Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 361: Difficulties

"This method is good, but there is also a drawback!"

Unlike Zou Xinfeng, who was a little excited, Lu Mo said with a worried expression on his face at this moment: "Now that the news has spread, I am afraid that the news will reach the 70th peak soon. By then, it will be more than a legendary person in the seventh or eighth realm. I am afraid that even the legendary masters of Nine Layers and Ten Layers will rush over!"

As soon as Lu Mo's words were uttered, Zou Xinfeng suddenly remembered this, and his expression changed slightly.

However, Zhao Zifa said with his face unchanged, "So, there is not much time left for us. It is now approaching dusk, but at most I am afraid that after tomorrow morning, there will be legendary masters of the ninefold tenfold, and we only have this evening. Time is up! So if it doesn't work, we will go up the mountain together!"

When Zhao Zi finished speaking, Zou Xinfeng and Lu Mo were silent for a while, but judging from their expressions, it was obvious that they were planning to fight.


At the same time, at the side of Wuling Peak, a cave made of huge stones, Qin Shaofeng's expression also changed.

From two hours onwards, Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that for some reason a large number of people had gathered to Wuling Peak.

And now at the foot of the mountain, two to three hundred people have gathered.

Although most of the two to three hundred people are people in the fifth and sixth levels of the Legend, there are fewer than fifty people in the seventh and fourth levels, and the eighth and fourth levels are four or five.

But if we continue to develop in this situation, I am afraid that there will be a large number of people.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised.

"Damn it, this has something to do with my plan, but it's going to get a lot faster!"

Standing outside the cave, Qin Shaofeng's expression was solemn when his eyes fell to the foot of the mountain.

Qin Shaofeng had expected this situation a long time ago when there were people surrounding this inanimate peak.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng still hopes to develop like this.

However, in Qin Shaofeng's plan, the current situation appeared, and at least it would not happen until he was promoted to the eighth level of the legend, Du Meng and Tang Qijian were both in the seventh level of the legend.

It's obviously much ahead of schedule now!

"I circled a cross. What's the situation?" Qin Shaofeng felt depressed when he felt the situation at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, the ball found something and said something.

"Well, I think it should be the three little guys in the legendary eighth peak realm. They did it on purpose!"

With that said, the small ball gloated with a smile.

"Hey, who told you to kill them so many people? People are not strong enough now, so naturally I plan to find a helper!"

After listening to Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng felt even more depressed.

I'm dizzy, it's actually like this?

"Oh, trouble, I only have 2.1 million experience points now, and I am afraid it will take some time to upgrade Legend Eight!"

Looking at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a wave of spiritual energy coming from behind him.

"Yun'er broke through?"

Feeling the fluctuations of the spiritual energy, Qin Shaofeng felt in his heart and looked at the item of his family in the attribute interface in front of him, and he realized that Yun'er's attributes had changed a little at this moment.

Family members: Zhao Yuner

Level: Legend Six

Occupation: Castle

Aura value: 600,000/600,000 (20 pieces, one piece is 5 million pieces)

Talented Spiritual Root: Star Dao Body

Talent skills: Astral, Star clone

Skill 1: Write round eyes

Skill 2: One hundred and eight yoga poses

Skill 3: None

Skill 4: None

Skill Five: None

Envoy: Canglang Emperor (Little Wolf)

With a successful breakthrough, Yuner is now in the sixth layer of the legend.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly and whispered secretly.

"Well, Yuner's legendary sixth level is now, and the strength will not be lower than mine. If this is the case, our strength will increase a lot. In this case..."

A trace of thought flashed in his eyes, and there was another hesitation, but in the end Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth and whispered in a painful voice: "Damn it, labor and capital are spared, you want to kill labor and capital this time, even if it is a heavy bleeding this time, labor and capital will make you pay. Absolute price!"

Without hesitation, he opened the system store. After searching, Qin Shaofeng's eyes fell on a product.

Low-grade spirit stone: After the aura is rich to the extreme, the condensed spar contains a lot of aura. The lower-grade spirit stones have aura equivalent to one hundred spiritual power points, worth 10,000 points.

That's right, the product Qin Shaofeng plans to buy now is Lingshi.

The low-grade spirit stone has one hundred spiritual power points, and one point of spiritual power value is roughly calculated based on the small ball, which is approximately equivalent to one hundred thousand spiritual energy points.

In other words, a piece of low-grade spirit stone is enough to restore any legendary realm's spiritual energy consumption several times.

And this is still the lowest level spirit stone, if it were a higher level spirit stone, it would be even more terrifying.

But even the lowest-grade low-grade spirit stone is worth 10,000 points. If it weren't for the fact that there was no way, Qin Shaofeng would not use the points for this.

But the current situation made Qin Shaofeng understand that it was a very unfavorable environment for his few people, so Qin Shaofeng planned to arrange a large phantom array based on what Xiaoqiuqiu said.

Considering that there will be more people gathered in the end, Xiaoqiuqiu recommended to Qin Shaofeng a large phantom array with a hundred low-grade spirit stones.

Although this phantom array does not have attack power, its coverage is extremely wide. In the words of a small ball, this phantom array is successfully arranged, enough to cover one-tenth of the entire Wuling Peak area.

Qin Shaofeng finally chose to arrange this phantom array, which was also based on this point.


Qin Shaofeng was in pain when he glanced at his own point that only recovered one million points not long ago.

"Cheating! My points are going to bottom out again!"

Although complaining, Qin Shaofeng quickly purchased the spirit stones and then began to arrange the formation.

An hour later, at a section of the Wuling Peak mountainside, suddenly, the space where this place was located shook slightly, like a calm water surface, suddenly a wave of waves appeared.

After the shock, the wave did not expand, nor did it attract the attention of others, and the space quickly returned to calm.

But no one knew that at this moment, this place had completely changed.


In a place on the Wuling Peak, Zhao Zifa, who was standing on a boulder, looked at the foot of the mountain, with the corners of his mouth tilted slightly.

"Now that more than 400 people have gathered, and there are more than 30 in Legend Yae, it's time!"

"Then let's start!" Lu Mo smiled coldly on the side.

Zou Xinfeng showed a cruel smile and said with a grin: "Haha, let these ignorant fools contribute to us! I just don't know how many people will survive in the end!"

"No matter how much they can survive, it has nothing to do with us. We just want the heads of Qin Shaofeng and that's our goal."

A cold light flashed in Zhao Zifa's eyes, and then to Lu Mo and Zou Xinfeng, he said, "Okay, let's go down the mountain now!"

Half an hour later, under Zhao Zifa's order, the blockade at the foot of the mountain was completely unlocked.

Suddenly, more than 400 people swarmed towards Wuling Peak.

If it had been in the past, there would never have been so many people on this Inanimate Peak.

Almost no one will even come to this Wuling Peak. Most people passing this Wuling Peak will only bypass the main peak of the Wuling Peak and pass directly through the Wuling Peak area.

In fact, many people today don’t understand why Qianshanzong still has such a mountain as Wulingfeng.

But the current situation, no matter what it used to be, now Wuling Peak is lively.

A large number of people entered Wuling Peak and began frantically searching for all suspicious traces.

Soon the place under the mountainside was completely turned over, and even some huge boulders were smashed open by many people.


Then continue to search!

However, these people did not notice that some special people had been mixed in among them, and these were all sent by the three of Zhao Zifa.

These individual people, instead of searching other places, they observe people in the crowd from time to time. Once there is a suspect, they will further confirm whether it is Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng and the others would naturally not show up, so these people finally found the mountainside.

At this moment, it was already very dark night, and the night fell, but there were bright lights on the Wuling Peak.

Because it is already night, people have stepped up their searches.

Because most people were worried, Qin Shaofeng and the others took advantage of the darkness to leave the Wuling Peak, which actually made everyone vigilant.

Some fire-type legendary realm masters agitated their aura, bright fireballs above their heads, driving away the darkness at the mountainside of Wuling Peak.

Zhao Zifa and others at the foot of the mountain only saw that the mountainside of Wuling Peak was filled with fire everywhere.

But it didn't take long, as if it was suddenly cut off, all the flames disappeared.

"this is?"

As soon as the fire disappeared, Zhao Zifa was shocked.

"What's the matter? Why did you put out the fire?" Zou Xinfeng frowned, very puzzled.

"Could it be?"

There was a fierce suspicion in Lu Mo's eyes, and he couldn't believe it: "Isn't this a formation?"


Zhao Zifa's face was shocked, and immediately afterwards, his face completely changed.

"Damn it, it turns out to be like this, it's really hateful, it seems that Qin Shaofeng knows some illusion formations, and those people have entered the illusion formation, afraid that they will be trapped!"

What, magic array?

Both Lu Mo and Zou Xinfeng were shocked, and then they understood why their subordinates were so easily solved by Qin Shaofeng.

It turns out that the other party knows how to arrange the magic array.

With a serious expression on his face, Lu Mo glanced at Zhao Zifa and asked, "What should we do now?"

Zhao Zifa was also at a loss at this moment.

He is not good at the formation, not to mention, it can be regarded as a difficult illusion in the formation.

After hesitating for a while, Zhao Zi finally whispered: "There is no way. In this case, we can only wait. If the magic array has not been broken after dawn, we will go back!"

Lu Mo and Zou Xinfeng also understood what Zhao Zifa meant.

The three of them are not sure about the illusion, and now they can only hope that those who go up will break the illusion.

Even if it hadn't been broken, after one night, more than 400 people spent a lot of time on the phantom array.

When they go up again, it will definitely be easier.


"Huh? Didn't come up?"

Qin Shaofeng was surprised by Xiaoqiuqiu's response.

"I didn't expect that the three legendary eight-fold pinnacle masters didn't come up together. This surprised me. They should be able to see it now. Have I arranged a magical array?"

"Do you want to kill my magical array?"

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have thought of something, but then he gave a cold smile.

"Hmph, then you can wait slowly. If my phantom array is really so easy to be consumed or destroyed, that would be too sorry, I bought 100 low-grade spirit stones with 1 million points!"

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