlement on Zou Xinfeng and Lu Mo’s faces, Zhao Zi smiled coldly: "Didn’t they separate the three teams? Then, all of us will go up. No matter how bad it is, we can meet one of them. Let's be a team! As long as we catch one of the team members, I won't believe the other two teams, and they won't show up yet!"

Yes indeed!

This is a good trick!

When Zou Xinfeng and Lu Mo heard the sound, they immediately agreed with Zhao Zifa's strategy.

It might be difficult to catch all of Qin Shaofeng and the others at the same time, but if you just catch one or two of them, it seems much easier!

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