Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3553: fear

"All... are all powerhouses?!"

Han Xingyue suddenly exclaimed, Zuo Wuxin and the other three people were all messed up in the wind.

I have long known that there are many strong players in the league.

But they can only get a rough figure.

Fifteen strong climbers.

Such figures really scared them.

Is it possible to have the power of fifteen ascending to the sky, can it really be described by the word ‘power’?

It seems that this kind of tyrannical lineup, even if it is changed to the place of the shining star, can it be close to the existence of the overlord?

Let alone such a small place in the Great Northern Wilderness.

Grandpa Zi, are you wrong?

The exclamation sounded, and the six practitioners in the martial arts field immediately looked back.

Ning Wenlu is one of those who practiced in the martial arts field.

He had just entered the position of ascending to the heavens, and he didn't know much about the combat situations of the powerful ones at the ascending position.

Seeing Ning Lu coming with four strangers, she frowned and asked: "Lu'er, why did you bring a group of strangers here?"

"Father, they claim to be from Kitazawa Island, and they want to ask to see the adults, and the adults have already agreed with them." Ning Lu said.

"Kitazawa Island?"

Ning Wenlu frowned and said, "Go back and guard the mountain gate to practice! It's okay, don't run around. One day the war will start again. If you still can't raise your cultivation level, the lord will let you do cannon fodder. If you are my son, the old man cannot speak for you."

"Luer knows, thank you father for his teaching."

Ning Lu hurriedly clasped her fists and bowed, then turned and galloped towards the mountain gate.

The four Han Xingyue were hurried down.

But they didn't feel the slightest uncomfortable feeling in their hearts, this one who spoke was a strong climber!

Even if they just moved their fingers, Kitazawa Island couldn't hold it.


What did he say?

If the son of this mighty man can't raise his cultivation base, after the start of the war, he can't even change his son's fate as cannon fodder?

Nima! Are you a dignified and powerful person?

"You guys come with me!"

Ning Wenlu greeted them, pulled the four people back from shock, and walked towards the main hall with them.

It was the first time that the four of them were led by a strong climber, and their hearts were beating crazily.

But as they came to the main hall and saw a few people guarding outside the main hall, they became confused again.

Only four people are responsible for guarding the gate.

The four of them are all powerhouses of the ninth-order sacred star, and they are all practicing at this time.

Such a difference in cultivation base should have caused the four of them to be in awe when faced with this powerful ascendant.


"You guys will wake up the old man. The adult asked you to come but is responsible for guarding the door, not for you to sit here and practice." Ning Wenlu directly cursed when they met.

Naturally, it is normal for those who are strong in the heaven to scold those who are strong in the holy star.

But the unusual scene soon came.

I saw the old man sitting in the center with closed eyes cultivating opened his eyes, full of anger, and angrily said: "Ning Wenlu, what do you drag this old thing, isn't it just one step ahead of us? Is there any qualification to teach us? "

"The old man has gone to heaven!"

Ning Wenlu was furious, but why did his answer sound weird?

"Know, you are in the sky."

The man said uncomfortably: "Just because you have ascended to the sky and you are still performing martial arts in front of our brothers, we can cultivate with peace of mind, right?"

"Your trash son said just now, do you want to see these people?"

"Hurry up without bringing people?"

"Dare to waste a few more brothers' time. Believe it or not, let's call more than a hundred brothers to explode your flower?"

Ning Wenlu was furious: "Fogcao! You are all the people who have the Heavenly Spirit Gai buried in the loess, can you speak more cleanly?"

"Clean your sister, you, the old immortal who has been buried in the coffin with the loess, stood in front of the old man. The old man just didn't get angry, so why did you break through first?" the man also roared.

When several people heard this, they didn't know what else to say.

After the break through the relationship, there will be anger and the existence of the strongest first?

What kind of alliance is this?

I don’t know that the people negotiating with Ning Wen Road were Ximen Kuang and others.

When they learned that Qin Shaofeng needed a few people to watch the door, they all signed up and ran over.

The only thing to mention is that the four of them were Ximen Kuang, Xiao Ruyi and Lei Ru Kuang, and Ximen Zhen who was assigned to a place alone.

These four people considered themselves to be the true direct line of Qin Shaofeng.

And he was the first person to follow Qin Shaofeng, and he would not be afraid of Ning Wenlu as an old brother.

As a post-breakthrough person, they have no envy and jealousy towards Ning Wenlu, only hate!

Hateful why did he break through first?

I hate why I haven't broken through?

With this kind of emotion, their attitude can get better then there will be ghosts.

"Huh! How did the old man break through before you? The old man has ascended to the sky, and you haven't ascended to the sky, the old man feels good, very happy!" Ning Wenlu laughed.

This string of laughter once again shocked the psychological defense of the Han Xingyue four.

When did the legendary ascendant person be so similar to a child, and yet he could even scold someone?

"Fuck away, hurry up!"

Simon was furious: "Don't forget, the adults are still waiting for them. If you let the adults wait, you won't be able to bear the blame."

Ning Wenlu trembled after hearing this.

"Go away, I blame you for wasting my old man's time!"

Ning Wenlu suddenly stepped forward a few steps, and gently clicked on the main hall door.

"Isn't there enough trouble? Come in!" A voice rang from it.

The first time Han Xingyue heard this voice, her whole body was shocked.

She has dealt with Qin Shaofeng the most, and is naturally the person who is most familiar with Qin Shaofeng's voice.

How could she not be able to hear her words, berating this saint star powerhouse, it was her familiar Qin Shaofeng?


Ning Wenlu replied respectfully, then pushed the main hall door open and said to them: "Four people, please!"

After Han Xingyue and the four walked in like walking dead, Ning Wenlu also followed.

Don't look at him and Simon Kuang and others scolding badly.

In fact, their relationship is really good.

He breaks through first, and it is difficult for him to break through in a short period of time.

Now when the four ‘guests’ arrive, they might be useful to others, if he does not come in, the cultivation of the four Simon Kuang may be interrupted 70%.

When the four of Han Xingyue came, they had already prepared a mouthful of words. When they saw Qin Shaofeng, they couldn't open their mouths for some reason.

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