Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3552: Shock

"You should watch it for yourself after you arrive, I can't tell."

Ning Lu rolled her eyes. He was once a seed disciple, and it was the first time he did this kind of leading thing.

I really don't know if it is so troublesome when other people lead the way.

But he couldn't stand it.

At the very least, he didn't know what to say and what not to say, so he didn't say anything at all.

He refused, leaving the four of them speechless for a moment, then closed their mouths and started watching.

Soon, they combined intelligence and discovered something shocking.

The number of people in the alliance is really small. There should be no error in the number of two thousand six hundred people, but every time they see the situation, they will be greatly shocked.

In contrast, the situation on Dizitang's side is much better.

As they came to the battle hall, almost everyone kept twitching their mouths at all times.

The first thing that catches the eye is the star chasing and shaking light.

The people who can enter this line are the most, the cultivation base is less than the fifth level, but the people who have experienced that miserable battle, and all the fifth-level holy star powerhouses.

But each of them seemed to come out of a ghost gate.

Since they entered the battle hall, they no longer need to do any miscellaneous things, and naturally all of their hearts are put on cultivation.

And in previous wars, they have seen too many deaths.

This makes them even more cruel when they are cultivating than on the disciples.

The swallowing of medicine pills and heavenly materials and earth treasures seemed to be an extraordinary thing, at least they had passed this way.

Qiu Yun, who had just brought out a celestial treasure and planned to bribe Fan Shanyue, really had nothing to say.

At least everyone they saw, randomly throwing away the value of the pill in the import, seemed to be on top of the medicinal material he gave.

Tiancai Dibao even said nothing.

"It's no wonder that brother told me to give things directly to Qin Shaofeng. These medicinal materials are really...really..." Qiu Yun hadn't really come out for a long time.

Zuo Wuxin and the three of them all felt suffocated after looking back at him, but they couldn't tell anyone.

Qiu Yun was indeed embarrassed in front of them.

The question is what else can they do?

Fortunately, none of the things they prepared were taken out, otherwise it would be really embarrassing!

Finally came to the chassis where the star chaser Kaiyang is located.

The all six-tier sacred star powerhouse aura almost scared the four of them.

After all, their strongest is Zuo Wuxin at the fourth-order holy star.

Look at the two hundred or more sixth-order Saint Star powerhouses, almost everyone is practicing in a desperate way.

Go forward, seven steps, and eight steps forward.

They finally came to the line of star chasing Tianquan they were expecting to see, and the scenes that came into view, but once again severely hit everyone's minds.

The first thing that came into view were ten strong ranks of the eighth-rank sacred star, who were fighting a young man with the ninth-rank sacred star.

Although there are audiences there, there are only a few people.

At a glance, they could see that the appearance of the person being beaten was seven to eight points similar to Ning Lu who led the way.

It can be seen that the other party should be Ning Lu's eldest brother.

When they looked over there, Ning Lu had already looked over, and saw his elder brother in a dangerous state, but she sighed deeply: "It seems that elder brother has not made much progress during this period of cultivation. Even ten eighth-ranked sacred stars can't hold up the besle."

The four were messed up in the wind again.

Zuo Wuxin just wanted to speak, when he saw a person behind Ning Luo in the melee, a dagger suddenly appeared in the sleeve of his left hand.

"No, that person is going to assassinate your big brother!" Zuo Wuxin exclaimed.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw the thrilling scene together.

The breathing of the four stopped at this moment.

They are all outsiders, and their cultivation level is not enough to be nosy at all, so they can only look at Ning Lu who is leading the way.

However, the scene they saw once again shocked them in a daze.

I saw that Ning Lu, who had witnessed the assassination of her eldest brother in person, didn't even change the slightest expression on her face, as if such an assassination should have been the same.

"What an assassination method. From such an angle, it should be able to create a sense of crisis for my big brother, right?" Ning Lu's voice was slightly excited.

The four of them didn't know what else they could say.

People's eldest brother will be assassinated and wounded, but he can still get excited, such a person is simply a lunatic!

While talking, I saw the cultivation base aura on Ning Luo's body exploded in a blowout manner.

The cultivation level obviously increased a little at this moment.

Along with Ning Luo's sudden sideways, the dagger fell on his shoulder.

On the other hand, Ning Luo seemed to have no feeling at all, reflexively kicking the person out.

"Stop! I have another breakthrough. You should practice first. I will take advantage of the pill to swallow, and I will quickly improve my cultivation."

As he said, he walked out of the battle circle, quickly took out a pill and threw it into his mouth, regardless of the blood that was flowing from his shoulders, and then began to improve his cultivation.

This scene has already proved what Ning Lu said just now.

The four of them really didn't know what else to say, and quickly followed Ning Lu, who led the way, towards the depths.

The star chasing Tianji and the star chasing Tianxuan are all powerful ninth-tier holy stars.

When they saw the scene of a group battle among the ninth-order sacred star powerhouses, they couldn't make any more movement.

If someone had a strong sense of crisis when Ning Luo was attacked just now.

The desperate battles of several or dozens of rank ninth sacred star powers with full combat power are even more fierce.

Go deeper.

Finally came to the deepest part of Tianyang Mountain.

Not far from the front is the place where Qin Shaofeng and other management personnel live.

And here, they finally saw the person who chased Tianshu.

There are only fifteen people in the chasing Tianshu.

But most have their own things to be busy.

At this time, only six people were still practicing in the martial arts field.

Compared with the fierceness of the battles in the periphery, the battle of these six people looked so calm, as if they didn't even have a little bit of aura of heaven and earth.

The power of qi and blood didn't even show at all.

"Huh? They should be the people who chase Tianshu, right? How can their fighting style be like this?" Han Xingyue's scheming is the worst among several people.

Seeing this weird scene before me, I couldn't help but ask.

"The number of star chasers Tianshu is the smallest, with only fifteen people, but they are all powerful ascending to the sky. If they are fully capable of fighting, they only need six of my father and them, and it will be enough to destroy Tianyang Mountain in a battle. "Ning Lu gave a dry smile.

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