Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3718: subconscious


Electric light flint room.

The attack from the id had already reached Qin Shaofeng's head.

But just when the knife was about to be cut off.

He finally moved.

The right hand suddenly raised the sword high.

To Qin Shaofeng, the id is indeed extremely powerful.

But the id is the id after all.

The combat power displayed by the self is all based on Qin Shaofeng himself.

And he just performed the first move of Ghost Three Slash.

This knife looks strong.

In fact, the power is far inferior to Qin Shaofeng who burst out with all his strength.

The memory of Ximen Tongtian was touched.

The Memory Inheritance is like an existence in which Qin Shaofeng wants to fight it, but it is not too difficult.

Although Simon fell through the sky.

This memory allows Qin Shaofeng to become another Ximen Tongtian at this moment.

It's too late to say, then fast.

Before Qin Shaofeng played against each other, he had already integrated martial skills in accordance with the self-fusion method of martial skills.

Although he gave up the battle, he gave it to the memory inheritance left by Ximen Tongtian.

But when the subconscious battle brought by memory inheritance.

The martial arts that can be displayed are still the martial arts that he forcibly glued together, and its power is more powerful than the original self.

At the same time when he suddenly blocked the self with a knife.

His attacks ensued.


I finally feel the pressure.

The most primitive way of fighting has changed abruptly.

The power of the sword increases instantaneously.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have become a spectator.

But when he observed, he truly realized how powerful his combat power could be when he could explode with all his strength.

The sword turned slightly, and the same knife was desperately displayed.

Under the two physical skills of Gui San Zhan and Thunder Thousand Flash, his figure seemed to have gone to the self in a flash.

The id is Qin Shaofeng's id.

Compared with Qin Shaofeng, the combat awareness that can be displayed is only half a catty.

Compared with the fighting consciousness of Simon Tongtian, who had lived for so many years, there was still a gap.

His sudden move immediately made the self a little confused.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng relies on subconsciousness in all fighting methods. When he captures the trail of the self, he also relies on dangerous perception.

This kind of battle finally brought him and the id into a relatively balanced battle.

But this is the battle.

The more sustained, the more worried Qin Shaofeng's heart became.

Ximen Tongtian's fighting consciousness is just a kind of consciousness after all.

The battle of consciousness is unstable after all.

What's more, it is impossible for him to completely rely on this subconscious way of fighting to fight endlessly with the self.

While he was worried, he was shocked to discover that his left hand started to move slowly.

It's not his usual sneak attack with the Seal of the Heavens.

But the volley portrays a strange trajectory.

When that trajectory was formed, Qin Shaofeng's shocking discovery turned into a mark he was very familiar with.

In the ruins, that kind of weird mark.

Is this imprint useful?

When Qin Shaofeng was full of doubts, he saw that every step he took, there would be such a mark on his feet.

It seems that every step he takes is stepping on this mark.

A scene that frightened him even more appeared.

Every time the attack of the id comes, it seems that there will be a momentary pause because of this mark under his feet.

It was this momentary pause that made him under subconscious control hit the self with a single blow.

A trace of white mist escaped from the self.

Cut every knife.

The white mist that escapes will slowly blend into Qin Shaofeng's subconscious.

The subconscious battle continues.

Qin Shaofeng could feel that as the battle continued, his own body was slowly undergoing qualitative changes that he could not even imagine.

Above the nine leaves.

The prisoner Li Naling shuddered suddenly and broke away from the battle of the self.

The absorption of the self.

It made her whole person seem to be younger.

She looked like a woman in her thirties, but at this moment she became like a woman in her twenty-five and sixty years old.

Such a change is a great opportunity for her.

The transformation of the whole person is second.

She is even more able to feel that the bottleneck of her cultivation base over the years has actually loosened a little at this moment.

It seems that as long as a period of retreat, she can attack a higher level of cultivation.

"It's really worthy of the self level, and the benefits of passing this level are really unimaginable." Li Naling's voice was a little excited.

After talking to herself, she remembered to look at the situation of other people.

Turning around, she almost stared her eyes out.

Because the only people who were clearing the customs were Qin Shaofeng, Mo Ya, and Di Shan. Thirty-one people including Ke Jiuxiao were all gone.

Looking around in surprise.

The scene that shocked her even more shocked her again.

She unexpectedly saw Ke Jiuxiao and 31 other people on the stairs leading to the next level. There were quite a few, all sitting on the stairs waiting.

"You...you...you all passed the level?" Li Naling exclaimed.

"Pass... Maybe?"

Ke Jiuxiao burst into tears without tears, and hurriedly explained: "We also want to pass the test, but before we can accept the test, the kid has spurred more than 400 tests, and then... we just came here. ."

The more he said, the stranger the look on his face.

Li Naling followed the direction he was pointing, staring at Qin Shaofeng's eyes almost protruding.

Qin Shaofeng has caused more than 400 trials?

How is this possible?

She didn't want to believe what Ke Jiuxiao said, but she also knew that Ke Jiuxiao couldn't talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

Not to mention.

She has personally accepted the self test and knows the difficulties of the self test.

It might be better for Ke Jiuxiao to have a high level of cultivation.

But if all the 30 Ranger Captains she brought were to participate in the assessment, at least half of them would have died in this test.

Even if the others barely die, they will still suffer heavy losses.

It would never be like this, sitting steadily on the ladder leading to the next level and watching her quietly.


What they said turned out to be true?

Qin Shaofeng has to accept more than 400 self-tests?

Just thinking about it, she felt like she was going to faint.

There was a burst of dizziness in my mind.

She soon discovered again that the aura on Qin Shaofeng's body seemed to start to weaken slowly, as if the soul power had been consumed so much that he began to feel unbearable.

"How could this be?"

The shock in Li Naling's heart instantly turned into a deep worry.

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