Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3719: Three days

In the battle of consciousness.

After an unknown length of battle, the subconscious battle brought about by the memory of Ximen Tongtian finally reached its limit.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to let his subconscious mind fight.

As a last resort, regain control of the body.

He was shocked to discover that when Ximen Tongtian memory inheritance controlled his body to fight, he seemed to have achieved great results.

In the same way, it also made him suffer more serious injuries to his body of consciousness.

At this moment, it was like a torn sack.

Looking at the idol on the opposite side, although he also suffered more severe trauma than him, he was still fierce.

Feeling the gap between the two, Qin Shaofeng was almost about to cry.

But he is also very clear.

It is impossible to fight with Ximen Tongtian's consciousness.

Unless the memory inheritance of Ximen Tongtian is truly absorbed.

The problem is that Ximen Tongtian has lived for too long, has experienced too much, and his cultivation base is stronger than him. I don't know how much.

If you really open up the memory of Ximen Tongtian, completely open and absorb it.

He might become a clone of Ximen Tongtian.

This is absolutely impossible.

"I have been watching the game for so long, I don't believe in what Ximen Tongtian subconsciously can do, I can't do it!" Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth fiercely.

Follow the familiar fighting style.

Semi-subconscious muscle memory, semi-autonomous action.

After a few moves, he finally grasped the essence of this battle.

Especially the weird mark formed by the seal on his left hand seemed to have become part of his fighting subconscious.

With every move, that weird mark will appear under his feet.

Step out.

He felt like he was stepping on the sky and the earth.

Immediately, a knife was swung out.

The way of shooting is already 90% similar to the self.

The integration of martial arts seems to have entered an unimaginable stage.

All you need is the blade.

He felt that all martial arts were being displayed at the same time.

Ghost three cut the main attack.

Thousands of Thunder and Space Sky Map are superimposed.

There seems to be the power of three combos, but he knows too little about the strange passive skills of three combos.

So far, I don't quite understand what the three combos mean in this fighting method.

"Ding! Poof!"

With one sword, the ghost cut, with the weird mark, the two swords were released with one touch, and the blade once again fell on the self.

Another layer of white mist escaped from the self and was absorbed by him.

Bai Mist melted into his body, and he immediately felt that the integration of martial skills seemed closer.

"That's it!"

Qin Shaofeng screamed in surprise.

He has mastered the method of combat, and then completely controls the sovereignty of combat, attacking the self with a single blow.

Ping pong.

The sound of fighting continued.

One after another white mist merged into Qin Shaofeng's consciousness ontology.

Time goes by.

Qin Shaofeng's battle with the self has experienced many tricks.

On the ninth leaf.

Mo Ya and Di Shan have also ended their battle with the id.

Compared with Li Naling’s acquisition, the two of them looked very apathetic. Mo Ya’s combat power was not very good. After the first battle, the trauma of the soul was not light, but because of his lack of combat power, he defeated the self. The addition made him look paler now.

In contrast, the medicine king Dishan, who was more powerful, was hit hard.

Rao was supplemented by overcoming the self, which made him now almost useless.

If it wasn't for others who had benefited from Qin Shaofeng's self challenge, he would continue to stay.

Otherwise, he might be leaving.

"Three days, can Qin Shaofeng still be able to hold it?"

"It seems that the more than four hundred self-assessments are not as simple as we imagined. I am afraid that even if he can carry it over, the situation is much worse than ours."

"That kid is not as fragile as you think."

Li Naling listened to their comments and couldn't help saying: "If we were to fight against the self for so long, I'm afraid we would have died for so many times."

"Furthermore, he is a savior-like existence in the land of shining stars. Although his cultivation is not as good as ours, his combat experience and other aspects are not what we can imagine."

"I'm just worried now. After this battle, he will be in a coma for a long time. In that case, I am afraid that he will really not be able to help in the last battle."

After listening to Li Naling's words, everyone was lost in thought.

Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base is indeed lower than them.

But the problem is that Qin Shaofeng's many insights far exceed them.

Without Qin Shaofeng's leadership, none of their sixth leaves would be able to live by, let alone now.

As long as Qin Shaofeng is not in a coma, even if they need to be carried, they will have such confidence in the last flower.

On the contrary, they have no confidence at all.

Everyone is talking about it, and there is a mixed feeling in their hearts.

Qin Shaofeng's breath finally changed.

Although everyone was thinking about their own thoughts, the more attention was paid to Qin Shaofeng.

Feeling the change in his breath, everyone looked at Qin Shaofeng.

"Shao Feng, how are you? Are you okay?"

Li Naling hurried over.

Before she approached, Qin Shaofeng's body suddenly softened.

Three days of fighting.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't even figure out how he managed to get it over.

With every swing of the sword, the pain caused by it all felt like a walk through the eighteenth hell.

After fighting for three days, he didn't even know how many knives he had cut.

The battle is finally over.

The consciousness returned to the body, and the pain after the heavy injury no longer appeared from the body.

But he felt that the pain from time to time in his soul made him feel like he wanted to faint directly.

It happened that he received more than four hundred white mists condensed from the id supplement, which made him unable to do even if he wanted to coma now.

The violent pain and exhaustion made him unable to support his body at all. As soon as his body became weak, he collapsed directly.


Just as he was about to fall, he felt an elastic body and hugged himself whole.

Someone caught me?

Qin Shaofeng still felt black in front of him.

Reluctantly gathered a lot of attention, and finally saw that the person who caught him turned out to be Li Naling who seemed to be friendly, but in fact, the look in her eyes was always cold.

If it were not for the endless prison, he believed that Li Naling would be grateful if she didn't kill herself, let alone the affinity she had been in contact with.

Therefore, finding that he was hugged by Li Naling almost choked him.

What is this woman going to do?

But don't let her raise up any bad thoughts about me just because of the self!

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