Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3715: Four hundred and nine

"Since everyone knows the situation behind, it is best for everyone to prepare first. After all, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he can always deal with it by conspiracy and sneak attacks. But when dealing with the self, it becomes He will do what you know, it will only be more troublesome." Qin Shaofeng said patiently.

Hearing his solemn remarks, everyone felt worried.

They all lived for so many years.

How can you not understand, what is the so-called id?

Even without Qin Shaofeng's explanation, they were worried in their hearts, and they were only more worried at the moment.

Qin Shaofeng looked at their expressions, smiled, and said, "You don't have to worry about this now. After all, we haven't touched the book. We will wait for the first to know everything."

"Let's go!"

Li Naling nodded and ordered to shout.

Everyone moved one after another, climbing towards the last level of the foliage world.

The ninth leaf.

Here is just a huge platform formed by things like lotus leaves.

The only difference above the platform is a faint white mist, but it will not block everyone's sight.

When Qin Shaofeng saw the situation here, the worry on his face became even stronger.

The original self.

For others, it is a utterly difficult sky.

But there are too many secrets in him.

If it really broke out with all its strength, this group of old guys who had lived for more than a thousand years would definitely be able to see a lot of things.

There will be no less trouble then!

"Although the old man's cultivation level is good, the old man's combat power is the weakest among us. I believe it should be the easiest to break through this book. Let the old man try it first!" Xingtang Hall Master Mo Ya Once again, he took the initiative to walk out.

It is naturally a great thing to have someone go to help find the way.

Qin Shaofeng didn't compete either.

Li Naling nodded lightly before making Mo Ya walk towards the center of the lotus leaf.

One step, two steps...

The tenth step is taken.

Qin Shaofeng clearly saw that the white mist fluctuated and turned into a figure exactly like Mo Ya, and when he turned around, he rushed towards Mo Ya.

Before Mo Ya could react, the white mist had already poured into his body.

In an instant, Mo Ya stood still.

"This book is actually a battle in consciousness?" Ke Jiuxiao suddenly exclaimed.

As a martial artist, he knows many martial arts far more than the three of Li Naling.

Such a conscious battle can best ensure that the secrets of the master of the battle are preserved.

The problem is that such battles are more dangerous.

It's okay to be able to defeat the self, once the stalemate appears for too long, it will be traumatized.

Once defeated, the soul will collapse and die.

This kind of battle can be called a real life and death battle.

"It turned out to be fighting at the level of consciousness?" Li Naling also exclaimed.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know much about fighting in this kind of consciousness.

But it didn't need to be shot in front of everyone, but it made him feel lucky.

When subconsciously looking towards everyone, he can clearly see the fear that appears in everyone's eyes.

The more powerful the cultivation base is, the more intense the worry.

"It seems that this level is far less simple than we thought!"

Qin Shaofeng groaned, and said: "Since everyone knows this level, you can make your own choice whether to break through or not. I will never hold any hatred against someone because of this."

"Furthermore, my companion is still endless prison. Even if I can pass this trip, I still need to take her away. Even if I stay here, I will not ignore you. You can also rest assured."

When he said this, the expressions of thirty-one people flashed.

Li Naling and Di Shan strode forward.

"Thank you, Hall Master Qin."

Ke Jiuxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and turned his head as well, saying: "The Hall Master Qin meant what we meant. It is already difficult for everyone to come here with us. There is no need to really go through a level that you think you can never pass."

Everyone is more silent.

a long time.

A person asked Ke Jiuxiao: "Hall Master Ke, you shouldn't have absolute confidence? Are you going to break through?"

"Who said the old man has no confidence?"

Ke Jiuxiao laughed a few times and said: "The old man is at least 30% confident to win, and 70% sure is not dead."

"Furthermore, although this kind of battle suffered from the same eyes, it is also an opportunity to surpass myself. Naturally, the old man cannot miss it."

Everyone was even more hesitant.

As Ke Jiuxiao said, this level is a crisis of life and death, and it is also a great opportunity.

The benefits that can be brought to them by being able to defeat the self are unimaginable.

"Since the prison master and several hall masters want to make a breakthrough, then I want to try too." Luo Sanwu stepped out.

"I want to try too."

Wang Sheng followed closely and laughed: "It's just that I don't have that much confidence. Even if I can survive, I am afraid I will not be able to help the prison master and the hall masters get a flower. Please be considerate."

"Then I'll go for it."

"My generation of martial arts, why fear a battle?"

"And I!"

Thirty patrol captains, and twenty people rushed out in a hustle and bustle.

These twenty people are full of confidence in themselves.

But what they said is exactly the same.

Even if you can pass this level, I'm afraid there is no way to follow Qin Shaofeng and others to the next level.

Qin Shaofeng naturally understood.

They must have been traumatized at this level, and naturally nodded their promises.

Only ten of them are extremely old, and they have long lost the enthusiasm of previous years. They can ignore the danger.

But under the current state of mind, wanting to break through this book is almost looking for death.

Confirm everyone's opinion.

Qin Shaofeng didn't interfere, turning around and strode towards the center of the lotus leaf.

No need to worry about leaking secrets.

Such a battle of the id is also a great opportunity for him.

Just came to the center of the lotus leaf.

The surrounding fog fluctuated violently again.

Just when he thought that his own battle of the self was about to begin, he saw that after the fog formed a phantom of himself, the fluctuation of the surrounding fog continued.

Another phantom was condensed, and slowly merged into the first phantom.

This sudden change caused Ke Jiuxiao and others who were about to follow him to be taken aback.

"Isn't the fog enough to turn into a self?"

"He only has the cultivation base of the third-order **** star?"

"Unexpectedly... the third way, and it's not over yet?"

"Another one, the fourth one?"

"Why is it not over yet?"

"How many times do you plan to fight him?"

"Why is it not over yet?"

Everyone exclaimed in shock.

They had also felt from their previous contacts that Qin Shaofeng should not be as simple as they thought.

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