Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 360: Zhao Zifa's strategy

After discovering that the group of people who were chasing him had changed the way, Qin Shaofeng knew that he couldn't be separated anymore.

The squad that had been annihilated by them in front of them was just the weakest team among the five enemy teams.

But even so, the 25-person team led by the four legendary eightfolds would definitely be a little dangerous if this strength were met by a single team.

And if the other party summons other people once they are entangled, it will be completely dangerous.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng listened to Xiaoqiuqiu's opinion and came to a magical formation to kill the enemy.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng doesn't have any spiritual stones on his body right now. Otherwise, he could completely lay a killing formation on this spiritless peak based on the guidance of the small ball.

In that case, no matter how many legendary masters he came to, there would definitely be no return!

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng didn't have any spirit stones on him.

This made Qin Shaofeng secretly determined that after entering the Qianshan Sect, he must get some spirit stones.

Now Qin Shaofeng has realized again that there are many good things in Xiaoqiuqiu.

Although Xiaoqiuqiu's small treasury was swallowed by the system, Qin Shaofeng still needed to purchase the things inside.

But the knowledge that Xiaoqiuqiu possesses is unnecessary!

Although the small ball is not a master of formations, it can have a lot of vision, and the original experience, the formations in its little brain.

The only thing that is not beautiful is that even if there is a formation method, Qin Shaofeng can't arrange it without materials.

However, Qin Shaofeng could barely arrange a simple phantom array this time.

Under the illusion formation, coupled with the explosion of Tiger's true strength, those who could not ask for help instantly lost their fighting spirit.

All this is in line with what Qin Shaofeng expected, although the opponent's number has increased, and his strength has also increased.

But after Qin Shaofeng's plan, all the people on his side were dispatched.

It's just a team of more than 20 people, isn't it a matter of getting caught?

After dealing with the scene, Qin Shaofeng took Zhao Yuner and a few others and hid them again.

Now that the phantom array has not been exposed, it is absolutely feasible to continue to use this move to kill the enemy.

This time it was Tiger Lord who served as the bait.

Although Lord Tiger was a little dissatisfied with letting himself run errands, who said this was Qin Shaofeng's order.


A quarter of an hour later, on the other side of Wuling Peak, a team of more than 20 people was chasing Tiger Lord frantically.

"Don't let this demon tiger run away. Its situation at the moment is obviously lack of aura. This is a good opportunity for us to start!"

"Haha, why did the big cat run away! Come and let the uncle go to the bar!"

"Hahaha, it's all tigers who can't touch their buttocks. Today, labor and management are going to touch this monster tiger to death!"


This is another dish to drink, and the clamor that he intends to touch his butt, makes the Tiger Lord secretly angry. If it weren't for the task, he would have turned around long ago. Let the group of stupid idiots behind him see him. Strong.

With this kind of mood, when his master Qin Shaofeng and others showed up after introducing people into the fantasy formation, he didn't need to order anything at all. The Tiger Lord just burst out with a roar of his breath of the legendary nine-fold realm.

Then, the scene of acquaintance with Ho before was staged again.

Although the team this time is 28 people, there are one more legendary eight masters in the team, with five.

And even the legendary Seventh Layer has as many as thirteen people.

Compared with the previous team, the strength of this team is probably stronger.

Unfortunately, the result of the previous team, the final situation of this team, was also wiped out.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Legend Seven

Experience value: 2.086690/700 million


Qin Shaofeng's experience value increased by 960,000 points again.

However, after this battle, Qin Shaofeng had no plans to act again.

It wasn't because of the strength of the remaining three teams, or after this time, Zhao Yuner actually showed signs of breakthrough.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to quickly let Xiaoqiuqiu find a hidden place, allowing Yun'er to break through with peace of mind.

Just when Zhao Yun'er was under the protection of Qin Shaofeng and several people, breaking through to the legendary sixth realm, at this moment, the three of Zhao Zifa finally felt that something was wrong.

At this time, more than an hour had passed since the three of them personally set out to search for the traces of Qin Shaofeng.

But at this hour or so, they all searched one-third of the Wuling Peak.

But just like that, they still didn't find a trace of Qin Shaofeng.

"Something is wrong, something is wrong! There is no trace of it?"

On a boulder at Wuling Peak, Zhao Zifa frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

I couldn't help but let my subordinates inform Zou Xinfeng and Lu Mo that Zhao Zifa planned to gather.

Because Zhao Zi invented white, the time left for the three of them has become less and less.

Although they had an advantage in distance, they were able to attack several people Qin Shaofeng as soon as possible.

But such advantages have become less and less over time.

Because if it continues like this, once other people who are interested in Qin Shaofeng arrive, they will be disadvantaged.

Especially when he thought of the possibility that there might be a master in the legendary ninth realm, or even the legendary tenth realm, Zhao Zifa felt a little urgent.

It was obviously not the solution to continue searching like this. He could only summon Zou Xinfeng and Lu Mo to discuss again.

Soon, Zou Xinfeng and Lu Mo, who had received a signal from Zhao Zi, rushed over.

"Why is there anything?"

"problem occurs?"

As soon as the two arrived, they started asking questions one after another. They thought that Zhao Zifa had discovered the traces of Qin Shaofeng.

Zhao Zifa shook his head immediately, and then spoke out about his consideration.

Upon hearing Zhao Zifa's concern, Zou Xinfeng and Lu Mo were also silent for a while.

"It's really not a way to go on like this. It seems we need to think of a strategy." Lu Mo said after a moment of silence.

These words also made Zou Xinfeng nod in agreement, but at this moment Zou Xinfeng thought of something, he couldn't help but raised his head and looked around, letting out a surprise.

"Huh? Why haven't the two remaining teams rushed over yet?"

Zou Xinfeng only said this subconsciously, but as soon as he uttered this, Zhao Zifa and Lu Mo both changed their faces.

"not good!"


The two suddenly exclaimed, seeming to think of something at the same time.

Zou Xinfeng is not stupid, he also suddenly thought of something from the expressions on their faces.

"Damn it, shouldn't the people of our two teams be dealt with by Qin Shaofeng?" Zou Xinfeng exclaimed.

Zhao Zifa had a sullen face and didn't say anything.

Lu Mo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "It's too early to draw conclusions, wait a minute!"

After a quarter of an hour, the three still did not see the other two teams, and at this time they were finally sure.

The subordinates of the two teams of the three of them are afraid that they are already overwhelming.

With the cultivation base of his subordinates, the lowest level is the sixth level of the legendary realm, and a quarter of an hour is enough for them to come and gather.

But after a quarter of an hour, there was no half of a person.

Except that everyone is dead, I am afraid there is no second explanation.

"Damn it, how could this happen? Does Qin Shaofeng have that strength?" Zou Xinfeng said fiercely.

A gleam of light flashed in Zhao Zifa's eyes, and he said solemnly, "It seems that we have all underestimated the strength of those Qin Shaofeng people. According to my estimation, those Qin Shaofeng people are not in the realm of the legendary sixth or seventh level at all. The source is absolutely wrong. , The cultivation bases of several of them are definitely Legend Eightfold, and most of them are comparable to the cultivation bases of the three of us."

Lu Mo also nodded and said, "I'm afraid this is the case. If it weren't, we would never have such a loss."

"Damn it, is that so?" Zou Xinfeng was very angry after hearing the words of the two, then hesitated for a moment, then hesitated softly.

"If this is the case, shall we give up?"

"give up?"

Zhao Zifa sneered suddenly, then turned his eyes, looked at the height of Wuling Peak, and then said with murderous intent: "It's all this far, how can we give up?"

"Then what do you say?" Zou Xinfeng asked involuntarily.

"How to do?"

Zhao Zi smiled coldly and did not answer, but a sly smile suddenly appeared on his face. He turned around and looked far away.

The direction he was looking was exactly where the No. 70 peak was.


A few hours later, a message instantly spread out in the Spiritless Peak area on the 71st.

Qin Shaofeng and the others were finally discovered, and they were blocked on the Wuling Peak.

As soon as the news spread, it immediately passed through some people who were in the Wuling Peak area to the seventieth peak.

All of a sudden, countless people with gluttonous eyes on the Yuan Dan made a big move and rushed to Wuling Peak.

All of them looked like they couldn't wait, as if they were afraid that they would be late, Qin Shaofeng would be killed, and the Ning Yuan Dan was not his own, each one was anxious.

When a large number of people gathered on the Wuling Peak, it was suddenly discovered that the Wuling Peak was actually sealed off.

The person who blocked Wuling Peak was naturally the three of Zhao Zifa.

It was precisely because they saw that the three of Zhao Zifa were at the pinnacle of the legendary eighth layer, these people who arrived did not forcefully break through the blockade.

Although there were a lot of these people, they were all the people who killed the monster beasts around the Wuling Peak area. After getting the news, they came as soon as possible.

But precisely because of this, naturally there are no masters among them.

The strongest are the three or five masters in the early mid-stage of Legend Eightfold.

Therefore, facing the blockade of the team led by the three legendary eight peak masters, they naturally dare not surpass.

At this moment, Zou Xinfeng, who was on the Peak of Wuling, was a little confused about the situation.

"Zhao Zifa, what are you doing? Since you intend to let others force Qin Shaofeng out, why did you let our people stop them from going up the mountain?" Zou Xinfeng asked puzzledly.

At this time, Lu Mo seemed to know Zhao Zifa's plan and couldn't help explaining to Zou Xinfeng.

"It's not easy. It's all because the people who appear now are too weak. Even if they are sent to the mountain, they are afraid to die. This will make the Qin Shaofeng people wary!"

Zhao Zifa nodded and said, "Yes, Lu Mo is right. It's just that these people in front of you, not only can't force Qin Shaofeng and others, but they will startle Qin Shaofeng and make Qin Shaofeng vigilant. When there are more people, we will let go. Open the blockade."

As he said, Zhao Zifa's eyes flashed with confidence, and he confidently said: "As long as there are too many people, then Qin Shaofeng and the others will definitely be forced down the mountain in the end, and we just have to stand by the foot of the mountain and wait for Qin Shaofeng to cast themselves into the net! "

"That's it, this is a good way!" Zou Xinfeng said with some excitement after hearing what Zhao Zifa said.

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