Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3714: road

When Li Naling and others heard this, their faces were a little red.

They have indeed come to this altar three times.

But the problem is that the three times added up, although the roads walked on the altar are less than one-third of this time.

As for what Qin Shaofeng said now, it was a myth to them.

I can't come here, so what qualifications can I say if I can't find it?

"Let's go!"

Qin Shaofeng never paid attention to the movements of the people behind him.

He just finished speaking in silence and greeted everyone.

In the horrified eyes of Li Naling and others, she stepped into the void ahead.

"Where... is the road?"

Li Naling and the three hall masters exclaimed together.

But in their shocked voices, they discovered that Qin Shaofeng hadn't fallen into the gap like an endless abyss like the people before.

Instead, a burst of the same corrosive gas came out from the hollow under the feet.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Shaofeng had been completely corroded.

"Dead? Dead?"

Ke Jiuxiao stared at the empty space ahead.

The shock in his heart has gone to the extreme.

"Could this kid be arranged by someone to come and take us to death, right?" a Ranger captain exclaimed.

The voice was just spoken, but I didn't wait for others to explain.

The man shook his head and said, "It's still wrong. If that's the case, he only needs to say something in Infinite Prison. It's enough to make the whole of Infinite Prison be dead, and he won't let him find his death? "

"Could it be that he can't wipe the bottom?"

"Damn! Face is more important or your own life is more important?"

"Anyway, I refuse to let myself go to death for the sake of face."

"Me, too."

"So...are we seeing phantoms, and the way ahead is really the way out?"

The expressions on everyone's faces are rapidly changing.

Whether it is a person who deeply doubts Qin Shaofeng or other people, facing such a scene, it all feels incredible.

"Prisoner, what do you think of this matter?" Ke Jiuxiao couldn't help asking.

"Ahead...should be the road?"

Li Naling's mouth twitched fiercely, she wanted to choose to trust Qin Shaofeng, but she couldn't take that step.

Xingtang Hall Master Mo Ya hesitated seeing everyone, and then asked: "Prisoner, should I go ahead and try?"

"No need to."

Li Naling shook her head and said: "If we can try it out, we will be able to find some clues when Qin Shaofeng passes by with so many eyes."

"It just...nothing."

"You try now, it will only make us more uncertain."

"Since we have chosen to believe him, and he can use his life to make us believe, what else can we hesitate?"

"If this is not the way to leave, then what do we have when we die here? Is it better to die here than to be imprisoned to death?"

She kept saying one sentence after another.

The people who can follow her here are all the elders who have been imprisoned for thousands of years, so I can't tell them.

What she said seemed to be explaining to them, but in fact she was making a decision for herself.

If not, she only needs to give orders.

It really needs an explanation, and one sentence is enough.

as expected.

At the moment when Li Naling finished talking to herself, her face became firm, and said: "Since we believe in him, then believe in the end. Either leave with him or die here together."

She finally lifted her steps and strode towards the void ahead.

As she just said.

When Qin Shaofeng walked in here, they had so many eyes that they couldn't find anything.

At this moment, everyone also didn't feel the slightest difference.

But after listening to Li Naling's words, everyone did not hesitate to choose.

If this is really the only way to leave, if they choose to retreat, it will only make them miss the only chance to leave.

It is true that Qin Shaofeng and Li Naling will go back and take others out in the future, and they will definitely abandon some of them.

Everyone used to be an evildoer, and they knew human nature very well.

Li Naling is good, no matter the three hall masters.

The reason why they are responsible for the order of the endless **** is only because they worry that after everyone else is dead, only a few of them will be left, and they cannot bear the suffering of the endless hell.

If you really provoke them, they will only make the life that offends them worse than death.


Mo Ya walked over afterwards.

Immediately, it was the other two hall masters.

The thirty patrol captains did not hesitate, and strode into the seemingly mortal section of the road.

Until they really stepped forward, the eyes of everyone who followed followed were shocked.

They can all see with their own eyes that after the super corrosive gas rises, it just wraps them so that they can't see the situation behind them, but it won't cause any corrosion to them.

Just a few simple steps, let them walk outside the altar array.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng and others were already waiting outside the altar array.

Every Captain of the Ranger who walked over, the first time he walked off the altar array, he subconsciously glanced back.

From outside the altar array, they could clearly see the situation in the altar array.

One can imagine.

If they didn't come here because they were afraid, what kind of feelings would they leave to those who used their lives in front of the road.

All thirty people came over soon.

When the same feeling came up in my heart, I was also grateful.

I chose the right one.

Qin Shaofeng watched everyone come over, then turned his back to the last step of the ladder, and said loudly, "Everyone, congratulations on successfully passing this level in your heart."

Everyone was taken aback.

Li Naling also didn't understand what he meant by saying this, she couldn't help becoming weird looking at his gaze.

Is this kid just testing everyone?

Probably not?

"You don't have to doubt anything, I am not qualified, and I have not tested everyone's ideas, but according to my observation, the nine leaves in the nine leaves and one flower are a kind of test."

"Especially the following leaves, it seems that they are all for the ninth leaf."

"I heard from the prisoner before that the ninth leaf is facing the self. If you dare not make a decision to break through, I am afraid that none of you will be able to break through the last leaf."

Qin Shaofeng still had the calm and unreliable attitude.

But every word he said, like a sledgehammer, hit everyone's heart fiercely.

Even Li Naling's eyes widened in shock.

As a person who has lived for more than a thousand years, how could she not carefully observe the nine leaves and one flower, but she hasn't really considered so much.

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